IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Restraints using electron microscopy 2D images (class averages). More...
Restraints using electron microscopy 2D images (class averages).
The main functionalities are:
The restraints vary based on how accurately the fit to the class averages is computed, which is usually related to the evaluation speed. Pick more accurate Restraints for higher resolution images and models. Below is the Restraints list sorted from the fastest and most simple to the slowest and most accurate.
The module goes together with the EMageFit application, that uses the EM2DRestraint for modeling of macromolecular assemblies using class averages. The algorithm is described in the PNAS paper below.
As a side note, the class Image has a header that is specific for EM images, but if you don't care for that information, you can use the class to deal with any sort of image, not only EM.
The module works with OpenCV 2.1 or above.
Author(s): Javier Velázquez-Muriel, Daniel Russel, Dina Schneidman
Maintainer: benmwebb
License: GPL This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Classes | |
class | AverageDistanceLinkage |
Functor for hierarchical clustering based on average-linkage. More... | |
class | ChiSquaredScore |
Score based on Chi^2 = ((pixels_image - pixels_projection)/stddev_image)^2. More... | |
class | ClusterSet |
A class to store the clusters generated during hierarchical clustering. More... | |
class | CollisionCrossSection |
Determine the collision cross section for some projections of particles. More... | |
class | CompleteLinkage |
Functor for hierarchical clustering based on complete linkage. More... | |
class | DistanceFilter |
SubsetFilter for checking overlap between projections and images. More... | |
class | DistanceFilterTable |
class | DummyRestraint |
Dummy restraint between two particles. More... | |
class | Em2DRestraint |
class | Em2DRestraintParameters |
Parameters used by Em2DRestraint and ProjectionFinder. More... | |
class | EM2DScore |
class | GridStates |
class | HasHigherCCC |
Comparison by value of the ccc. More... | |
class | HasLowerScore |
Compare two classes that return a score. More... | |
class | Image |
2D Electron Microscopy images in IMP More... | |
class | ImageReaderWriter |
Virtual class for reader/writers of images. More... | |
class | IntsOrder |
class | JPGImageReaderWriter |
Class to read and write EM images in JPG format. More... | |
class | LessPairBySecond |
Comparison of pairs by checking the second element. More... | |
class | MasksManager |
Management of projection masks. More... | |
class | MatchTemplateResult |
class | MeanAbsoluteDifference |
Score based on the mean of the absolute difference. More... | |
class | ParticlesDummyRestraint |
Dummy restraint for a set of particles. Same use as DummyRestraint. More... | |
class | PCAFitRestraint |
Fast scoring of Particles against electron microscopy class averages. More... | |
class | PolarResamplingParameters |
class | ProjectingOptions |
Parameters given as options to the get_projections() functions. More... | |
class | ProjectingParameters |
Parameters needed for the core projection routine. More... | |
class | ProjectionFinder |
Class to perform registration of model projections to images. More... | |
class | ProjectionMask |
class | ProjectionParameters |
class | ProjectionParametersScoreState |
class | ProjectionStates |
class | RegistrationResult |
Class to manage registration results. More... | |
class | RelativePositionMover |
class | RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint |
Fit rigid bodies to an image. More... | |
class | ScoreFunction |
Base class for all scoring functions related to em2d. More... | |
class | SegmentationParameters |
Class to provide all the parameters to the segmentation function. More... | |
class | SingleLinkage |
Functor for hierarchical clustering based on single linkage. More... | |
class | SpiderImageReaderWriter |
class | TIFFImageReaderWriter |
Management of reading/writing TIFF images. More... | |
Functions | |
void | add_noise (cv::Mat &v, double op1, double op2, const String &mode="uniform", double df=3) |
Add noise to the values of a matrix. More... | |
void | add_noise (Image *im1, double op1, double op2, const String &mode="uniform", double df=3) |
void | apply_circular_mask (const cv::Mat &mat, cv::Mat &result, int radius, double value=0.0) |
void | apply_diffusion_filter (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, double beta, double pixelsize, unsigned int time_steps) |
void | apply_diffusion_filter (Image *input, Image *filtered, double beta, double pixelsize, int time_steps) |
void | apply_mask (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, const cvIntMat &mask, double val) |
Applies a binary mask to an image. More... | |
void | apply_mean_outside_mask (Image *img, double radius) |
void | apply_threshold (cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, double threshold=0.0) |
void | apply_variance_filter (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &filtered, int kernelsize) |
void | apply_variance_filter (Image *input, Image *filtered, int kernelsize) |
cvIntMat | create_circular_mask (int rows, int cols, int radius) |
Images | create_evenly_distributed_projections (const ParticlesTemp &ps, unsigned int n, const ProjectingOptions &options) |
void | crop (Image *img, const IntPair ¢er, int size) |
cv::Mat | crop (const cv::Mat &m, const IntPair ¢er, int size) |
void | do_combined_fill_holes_and_threshold (cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, double n_stddevs, double threshold=0.0) |
Combines the fill holes and thresholding operations together with normalize. More... | |
void | do_combined_fill_holes_and_threshold (Image *input, Image *result, double n_stddevs) |
void | do_dilate_and_shrink_warp (cv::Mat &m, const cv::Mat &grayscale, cv::Mat &kernel) |
(U. Adiga, 2005) More... | |
void | do_extend_borders (Image *im1, Image *im2, unsigned int pix) |
void | do_extend_borders (cv::Mat &orig, cv::Mat &dst, unsigned int pix) |
