IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Files | |
file | BayesEM3D.h [code] |
Compute a Bayesian formalism score and its derivatives to assess degree of match between a tested model and a density object. | |
file | CoarseCC.h [code] |
Perform coarse fitting between two density objects. | |
file | CoarseCCatIntervals.h [code] |
Cross correlation coefficient calculator. | |
file | CoarseConvolution.h [code] |
Convolutes two grids. | |
file | converters.h [code] |
Converters of density values. | |
file | def.h [code] |
Definitions for EMBED. | |
file | density_map_volumetrics.h [code] |
Classes and functions to handle volumetric properties in Density maps. | |
file | density_utilities.h [code] |
density map manipulations | |
file | DensityFillingRestraint.h [code] |
Score how well the particles fill the density. | |
file | DensityHeader.h [code] |
Metadata for a density file. | |
file | DensityMap.h [code] |
Class for handling density maps. | |
file | em_config.h [code] |
file | em/embedding.h [code] |
Cluster sets of points. | |
file | EMReaderWriter.h [code] |
Classes to read or write density files in EM format. | |
file | envelope_penetration.h [code] |
functions for calculation envelope penetration | |
file | EnvelopeFitRestraint.h [code] |
score envelope fit based on map distance transform | |
file | EnvelopePenetrationRestraint.h [code] |
Score how well a protein is inside its density. | |
file | EnvelopeScore.h [code] |
class for envelope based scoring using MapDistanceTransform | |
file | exp.h [code] |
An approximation of the exponential function. | |
file | FitRestraint.h [code] |
Calculate score based on fit to EM map. | |
file | FitRestraintBayesEM3D.h [code] |
Calculate the Bayesian score and derivative based on fit to an EM density map. This restraint differs from em::FitRestraint because it does not use a cross_correlation_coefficient as score but a Bayesian similarity measure. | |
file | header_converters.h [code] |
Functions to convert between ImageHeader and DensityHeader Copyright 2007-2022 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. | |
file | ImageHeader.h [code] |
Header for EM images. Compatible with Spider and Xmipp formats Copyright 2007-2022 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. | |
file | KernelParameters.h [code] |
Calculates and stores Gaussian kernel parameters. | |
file | MapDistanceTransform.h [code] |
class for computing a distance transform of the density map | |
file | MapReaderWriter.h [code] |
An abstract class for reading a map. | |
file | masking.h [code] |
masking tools | |
file | MRCReaderWriter.h [code] |
Classes to read or write MRC files. | |
file | PCAAligner.h [code] |
Fast alignment of points to a density map using principal components. | |
file | PCAFitRestraint.h [code] |
Calculate match between density map PCA and particles PCA. | |
file | rigid_fitting.h [code] |
Performs rigid fitting between a set of particles and a density map. | |
file | SampledDensityMap.h [code] |
Sampled density map. | |
file | SpiderHeader.h [code] |
Header for Spider and Xmipp formats. | |
file | SpiderReaderWriter.h [code] |
Management of Spider Headers Electron Microscopy. Compatible with Spider and Xmipp formats Copyright 2007-2022 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. | |
file | SurfaceShellDensityMap.h [code] |
Represent a molecule as shells of distance from the surface. | |
file | Voxel.h [code] |
voxel decorator. | |
file | XplorReaderWriter.h [code] |
Classes to read or write density files in XPLOR format. | |