IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Directories | |
directory | algebra |
directory | atom |
directory | bayesianem |
directory | benchmark |
directory | bff |
directory | cgal |
directory | cnmultifit |
directory | container |
directory | core |
directory | display |
directory | domino |
directory | em |
directory | em2d |
directory | example |
directory | foxs |
directory | gsl |
directory | integrative_docking |
directory | isd |
directory | kinematics |
directory | kmeans |
directory | misc |
directory | mpi |
directory | multi_state |
directory | multifit |
directory | npc |
directory | npctransport |
directory | pmi |
directory | rmf |
directory | rotamer |
directory | saxs |
directory | score_functor |
directory | scratch |
directory | spb |
directory | statistics |
directory | symmetry |
directory | test |
Files | |
file | algebra.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.algebra. | |
file | Array.h [code] |
Classes to handle static sized arrays of things. | |
file | Atom.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.atom. | |
file | AttributeOptimizer.h [code] |
Base class for optimizers that act on individual attributes. | |
file | base_macros.h [code] |
Various general useful macros for IMP. | |
file | base_types.h [code] |
Basic types used by IMP. | |
file | bayesianem.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.bayesianem. | |
file | benchmark.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.benchmark. | |
file | bff.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.bff. | |
file | bracket_macros.h [code] |
Macros to handle array indexing. | |
file | cache.h [code] |
Helper classes for various types of caching. | |
file | cgal.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.cgal. | |
file | check_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for throwing and handling exceptions. | |
file | cnmultifit.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.cnmultifit. | |
file | comparison_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for implementing comparisons of IMP objects. | |
file | compiler_macros.h [code] |
Various compiler workarounds. | |
file | Configuration.h [code] |
Store a set of configurations of the model. | |
file | ConfigurationSet.h [code] |
Store a set of configurations of the model. | |
file | constants.h [code] |
Various useful constants. | |
file | Constraint.h [code] |
A base class for constraints. | |
file | ConstVector.h [code] |
Store an array of values of the same type. | |
file | container.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.container. | |
file | container_base.h [code] |
Abstract base class for containers of particles. | |
file | container_macros.h [code] |
Macros to define containers of objects. | |
file | core.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.core. | |
file | CreateLogContext.h [code] |
Logging and error reporting support. | |
file | Decorator.h [code] |
The base class for decorators. | |
file | decorator_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for implementing Decorators. | |
file | dependency_graph.h [code] |
Build dependency graphs on models. | |
file | deprecation.h [code] |
Control display of deprecation information. | |
file | deprecation_macros.h [code] |
Control display of deprecation information. | |
file | DerivativeAccumulator.h [code] |
Class for adding derivatives from restraints to the model. | |
file | display.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.display. | |
file | domino.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.domino. | |
file | doxygen_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for writing doxygen documentation. | |
file | em.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.em. | |
file | em2d.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.em2d. | |
file | enums.h [code] |
Basic enumeration types used by IMP. | |
file | example.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.example. | |
file | exception.h [code] |
Exception definitions and assertions. | |
file | file.h [code] |
Handling of file input/output. | |
file | Flag.h [code] |
Utility classes to add command line flags. | |
file | flags.h [code] |
Support for shared command line flags. | |
file | FloatIndex.h [code] |
A FloatIndex identifies an optimized attribute in a model. | |
file | foxs.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.foxs. | |
file | functor.h [code] |
Helper functionality for functors. | |
file | generic.h [code] |
Compile-time generic restraint and constraint support. | |
file | graph_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for handling graphs. | |
file | gsl.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.gsl. | |
file | hash.h [code] |
Helper functions for implementing hashes. | |
file | hash_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for implementing hashable classes. | |
file | Index.h [code] |
Utility types to refer to various types of indices. | |
file | input_output.h [code] |
Utility functions to track input/output particles of model objects. | |
file | InputAdaptor.h [code] |
Convenience class to accept multiple input types. | |
file | integrative_docking.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.integrative_docking. | |
file | io.h [code] |
Write/read the state of the particles to/from a buffer in memory. | |
file | isd.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.isd. | |
file | kernel_config.h [code] |
file | Key.h [code] |
Keys to cache lookup of attribute strings. | |
file | kinematics.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.kinematics. | |
file | KMeans.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.kmeans. | |
file | live_objects.h [code] |
A shared base class to help in debugging and things. | |
file | log.h [code] |
Logging and error reporting support. | |
file | log_macros.h [code] |
Logging and error reporting support. | |
file | macros.h [code] |
Various general useful macros for IMP. | |
file | math.h [code] |
Helper functions to check for NaN or infinity. | |
file | misc.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.misc. | |
file | Model.h [code] |
Storage of a model, its restraints, constraints and particles. | |
file | model_object_helpers.h [code] |
Classes used in the construction of ModelObjects. | |
file | ModelObject.h [code] |