void | do_fill_holes (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, double h) |
Fills the holes in the matrix m of height h. More... | |
void | do_fill_holes (Image *input, Image *result, double n_stddevs) |
template<class LinkageFunction > | |
ClusterSet | do_hierarchical_agglomerative_clustering (const FloatsList &distances) |
Function to perform agglomerative clustering. More... | |
void | do_histogram_stretching (cv::Mat &m, int boxes, int offset) |
int | do_labeling (const cvIntMat &m, cvIntMat &mat_to_label) |
Labeling function for a matrix. More... | |
void | do_matrix_to_image_flip (cv::Mat &m) |
void | do_morphologic_contrast_enhancement (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, const cv::Mat &kernel, unsigned int iterations) |
void | do_morphologic_reconstruction (const cv::Mat &mask, cv::Mat &marker, int neighbors_mode=4) |
morphologic grayscale reconstruction (L Vincent, 1993) More... | |
void | do_normalize (Image *im, bool force=false) |
void | do_normalize (cv::Mat &m) |
Normalize a openCV matrix to mean 0 and stddev 1. It is done in place. More... | |
void | do_place (cv::Mat &mask, cv::Mat &m, const algebra::Vector2D &v) |
void | do_project_particles (const ParticlesTemp &ps, cv::Mat &m2, const algebra::Rotation3D &R, const algebra::Vector3D &translation, const ProjectingOptions &options, MasksManagerPtr masks) |
Projects a set of particles. This is the core function that others call. More... | |
algebra::Vector2Ds | do_project_vectors (const algebra::Vector3Ds &ps, const algebra::Rotation3D &R, const algebra::Vector3D &translation) |
Project the points contained in Vector3Ds to gen vectors in 2D. More... | |
algebra::Vector2Ds | do_project_vectors (const algebra::Vector3Ds &ps, const algebra::Rotation3D &R, const algebra::Vector3D &translation, const algebra::Vector3D ¢er) |
Project the points contained in Vector3Ds. More... | |
void | do_remove_small_objects (cvIntMat &m, double percentage, int background=0, int foreground=1) |
Removes small objects from a matrix of integers. More... | |
void | do_remove_small_objects (Image *input, double percentage, int background=0, int foreground=1) |
void | do_resample_polar (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &resampled, const PolarResamplingParameters &polar_params) |
Resamples a matrix to polar coordinates. More... | |
void | do_resample_polar (Image *im1, Image *im2, const PolarResamplingParameters &polar_params) |
void | do_segmentation (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, const SegmentationParameters ¶ms) |
Segmentation of images. More... | |
void | do_segmentation (Image *input, Image *result, const SegmentationParameters ¶ms) |
void | do_subtract_images (Image *first, Image *second, Image *result) |
void | get_autocorrelation2d (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &corr) |
Computes the autocorrelation matrix. More... | |
void | get_autocorrelation2d (Image *im1, Image *im2) |
void | get_autocorrelation2d_no_preprocessing (const cv::Mat &M, cv::Mat &corr) |
Autocorrelation without preprocessing. More... | |
double | get_average_rotation_error (const RegistrationResults &correct_RRs, const RegistrationResults &computed_RRs) |
double | get_average_shift_error (const RegistrationResults &correct_RRs, const RegistrationResults &computed_RRs) |
MatchTemplateResults | get_best_template_matches (const cv::Mat &m, const cv::Mat &templ, unsigned int n) |
ResultAlign2D | get_complete_alignment (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &m_to_align, bool apply=false) |
em2d::ResultAlign2D | get_complete_alignment_no_preprocessing (const cv::Mat &input, const cv::Mat &INPUT, const cv::Mat &POLAR1, cv::Mat &m_to_align, const cv::Mat &POLAR2, bool apply=false) |
ResultAlign2D | get_complete_alignment_with_centers_no_preprocessing (const algebra::Vector2D ¢er1, const algebra::Vector2D ¢er2, const cv::Mat &AUTOC_POLAR1, const cv::Mat &AUTOC_POLAR2) |
void | get_correlation2d (const cv::Mat &A, const cv::Mat &B, cv::Mat &corr) |
Correlation matrix between two 2D matrices using FFT. More... | |
void | get_correlation2d (Image *im1, Image *im2, Image *corr) |
void | get_correlation2d_no_preprocessing (const cv::Mat &M1, const cv::Mat &M2, cv::Mat &corr) |
Correlation without preprocessing. More... | |
double | get_cross_correlation_coefficient (const cv::Mat &m1, const cv::Mat &m2) |
Computes the cross-correlation coefficient between to matrices. More... | |
double | get_cross_correlation_coefficient (Image *im1, Image *im2) |
Cross correlation between two images. More... | |
void | get_diffusion_filtering_partial_derivative (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &der, double dx, double dy, double ang) |
void | get_domes (cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, double h) |
Gets the domes of m with height h. More... | |
unsigned int | get_enclosing_image_size (const ParticlesTemp &ps, double pixel_size, unsigned int slack) |
Get an automatic size for an image that contains the particles. More... | |
RegistrationResults | get_evenly_distributed_registration_results (unsigned int n_projections) |
void | get_fft_using_optimal_size (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &M) |
double | get_global_score (const RegistrationResults &RRs) |
Floats | get_histogram (const cv::Mat &m, int bins) |
Computes the histogram of a matrix. More... | |
Floats | get_histogram (Image *img, int bins) |
double | get_mean (const cv::Mat &mat, const cvIntMat &mask) |
void | get_morphologic_gradient (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &result, const cv::Mat &kernel) |
double | get_overlap_percentage (cv::Mat &m1, cv::Mat &m2, const IntPair ¢er) |
void | get_projection (em2d::Image *img, const ParticlesTemp &ps, const RegistrationResult ®, const ProjectingOptions &options, MasksManagerPtr masks=MasksManagerPtr(), String name="") |
Generates a projection from particles. More... | |
em2d::Images | get_projections (const ParticlesTemp &ps, const algebra::SphericalVector3Ds &vs, int rows, int cols, const ProjectingOptions &options, Strings names=Strings()) |
