IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Files | |
file | AttributeDistancePairScore.h [code] |
A score based on the unmodified value of an attribute. | |
file | BoxedMover.h [code] |
A mover that keeps a particle in a box. | |
file | CellMover.h [code] |
A mover that transform a rigid body. | |
file | spb/ChiSquareMetric.h [code] |
Contact Map Metric. | |
file | ContactMapMetric.h [code] |
Contact Map Metric. | |
file | DiameterRgyrRestraint.h [code] |
Diameter Restraint. | |
file | DistanceRMSDMetric.h [code] |
Distance RMSD Metric. | |
file | DistanceTerminiRestraint.h [code] |
A distance restraint between protein termini. | |
file | spb/Em2DRestraint.h [code] |
A restraint for using EM2D cross-corr in a Bayesian way. | |
file | spb/Gaussian.h [code] |
Gaussian function. | |
file | HelixDecorator.h [code] |
Add helix parameters to a particle. | |
file | spb/ISDRestraint.h [code] |
A lognormal restraint that uses the ISPA model to model NOE-derived distance fit. | |
file | KinkPairScore.h [code] |
A Score on the crossing angle between two rigid bodies. | |
file | MolecularDynamicsWithWte.h [code] |
Simple molecular dynamics optimizer. | |
file | MonteCarloWithWte.h [code] |
An exotic version of MonteCarlo. | |
file | NuisanceRangeModifier.h [code] |
Ensure that a Nuisance stays within its set range. | |
file | PbcBoxedMover.h [code] |
A mover that keeps a particle in a box. | |
file | PbcBoxedRigidBodyMover.h [code] |
A mover that transform a rigid body. | |
file | pt_stuff.h [code] |
Useful stuff for parallel tempering. | |
file | RigidBodyNewMover.h [code] |
A mover that transform a rigid body. | |
file | RigidBodyPackingScore.h [code] |
A Score on the crossing angle between two rigid bodies. | |
file | RMSDMetric.h [code] |
Distance RMSD Metric. | |
file | SameParticlePairFilter.h [code] |
A Score on the distance between a pair of particles. | |
file | SameRigidBodyPairFilter.h [code] |
A Score on the distance between a pair of particles. | |
file | spb_assemble_restraints.h [code] |
Assemble SPB restraints. | |
file | spb_config.h [code] |
file | spb_ISD_particles.h [code] |
SPB ISD particles. | |
file | spb_main.h [code] |
SPB MonteCarlo. | |
file | spb_parser.h [code] |
SPB Parser. | |
file | spb_representation.h [code] |
SPB Representation. | |
file | spb_restraint.h [code] |
SPB Restraints. | |
file | spb_sampler.h [code] |
SPB Sampler. | |
file | TiltSingletonScore.h [code] |
A Score on the distance to a fixed point. | |
file | TransformationSymmetry.h [code] |
Implement various types of symmetry. | |
file | TwoStateGoModelRestraint.h [code] |
Two-state Go-Model Restraint. | |
file | UniformBoundedRestraint.h [code] |
A uniform bounded restraint. | |