This page shows a number of applications of IMP to biological systems. They can be adapted to tackle other similar problems, or to add new input data to an existing system.
Each system links to its web page, where all the input files can be found, complete with running instructions. Most systems are permanently archived (via DOIs) at Zenodo; newer systems are also deposited at PDB-Dev.
Every system is periodically tested with the latest version of IMP to make sure it works. The most recent version of IMP that it works with is shown below (or see all builds).
See the IMP manual for information on adding a new system to this page.
All systems with the X-ray tag are shown. [Show all systems]
Determination of the molecular architecture of the 40S•eIF1•eIF3 translation initiation complex [more...]
Integrative structures of the human Cop9 signalosome
Structural dynamics of the human COP9 signalosome revealed by cross-linking mass spectrometry and integrative modeling [more...]
Model of Ecm29-proteasome complex
Regulation of 26S proteasome via interaction with Ecm29 [more...]
Modeling exosome complexes from cross-link MS data [more...]
Integrative model of the γTuSC-Spc110 complex [more...]
Modeling of the yeast Mediator complex [more...]
Integrative structures of the Nef-CD4-AP2 complex
Integrative structure of the Nef-CD4(CD)-AP2(Δμ2-CTD) complex [more...]
Modeling of the yeast Nuclear Pore Complex [more...]
Modeling of the Nup133 subunit of the Nuclear Pore Complex [more...]
Integrative modeling of NuRD sub-complexes [more...]
Molecular Architecture of the Major Membrane Ring Component of the Nuclear Pore Complex [more...]
Smc5/6-Nse2/5/6 complex
Integrative modeling of the Smc5/6-Nse2/5/6 complex using comparative modeling and chemical crosslinks. [more...]
Tutorial that demonstrates the modeling of RNA Polymerase II using Electron Microscopy density and chemical crosslinks [more...]
The following systems are still under development and have not yet
been tested against the public release of IMP:
Integrative structures of the A3G-CRL5-Vif-CBFb complex
Integrative structure determination of the A3G-CRL5-Vif-CBFβ complex [more...]
Genetic interaction mapping informs integrative structure determination of protein complexes
Integrative Structure Determination using data from point mutant epistatic miniarray profile [more...]