Generates projections from particles. More... | |
em2d::Images | get_projections (const ParticlesTemp &ps, const RegistrationResults ®istration_values, int rows, int cols, const ProjectingOptions &options, Strings names=Strings()) |
Generates projections from particles. More... | |
RegistrationResults | get_random_registration_results (unsigned int n, double maximum_shift=5.0) |
Provides a set of random registration results (or parameters) More... | |
double | get_rotation_error (const RegistrationResult &rr1, const RegistrationResult &rr2) |
em2d::ResultAlign2D | get_rotational_alignment (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &m_to_align, bool apply=false) |
ResultAlign2D | get_rotational_alignment_no_preprocessing (const cv::Mat &POLAR1, const cv::Mat &POLAR2) |
double | get_shift_error (const RegistrationResult &rr1, const RegistrationResult &rr2) |
Distance between the two in-plane translations. More... | |
void | get_spectrum (const cv::Mat &m, cv::Mat &real, cv::Mat &imag) |
Computes the fft of a matrix and returns the real and imaginary matrices. More... | |
void | get_transformed (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &transformed, const algebra::Transformation2D &T) |
ResultAlign2D | get_translational_alignment (const cv::Mat &input, cv::Mat &m_to_align, bool apply=false) |
Aligns two matrices translationally. More... | |
ResultAlign2D | get_translational_alignment_no_preprocessing (const cv::Mat &M1, const cv::Mat &M2) |
Ints | get_unique_index (const algebra::Rotation3D &rot) |
Map a rotation to a list of 4 "unique" integers. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | print_vector (const std::vector< T > &v) |
Images | read_images (const Strings &names, const ImageReaderWriter *rw) |
RegistrationResults | read_registration_results (const String &filename) |
Reads a set of registration results. More... | |
void | save_images (Images images, const Strings &names, const ImageReaderWriter *rw) |
void | show (const cv::Mat &m, std::ostream &out=std::cout) |
Prints a OpenCV matrix. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | show (const cv::Mat_< T > &m, std::ostream &out=std::cout) |
Show a Mat_. More... | |
void | write_matrix (cv::Mat &m, std::string name) |
Quick and dirty way of writing a OpenCV matrix to a Spider image. More... | |
void | write_registration_results (String filename, const RegistrationResults &results) |
Writes a set of registration results. More... | |
void | write_vectors_as_pdb (const algebra::Vector2Ds vs, const String filename) |
void | write_vectors_as_pdb (const algebra::Vector3Ds vs, const String filename) |
Variables | |
const unsigned int | ALIGN2D_NO_PREPROCESSING = 0 |
Methods for registration used by the finder. More... | |
const unsigned int | ALIGN2D_PREPROCESSING = 1 |
const unsigned int | ALIGN2D_WITH_CENTERS = 2 |
Standard module functions | |
All | |
std::string | get_module_version () |
Return the version of this module, as a string. More... | |
std::string | get_module_name () |
std::string | get_data_path (std::string file_name) |
Return the full path to one of this module's data files. More... | |
std::string | get_example_path (std::string file_name) |
Return the full path to one of this module's example files. More... | |
Pass or store a set of AverageDistanceLinkage .
Definition at line 193 of file hierarchical_clustering.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 91 of file scores2D.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 91 of file scores2D.h.
typedef IMP::Vector< ClusterSet > IMP::em2d::ClusterSets |
Pass or store a set of ClusterSet .
Definition at line 119 of file hierarchical_clustering.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 73 of file CollisionCrossSection.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< CollisionCrossSection > > IMP::em2d::CollisionCrossSectionsTemp |
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 73 of file CollisionCrossSection.h.
Pass or store a set of CompleteLinkage .
Definition at line 171 of file hierarchical_clustering.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< DistanceFilter > > IMP::em2d::DistanceFilters |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 63 of file domino_filters.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 63 of file domino_filters.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 51 of file domino_filter_tables.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 51 of file domino_filter_tables.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< DummyRestraint > > IMP::em2d::DummyRestraints |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 62 of file DummyRestraint.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 62 of file DummyRestraint.h.
Pass or store a set of Em2DRestraintParameters .
Definition at line 83 of file ProjectionFinder.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< Em2DRestraint > > IMP::em2d::Em2DRestraints |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 141 of file em2d/Em2DRestraint.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 141 of file em2d/Em2DRestraint.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< EM2DScore > > IMP::em2d::EM2DScores |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 105 of file scores2D.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< EM2DScore > > IMP::em2d::EM2DScoresTemp |
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 105 of file scores2D.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< GridStates > > IMP::em2d::GridStatesList |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 67 of file domino_particle_states.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 67 of file domino_particle_states.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< Image > > IMP::em2d::Images |
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< Image > > IMP::em2d::ImagesTemp |
typedef IMP::Vector< MasksManager > IMP::em2d::MasksManagers |
Pass or store a set of MasksManager .