Base class for objects in a Model that depend on other objects. | |
file | mpi.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.mpi. | |
file | multi_state.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.multi_state. | |
file | multifit.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.multifit. | |
file | NonCopyable.h [code] |
Base class for all objects that cannot be copied. | |
file | npc.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.npc. | |
file | npctransport.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.npctransport. | |
file | Object.h [code] |
A shared base class to help in debugging and things. | |
file | object_cast.h [code] |
Up (or down) cast an IMP Object-derived class. | |
file | object_macros.h [code] |
Helper macros for implementing IMP Objects. | |
file | Optimizer.h [code] |
Base class for all optimizers. | |
file | OptimizerState.h [code] |
Shared optimizer state. | |
file | pair_macros.h [code] |
Macros for various classes. | |
file | PairContainer.h [code] |
A container for Pairs. | |
file | PairDerivativeModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticlePairsTemp. | |
file | PairModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticlePairsTemp. | |
file | PairPredicate.h [code] |
Define PairPredicate. | |
file | PairScore.h [code] |
Define PairScore. | |
file | Particle.h [code] |
Classes to handle individual model particles. (Note that implementation of inline functions is in internal) | |
file | particle_index.h [code] |
Functions and adaptors for dealing with particle indexes. | |
file | pmi.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.pmi. | |
file | Pointer.h [code] |
A nullptr-initialized pointer to an IMP Object. | |
file | python_only.h [code] |
Helper functions for Python. | |
file | quad_macros.h [code] |
Macros for various classes. | |
file | QuadContainer.h [code] |
A container for Quads. | |
file | QuadDerivativeModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticleQuadsTemp. | |
file | QuadModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticleQuadsTemp. | |
file | QuadPredicate.h [code] |
Define QuadPredicate. | |
file | QuadScore.h [code] |
Define QuadScore. | |
file | RAII.h [code] |
Basic types used by IMP. | |
file | raii_macros.h [code] |
Macros to aid in writing RAII-style classes. | |
file | random.h [code] |
Random number generators used by IMP. | |
file | random_utils.h [code] |
Random number utility functions used by IMP. | |
file | ref_counted_macros.h [code] |
Macros to help with reference counting. | |
file | Refiner.h [code] |
Refine a particle into a list of particles. | |
file | Restraint.h [code] |
Abstract base class for all restraints. | |
file | RestraintInfo.h [code] |
Report key:value information on restraints. | |
file | RestraintSet.h [code] |
Used to hold a set of related restraints. | |
file | rmf.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.rmf. | |
file | rotamer.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.rotamer. | |
file | Sampler.h [code] |
Base class for all samplers. | |
file | saxs.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.saxs. | |
file | scoped.h [code] |
Temporarily set particle attributes. | |
file | score_functor.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.score_functor. | |
file | ScoreAccumulator.h [code] |
Class for adding scores from restraints to the model. | |
file | ScoreState.h [code] |
Shared score state. | |
file | ScoringFunction.h [code] |
Represents a scoring function on the model. | |
file | scratch.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.scratch. | |
file | set_map_macros.h [code] |
Macros to choose the best set or map for different purposes. | |
file | SetCheckState.h [code] |
Checking and error reporting support. | |
file | SetLogState.h [code] |
A class to change and restore log state. | |
file | Showable.h [code] |
Helper class to aid in output of IMP classes to streams. | |
file | showable_macros.h [code] |
Macros to help with objects that can be printed to a stream. | |
file | singleton_macros.h [code] |
Macros for various classes. | |
file | SingletonContainer.h [code] |
A container for Singletons. | |
file | SingletonDerivativeModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticlesTemp. | |
file | SingletonModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticlesTemp. | |
file | SingletonPredicate.h [code] |
Define SingletonPredicate. | |
file | SingletonScore.h [code] |
Define SingletonScore. | |
file | spb.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.spb. | |
file | Statistics.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.statistics. | |
file | swap_macros.h [code] |
Macros to help with swapping two objects. | |
file | swig_macros.h [code] |
Macros to hide code from SWIG. | |
file | symmetry.h [code] |
Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.symmetry. | |
file | thread_macros.h [code] |
Control for OpenMP. | |
file | threads.h [code] |
Control for using multiple threads in IMP. | |
file | triplet_macros.h [code] |
Macros for various classes. | |
file | TripletContainer.h [code] |
A container for Triplets. | |
file | TripletDerivativeModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticleTripletsTemp. | |
file | TripletModifier.h [code] |
A Modifier on ParticleTripletsTemp. | |
file | TripletPredicate.h [code] |
Define TripletPredicate. | |
file | TripletScore.h [code] |
Define TripletScore. | |
file | tuple_macros.h [code] |
Macros to help in defining tuple classes. | |
file | types.h [code] |
Basic types used by IMP. | |
file | UnaryFunction.h [code] |
Single variable function. | |
file | Undecorator.h [code] |
The base class for undecorators. | |
file | utility.h [code] |
Various general useful functions for IMP. | |
file | utility_macros.h [code] |
Various general useful macros for IMP. | |
file | Value.h [code] |
Base class for a simple primitive-like type. | |
file | value_macros.h [code] |
Macros to help in implementing Value objects. | |
file | Vector.h [code] |
A class for storing lists of IMP items. | |
file | VersionInfo.h [code] |
Version and authorship of IMP objects. | |
file | warning_macros.h [code] |
Macros to control compiler warnings. | |
file | WarningContext.h [code] |
Logging and error reporting support. | |
file | WeakPointer.h [code] |
A weak pointer to an Object or RefCountedObject. | |