Definition at line 221 of file ProjectionMask.h.
Pass or store a set of MatchTemplateResult .
Definition at line 102 of file image_processing.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 115 of file scores2D.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< MeanAbsoluteDifference > > IMP::em2d::MeanAbsoluteDifferencesTemp |
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 115 of file scores2D.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 91 of file DummyRestraint.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< ParticlesDummyRestraint > > IMP::em2d::ParticlesDummyRestraintsTemp |
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 91 of file DummyRestraint.h.
Pass or store a set of PolarResamplingParameters .
Definition at line 197 of file PolarResamplingParameters.h.
Pass or store a set of ProjectingOptions .
Pass or store a set of ProjectingParameters .
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 222 of file ProjectionFinder.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 222 of file ProjectionFinder.h.
typedef IMP::Vector< ProjectionMask > IMP::em2d::ProjectionMasks |
Pass or store a set of ProjectionMask .
Definition at line 75 of file ProjectionMask.h.
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 108 of file domino_particle_states.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 108 of file domino_particle_states.h.
Pass or store a set of RegistrationResult .
Definition at line 164 of file RegistrationResult.h.
typedef std::pair<algebra::Transformation2D, double> IMP::em2d::ResultAlign2D |
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint > > IMP::em2d::RigidBodiesImageFitRestraints |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 87 of file RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::WeakPointer< RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint > > IMP::em2d::RigidBodiesImageFitRestraintsTemp |
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 87 of file RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint.h.
typedef IMP::Vector<IMP::Pointer< ScoreFunction > > IMP::em2d::ScoreFunctions |
A vector of reference-counting object pointers.
Definition at line 79 of file scores2D.h.
A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.
Definition at line 79 of file scores2D.h.
Pass or store a set of SegmentationParameters .
Definition at line 78 of file image_processing.h.
typedef IMP::Vector< SingleLinkage > IMP::em2d::SingleLinkages |
Pass or store a set of SingleLinkage .
Definition at line 148 of file hierarchical_clustering.h.
typedef std::vector<algebra::Transformation3Ds> IMP::em2d::Transformation3DsList |
Class for the movement of rigid bodies respect to each other. The class is initiated with the rigid body that is going to move (let's call it A). Afterwards, one of more rigid bodies can be added as references. Each reference rigid body needs to specify the set of the internal (relative) transformations that A can have respect to it.
Definition at line 27 of file RelativePositionMover.h.
void IMP::em2d::add_noise | ( | cv::Mat & | v, |
double | op1, | ||
double | op2, | ||
const String & | mode = "uniform" , |
double | df = 3 |
) |
Add noise to the values of a matrix.
Supported distributions:
void IMP::em2d::apply_circular_mask | ( | const cv::Mat & | mat, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
int | radius, | ||
double | value = 0.0 |
) |
Applies a circular to a matrix. The center of the mask is the center of the matrix.
void IMP::em2d::apply_diffusion_filter | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
double | beta, | ||
double | pixelsize, | ||
unsigned int | time_steps | ||
) |
Smoothing filter by application of the reaction-diffusion equation of Beltrami flow. Adiga, JSB, 2005
is the contribution of diffusion versus edge enhancement: 0 - pure reaction, 90 - pure diffusion
void IMP::em2d::apply_diffusion_filter | ( | Image * | input, |
Image * | filtered, | ||
double | beta, | ||
double | pixelsize, | ||
int | time_steps | ||
) |
Apply the diffusion filter
input | Input image |
filtered | The image containing the result |
beta | The beta parameter of the diffusion filter |
pixelsize | The pixel size of the image |
time_steps | The number of time steps used for the diffusion |
Definition at line 279 of file Image.h.
void IMP::em2d::apply_mask | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
const cvIntMat & | mask, | ||
double | val | ||
) |
Applies a binary mask to an image.
[in] | m | Input matrix |
[in] | result | matrix with the result |
[in] | mask | If the mask is 0, the result has the value of val. Otherwise is the value of m. |
[in] | val | value to apply when the mask is 0 |
void IMP::em2d::apply_mean_outside_mask | ( | Image * | img, |
double | radius | ||
) |
Fills the values that are outside a circle centered at the center of the image with the mean of the values inside the circle the matrix center
[in] | img | Image. It is modified in situ |
[in] | radius | of the circle |
void IMP::em2d::apply_threshold | ( | cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
double | threshold = 0.0 |
) |
Applies a threshold to an image threshold
is a value such that all pixels below this value are set to zero
void IMP::em2d::apply_variance_filter | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | filtered, | ||
int | kernelsize | ||
) |
Variance filter for an image. Computes the variance for each pixel using the surrounding ones.
[in] | input | image with the data |
[out] | filtered | matrix result of the filtering with the variances |
[in] | kernelsize | The variance is computed using kernelsize x kernelsize pixels around each one. Kernelsize can only be odd. |
void IMP::em2d::apply_variance_filter | ( | Image * | input, |
Image * | filtered, | ||
int | kernelsize | ||
) |
cvIntMat IMP::em2d::create_circular_mask | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols, | ||
int | radius | ||
) |
Creates a circular matrix that is a mask
[in] | rows | |
[in] | cols | |
[in] | radius | The radius of the mask. The center of the mask is the center of the matrix |
Images IMP::em2d::create_evenly_distributed_projections | ( | const ParticlesTemp & | ps, |
unsigned int | n, | ||
const ProjectingOptions & | options | ||
) |
This function is slightly different than the other ones. Only generates evenly distributed projections and determines the size of the images that encloses the particles. Should not be used unless this is exactly what you want.
void IMP::em2d::crop | ( | Image * | img, |
const IntPair & | center, | ||
int | size | ||
) |
Crops an image.
[in] | img | Image to crop. It is modified in place |
[in] | center | The pixel used as the center for cropping |
[in] | size | The size of the new image |
cv::Mat IMP::em2d::crop | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
const IntPair & | center, | ||
int | size | ||
) |
Crop an image
[in] | m | Matrix to crop |
[in] | center | The pixel used as the center for cropping |
[in] | size | The size of the new image |
void IMP::em2d::do_combined_fill_holes_and_threshold | ( | cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
double | n_stddevs, | ||
double | threshold = 0.0 |
) |
Combines the fill holes and thresholding operations together with normalize.
[in] | m | Input matrix |
[out] | result | the result matrix |
[in] | n_stddevs | Number of standard deviations used to compute the holes |
[in] | threshold | Removes values below the threshold value |
void IMP::em2d::do_dilate_and_shrink_warp | ( | cv::Mat & | m, |
const cv::Mat & | grayscale, | ||
cv::Mat & | kernel | ||
) |
(U. Adiga, 2005)
[in] | m | binary matrix to dilate and shrink |
[in] | grayscale | grayscale matrix that controls the shrinking |
[in] | kernel | dilation kernel |
void IMP::em2d::do_extend_borders | ( | cv::Mat & | orig, |
cv::Mat & | dst, | ||
unsigned int | pix | ||
) |
Extends the borders of an image
[in] | orig | The image to extend |
[in] | dst | The image destination |
[in] | pix | number of pixels to extend the borders |
void IMP::em2d::do_fill_holes | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
double | h | ||
) |
Fills the holes in the matrix m of height h.
[in] | m | the input matrix |
[in] | result | the result matrix |
[in] | h | the height |
ClusterSet IMP::em2d::do_hierarchical_agglomerative_clustering | ( | const FloatsList & | distances | ) |
Function to perform agglomerative clustering.
[in] | distances | Vector of Floats containing all the possible distances(i,j) between elements to cluster. Given N elements to cluster, there are N vectors of size N |
Definition at line 203 of file hierarchical_clustering.h.
int IMP::em2d::do_labeling | ( | const cvIntMat & | m, |
cvIntMat & | mat_to_label | ||
) |
Labeling function for a matrix.
[in] | m | binary matrix to scan. The matrix needs to contain zeros and ones but they can be stored as doubles, floats or ints |
[out] | mat_to_label | matrix it is returned as a matrix of ints |
void IMP::em2d::do_matrix_to_image_flip | ( | cv::Mat & | m | ) |
Transforms a matrix as is given by FFT functions, into a image interpretation. Works the opposite way too.
m | The matrix to flip. The it is changed in situ |
void IMP::em2d::do_morphologic_contrast_enhancement | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
const cv::Mat & | kernel, | ||
unsigned int | iterations | ||
) |
morphologic enhancement of the contrast This function detects areas in the images and enhances the contrast between them
[in] | m | Input matrix |
[out] | result | |
[in] | kernel | morphologic kernel to use |
[in] | iterations | Higher number, more contrast |
void IMP::em2d::do_morphologic_reconstruction | ( | const cv::Mat & | mask, |
cv::Mat & | marker, | ||
int | neighbors_mode = 4 |
) |
morphologic grayscale reconstruction (L Vincent, 1993)
[in] | mask | image to reconstruct |
[out] | marker | this image contains the initial marker points and will contain the final result |
[in] | neighbors_mode | number of neighbors for a pixel to consider when doing the morphologic reconstruction (values: 4, 8). |
void IMP::em2d::do_normalize | ( | Image * | im, |
bool | force = false |
) |
Normalize an image subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation
im | Image |
force | If true, the image is normalized even if the header says that it is already normalized |
void IMP::em2d::do_normalize | ( | cv::Mat & | m | ) |
Normalize a openCV matrix to mean 0 and stddev 1. It is done in place.
void IMP::em2d::do_place | ( | cv::Mat & | mask, |
cv::Mat & | m, | ||
const algebra::Vector2D & | v | ||
) |
[in] | mask | matrix to place in m |
[in] | m | matrix |
[in] | v | Pixel of the matrix dest where the center of m is put. |
Definition at line 116 of file ProjectionMask.h.
void IMP::em2d::do_project_particles | ( | const ParticlesTemp & | ps, |
cv::Mat & | m2, | ||
const algebra::Rotation3D & | R, | ||
const algebra::Vector3D & | translation, | ||
const ProjectingOptions & | options, | ||
MasksManagerPtr | masks | ||
) |
Projects a set of particles. This is the core function that others call.
[in] | ps | particles to project |
[in] | m2 | |
[in] | R | rotation to apply to the particles (respect to the centroid) |
[in] | translation | Translation to apply after rotation |
[in] | options | |
[in] | masks |
algebra::Vector2Ds IMP::em2d::do_project_vectors | ( | const algebra::Vector3Ds & | ps, |
const algebra::Rotation3D & | R, | ||
const algebra::Vector3D & | translation | ||
) |
Project the points contained in Vector3Ds to gen vectors in 2D.
[in] | ps | the points |
[in] | R | Rotation to apply to the points to project them in the Z axis |
[in] | translation | translation to apply to the points |
algebra::Vector2Ds IMP::em2d::do_project_vectors | ( | const algebra::Vector3Ds & | ps, |
const algebra::Rotation3D & | R, | ||
const algebra::Vector3D & | translation, | ||
const algebra::Vector3D & | center | ||
) |
Project the points contained in Vector3Ds.
[in] | ps | the points |
[in] | R | Rotation to apply to the points to project them in the Z axis |
[in] | translation | translation to apply to the points |
[in] | center | Center point used for the rotation around it |
void IMP::em2d::do_remove_small_objects | ( | cvIntMat & | m, |
double | percentage, | ||
int | background = 0 , |
int | foreground = 1 |
) |
Removes small objects from a matrix of integers.
[in] | m | the matrix |
[in] | percentage | The percentage respect to the largest object that other objects have to be in order to survive the removal. |
[in] | background | value for the background after removed |
[in] | foreground | value for the foreground after removed |
void IMP::em2d::do_resample_polar | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | resampled, | ||
const PolarResamplingParameters & | polar_params | ||
) |
Resamples a matrix to polar coordinates.
[in] | input | matrix to resample |
[out] | resampled | result matrix to contain the resampling |
[in] | polar_params | Parameters used for the resampling. Extremely useful for speeding up the procedure if they are given with the transformation maps, that can be built in the PolarResamplingParameters class |
void IMP::em2d::do_resample_polar | ( | Image * | im1, |
Image * | im2, | ||
const PolarResamplingParameters & | polar_params | ||
) |
Resample an image to polar coordinates
im1 | The input image |
im2 | The output image |
polar_params | The parameters used for the sampling |
void IMP::em2d::do_segmentation | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
const SegmentationParameters & | params | ||
) |
Segmentation of images.
[in] | m | The EM image to segment |
[in] | result | The segmented image, with the shape of the molecule |
[in] | params |
void IMP::em2d::do_subtract_images | ( | Image * | first, |
Image * | second, | ||
Image * | result | ||
) |
Subtract two images
first | First image |
second | The second image is subtracted from the second |
result | Result image |
void IMP::em2d::get_autocorrelation2d | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | corr | ||
) |
Computes the autocorrelation matrix.
m | The input matrix |
corr | The result matrix containing the autocorrelation |
void IMP::em2d::get_autocorrelation2d | ( | Image * | im1, |
Image * | im2 | ||
) |
void IMP::em2d::get_autocorrelation2d_no_preprocessing | ( | const cv::Mat & | M, |
cv::Mat & | corr | ||
) |
Autocorrelation without preprocessing.
[in] | M | matrix containing the dft |
[out] | corr | the matrix to store the autocorrelation. Must have the proper dimensions when passed |
MatchTemplateResults IMP::em2d::get_best_template_matches | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
const cv::Mat & | templ, | ||
unsigned int | n | ||
) |
Gets the n first matches between an image and a template
[in] | m | Matrix |
[in] | templ | Matrix with a template to be found in m |
[in] | n | Number of positions to recover |
ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_complete_alignment | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | m_to_align, | ||
bool | apply = false |
) |
Aligns completely two matrices (rotationally and translationally). Uses the autocorrelation function to speed up the rotational alignment
[in] | input | Reference matrix |
[in] | m_to_align | Matrix to align to the reference |
[in] | apply | if true, apply the transformation to m_to_align after alignment |
em2d::ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_complete_alignment_no_preprocessing | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
const cv::Mat & | INPUT, | ||
const cv::Mat & | POLAR1, | ||
cv::Mat & | m_to_align, | ||
const cv::Mat & | POLAR2, | ||
bool | apply = false |
) |
Aligns two matrices rotationally and translationally without performing preprocessing. Preprocessed data must be provided.
[in] | input | first matrix |
[in] | INPUT | fft of the first matrix |
[in] | POLAR1 | fft of the autocorrelation (in polars) of the input. |
[in] | m_to_align | the matrix to align with the input |
[in] | POLAR2 | fft of the autocorrelation (in polars) of m_to_align |
[in] | apply | true if m_to_align is transformed at the end |
ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_complete_alignment_with_centers_no_preprocessing | ( | const algebra::Vector2D & | center1, |
const algebra::Vector2D & | center2, | ||
const cv::Mat & | AUTOC_POLAR1, | ||
const cv::Mat & | AUTOC_POLAR2 | ||
) |
Aligns two matrices (rotation and translation) using centers and no preprocessing. Preprocessed data must be provided.
[in] | center1 | weighted centroid of the reference matrix |
[in] | center2 | weighted centroid of the matrix to align |
[in] | AUTOC_POLAR1 | fft of the autocorrelation (in polars) of the input. |
[in] | AUTOC_POLAR2 | fft of the autocorrelation (in polars) of m_to_align |
void IMP::em2d::get_correlation2d | ( | const cv::Mat & | A, |
const cv::Mat & | B, | ||
cv::Mat & | corr | ||
) |
Correlation matrix between two 2D matrices using FFT.
[in] | A | first matrix |
[in] | B | second matrix |
[out] | corr | matrix of results |
void IMP::em2d::get_correlation2d | ( | Image * | im1, |
Image * | im2, | ||
Image * | corr | ||
) |
void IMP::em2d::get_correlation2d_no_preprocessing | ( | const cv::Mat & | M1, |
const cv::Mat & | M2, | ||
cv::Mat & | corr | ||
) |
Correlation without preprocessing.
[in] | M1 | matrix containing the dft of the first matrix |
[in] | M2 | matrix containing the dft of the second matrix |
[out] | corr | matrix of results (It MUST have the right size in advance) |
double IMP::em2d::get_cross_correlation_coefficient | ( | const cv::Mat & | m1, |
const cv::Mat & | m2 | ||
) |
Computes the cross-correlation coefficient between to matrices.
double IMP::em2d::get_cross_correlation_coefficient | ( | Image * | im1, |
Image * | im2 | ||
) |
Cross correlation between two images.
Get the cross correlation coefficient between 2 images
im1 | First image |
im2 | Second image |
std::string IMP::em2d::get_data_path | ( | std::string | file_name | ) |
Return the full path to one of this module's data files.
To read the data file "data_library" that was placed in the data
directory of this module, do something like
This will ensure that the code works both when IMP is installed or if used via the
void IMP::em2d::get_diffusion_filtering_partial_derivative | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | der, | ||
double | dx, | ||
double | dy, | ||
double | ang | ||
) |
Partial derivative with respect to time for an image filtered with diffusion-reaction
[in] | m | input matrix |
[in] | der | output derivative matrix |
[in] | dx | - step for x |
[in] | dy | - step for y |
[in] | ang | - parameter for weight diffusion and edge detection (90-0) |
void IMP::em2d::get_domes | ( | cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
double | h | ||
) |
Gets the domes of m with height h.
[in] | m | the input matrix |
[in] | result | the result matrix |
[in] | h | the height |
unsigned int IMP::em2d::get_enclosing_image_size | ( | const ParticlesTemp & | ps, |
double | pixel_size, | ||
unsigned int | slack | ||
) |
Get an automatic size for an image that contains the particles.
slack is the number of pixels left as border
RegistrationResults IMP::em2d::get_evenly_distributed_registration_results | ( | unsigned int | n_projections | ) |
Provides a set of registration results with directions of projection evenly distributed in the hemisphere
[in] | n_projections | the number of requested projections |
std::string IMP::em2d::get_example_path | ( | std::string | file_name | ) |
Return the full path to one of this module's example files.
To read the example file "example_protein.pdb" that was placed in the examples
directory of this module, do something like
This will ensure that the code works both when IMP is installed or if used via the
void IMP::em2d::get_fft_using_optimal_size | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | M | ||
) |
Get the FFT of a matrix using padding with other matrix that can be computed with FFT in an optimal way. i.e. with a size that makes the FFT algorithm work faster
m | The input matrix |
M | The output matrix with the FFT |
double IMP::em2d::get_global_score | ( | const RegistrationResults & | RRs | ) |
Get the global score given a set of individual registration results from images
Floats IMP::em2d::get_histogram | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
int | bins | ||
) |
Computes the histogram of a matrix.
[in] | m | Matrix with the data |
[in] | bins | Number of bins to use in the histogram |
Floats IMP::em2d::get_histogram | ( | Image * | img, |
int | bins | ||
) |
double IMP::em2d::get_mean | ( | const cv::Mat & | mat, |
const cvIntMat & | mask | ||
) |
Mean of an matrix inside a mask
[in] | mat | The matrix |
[in] | mask | If a pixel is not zero, is considered for computing the mean |
std::string IMP::em2d::get_module_version | ( | ) |
Return the version of this module, as a string.
Definition at line 5 of file EMageFit/
void IMP::em2d::get_morphologic_gradient | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | result, | ||
const cv::Mat & | kernel | ||
) |
Morphologic gradient: dilation-erosion
[in] | m | Input matrix |
[out] | result | |
[in] | kernel | morphologic kernel |
double IMP::em2d::get_overlap_percentage | ( | cv::Mat & | m1, |
cv::Mat & | m2, | ||
const IntPair & | center | ||
) |
Get the percentage of overlap between two matrices. Two images are overlapping in a pixel if both have values > 0. The overlap is (pixels overlapping) / (pixels > 0 in m2)
[in] | m1 | First matrix |
[in] | m2 | Matrix used to check the overlap. This matrix can be of the same size of m1 or smaller. |
[in] | center | Indicates the position of m1 where to put the center m2. E.g., if center is (32,16) the center of m2 will be in the pixel (32,16) of m1. |
void IMP::em2d::get_projection | ( | em2d::Image * | img, |
const ParticlesTemp & | ps, | ||
const RegistrationResult & | reg, | ||
const ProjectingOptions & | options, | ||
MasksManagerPtr | masks = MasksManagerPtr() , |
String | name = "" |
) |
Generates a projection from particles.
[in] | img | |
[in] | ps | particles to project |
[in] | reg | Registration value with the parameters of the projection |
[in] | options | |
[in] | masks | Precomputed masks for projecting the particles. Very useful for speeding the projection procedure if they are given. If nullptr, they are computed |
[in] | name |
em2d::Images IMP::em2d::get_projections | ( | const ParticlesTemp & | ps, |
const algebra::SphericalVector3Ds & | vs, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols, | ||
const ProjectingOptions & | options, | ||
Strings | names = Strings() |
) |
Generates projections from particles.
[in] | ps | particles to project |
[in] | vs | set of spherical vectors with the directions of projection |
[in] | rows | size of the images |
[in] | cols | |
[in] | options | Options for control the projecting |
[in] | names | names of the images |
em2d::Images IMP::em2d::get_projections | ( | const ParticlesTemp & | ps, |
const RegistrationResults & | registration_values, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols, | ||
const ProjectingOptions & | options, | ||
Strings | names = Strings() |
) |
Generates projections from particles.
describes registration values with the parameters of the projections to generate.
RegistrationResults IMP::em2d::get_random_registration_results | ( | unsigned int | n, |
double | maximum_shift = 5.0 |
) |
Provides a set of random registration results (or parameters)
[in] | n | the number of requested results |
[in] | maximum_shift | shift from the center in pixels |
double IMP::em2d::get_rotation_error | ( | const RegistrationResult & | rr1, |
const RegistrationResult & | rr2 | ||
) |
angle in the axis-angle representation of the rotation that takes first to second
em2d::ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_rotational_alignment | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | m_to_align, | ||
bool | apply = false |
) |
Aligns two matrices rotationally. Based on the autocorrelation function of the matrices.
[in] | input | Reference matrix |
[in] | m_to_align | Matrix to align to the reference |
[in] | apply | if true, apply the transformation to m_to_align after alignment |
ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_rotational_alignment_no_preprocessing | ( | const cv::Mat & | POLAR1, |
const cv::Mat & | POLAR2 | ||
) |
Computes the rotational alignment for two autocorrelation matrices It is assumed that the arguments are FFTs
[in] | POLAR1 | fft of the first autocorrelation (in polars) |
[in] | POLAR2 | fft of the second autocorrelation (in polars) |
double IMP::em2d::get_shift_error | ( | const RegistrationResult & | rr1, |
const RegistrationResult & | rr2 | ||
) |
Distance between the two in-plane translations.
void IMP::em2d::get_spectrum | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
cv::Mat & | real, | ||
cv::Mat & | imag | ||
) |
Computes the fft of a matrix and returns the real and imaginary matrices.
m | The input matrix |
real | The matrix with the real part of the FFT matrix |
imag | The imaginary part of the FFT matrix |
void IMP::em2d::get_transformed | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | transformed, | ||
const algebra::Transformation2D & | T | ||
) |
Applies a transformation to a matrix. First rotates the matrix using the matrix center as the origin of the rotation, and then applies the translation
ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_translational_alignment | ( | const cv::Mat & | input, |
cv::Mat & | m_to_align, | ||
bool | apply = false |
) |
Aligns two matrices translationally.
[in] | input | Reference matrix |
[in] | m_to_align | Matrix to align to the reference |
[in] | apply | if true, apply the transformation to m_to_align after alignment |
ResultAlign2D IMP::em2d::get_translational_alignment_no_preprocessing | ( | const cv::Mat & | M1, |
const cv::Mat & | M2 | ||
) |
Aligns two matrices translationally without preprocessing. The preprocessed data must be provided.
[in] | M1 | the dft the first matrix (input) |
[in] | M2 | the dft of the matrix to align with the input |
Ints IMP::em2d::get_unique_index | ( | const algebra::Rotation3D & | rot | ) |
Map a rotation to a list of 4 "unique" integers.
Each integer is simply the integer part and the first 2 decimal places of the floating point value from the quaternion. This list of integers can then be used as a key for rotations.
Images IMP::em2d::read_images | ( | const Strings & | names, |
const ImageReaderWriter * | rw | ||
) |
Reads images from files (For compatibility with SPIDER format, the images are read from floats)
[in] | names | filenames of the images |
[in] | rw | reader/writer to use |
RegistrationResults IMP::em2d::read_registration_results | ( | const String & | filename | ) |
Reads a set of registration results.
void IMP::em2d::save_images | ( | Images | images, |
const Strings & | names, | ||
const ImageReaderWriter * | rw | ||
) |
Saves images to files (For compatibility with SPIDER format, the images are written to floats)
[in] | images | Images to save |
[in] | names | filenames of the images |
[in] | rw | reader/writer to use |
void IMP::em2d::show | ( | const cv::Mat & | m, |
std::ostream & | out = std::cout |
) |
Prints a OpenCV matrix.
void IMP::em2d::show | ( | const cv::Mat_< T > & | m, |
std::ostream & | out = std::cout |
) |
Show a Mat_.
Definition at line 47 of file opencv_interface.h.
void IMP::em2d::write_matrix | ( | cv::Mat & | m, |
std::string | name | ||
) |
Quick and dirty way of writing a OpenCV matrix to a Spider image.
void IMP::em2d::write_registration_results | ( | String | filename, |
const RegistrationResults & | results | ||
) |
Writes a set of registration results.
void IMP::em2d::write_vectors_as_pdb | ( | const algebra::Vector2Ds | vs, |
const String | filename | ||
) |
Generate a PDB file from a set of Vector2D (all the points are C-alpha) and the Z coordinate is set to 0.
const unsigned int IMP::em2d::ALIGN2D_NO_PREPROCESSING = 0 |
Methods for registration used by the finder.
Definition at line 33 of file ProjectionFinder.h.