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IMP Reference Guide  develop.298718d020,2025/02/21
The Integrative Modeling Platform
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1 /**
2  * \file IMP/em/DensityHeader.h
3  * \brief Metadata for a density file.
4  *
5  * Copyright 2007-2022 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved.
6  *
7  */
12 #include <IMP/em/em_config.h>
13 #include "def.h"
14 #include <IMP/exception.h>
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <fstream>
17 #include <cstring>
18 #include <limits>
20 #include <IMP/Object.h>
23 /** \todo change so that the att will not be encoded but loaded from
24  a configuration file (Keren) */
25 class IMPEMEXPORT DensityHeader {
27  public:
28  DensityHeader();
29  // If a copy constructor is not defined in a class, the compiler itself
30  // defines one. This will ensure a shallow copy.
31  // If the class does not have pointer variables with dynamically allocated
32  // memory, then one need not worry about defining a
33  // copy constructor. It can be left to the compiler's discretion.
34  // But if the class has pointer variables and has some dynamic memory
35  // allocations, then it is a must to have a copy constructor.
37  //! gets the upper bound of the grid
38  /** \param[in] ind The dimension index x:=0,y:=1,z:=2
39  \return the coordinate value in angstroms
40  */
41  double get_top(int ind) const {
42  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(top_calculated_,
43  " DensityHeader::get_top the top coordinates of the map "
44  << "have not been setup yet " << std::endl);
45  if (ind == 0) return xtop_;
46  if (ind == 1) return ytop_;
47  return ztop_;
48  }
49  //! Compute the farthest point of the grid.
50  /**
51  \param[in] force if true then the top point is calculated
52  even if it has already been calculated.
53  */
54  void compute_xyz_top(bool force = false);
56  //! Update the dimensions of the map to be (nnx,nny,nnz)
57  //! The origin of the map does not change
58  /**
59  \param[in] nnx the new number of voxels on the X axis
60  \param[in] nny the new number of voxels on the Y axis
61  \param[in] nnz the new number of voxels on the Z axis
62  */
63  void update_map_dimensions(int nnx, int nny, int nnz);
65  //! Update the cell dimensions of the map multiplying the number of voxels
66  //! along each direction by the Objectpixelsize
67  void update_cell_dimensions();
69  void show(std::ostream& out = std::cout) const;
71  static const unsigned short MAP_FIELD_SIZE = 4;
72  static const unsigned short USER_FIELD_SIZE = 25;
73  static const unsigned short COMMENT_FIELD_NUM_OF = 10;
74  static const unsigned short COMMENT_FIELD_SINGLE_SIZE = 80;
76  //! number of first columns in map (x-dimension)
77  int nxstart;
78  //! number of first columns in map (y-dimension)
79  int nystart;
80  //! number of first columns in map (z-dimension)
81  int nzstart;
83  int mx, my, mz; // Number of intervals along each dimension
84  float xlen, ylen, zlen; // Cell dimensions (angstroms)
85  float alpha, beta, gamma; // Cell angles (degrees)
86  //! Axes corresponding to columns (mapc), rows (mapr) and sections (maps)
87  //! (1,2,3 for x,y,z)
88  int mapc, mapr, maps;
89  float dmin, dmax, dmean; // Minimum, maximum and mean density value
90  int ispg; // space group number 0 or 1
91  int nsymbt; // Number of bytes used for symmetry data
92  int user[USER_FIELD_SIZE]; // extra space used for anything
93  char map[MAP_FIELD_SIZE]; // character string 'MAP ' to identify file type
94  int machinestamp; // machine stamp (0x11110000 bigendian, 0x44440000 little)
95  float rms; // RMS deviation of map from mean density
96  int nlabl; // Number of labels being used
97  //! text comments \todo MRC: labels[10][80] - should it be a different field?
99  //! magic byte for machine platform (~endian), OS-9=0, VAX=1, Convex=2,
100  //! SGI=3, Sun=4, Mac(Motorola)=5, PC,IntelMac=6
101  int magic;
102  float voltage; // Voltage of electron microscope
103  float Cs; // Cs of microscope
104  float Aperture; // Aperture used
105  float Magnification; // Magnification
106  float Postmagnification; // Postmagnification (of energy filter)
107  float Exposuretime; // Exposuretime
108  float Microscope; // Microscope
109  float Pixelsize; // Pixelsize - used for the microscope CCD camera
110  float CCDArea; // CCDArea
111  float Defocus; // Defocus
112  float Astigmatism; // Astigmatism
113  float AstigmatismAngle; // Astigmatism Angle
114  float FocusIncrement; // Focus-Increment
115  float CountsPerElectron; // Counts/Electron
116  float Intensity; // Intensity
117  float EnergySlitwidth; // Energy slitwidth of energy filter
118  float EnergyOffset; // Energy offset of Energy filter
119  float Tiltangle; // Tiltangle of stage
120  float Tiltaxis; // Tiltaxis
121  float MarkerX; // Marker_X coordinate
122  float MarkerY; // Marker_Y coordinate
123  int lswap;
125  //! Returns the resolution of the map
126  inline float get_resolution() const {
127  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(is_resolution_set_, "The resolution was not set"
128  << std::endl);
129  return resolution_;
130  }
131  //! Return if the resolution has been set
132  inline bool get_has_resolution() const { return is_resolution_set_; }
133  //! Sets the resolution of the map
134  inline void set_resolution(float resolution) {
135  is_resolution_set_ = true;
136  resolution_ = resolution;
137  }
138  /** \note Use DensityMap::update_voxel_size() to set the spacing value.
139  */
140  inline float get_spacing() const { return Objectpixelsize_; }
141  //! Returns the origin on the map (x-coordinate)
142  inline float get_xorigin() const { return xorigin_; }
143  //! Returns the origin on the map (y-coordinate)
144  inline float get_yorigin() const { return yorigin_; }
145  //! Returns the origin on the map (z-coordinate)
146  inline float get_zorigin() const { return zorigin_; }
147  //! Returns the origin on the map
148  /**
149  \param[in] i the relevant coordinate (0:x, 1:y, 2:z)
150  \exception ValueException if the value of i is out of range.
151  */
152  inline float get_origin(int i) const {
153  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(i >= 0 && i <= 2,
154  "The origin coordinate should be between 0 and 2");
155  switch (i) {
156  case 0:
157  return get_xorigin();
158  case 1:
159  return get_yorigin();
160  default:
161  return get_zorigin();
162  }
163  }
164  //! Sets the origin on the map (x-coordinate).
165  /**
166  \note This is an absolute position in space.
167  */
168  inline void set_xorigin(float x) {
169  xorigin_ = x;
170  top_calculated_ = false;
171  }
172  //! Sets the origin on the map (y-coordinate)
173  /**
174  \note This is an absolute position in space.
175  */
176  inline void set_yorigin(float y) {
177  yorigin_ = y;
178  top_calculated_ = false;
179  }
180  //! Sets the origin on the map (z-coordinate)
181  /**
182  \note This is an absolute position in space.
183  */
184  inline void set_zorigin(float z) {
185  zorigin_ = z;
186  top_calculated_ = false;
187  }
188  //! True if the top coordinates (bounding-box) are calculated
189  inline bool is_top_calculated() const { return top_calculated_; }
190  float Objectpixelsize_; // this is the actual pixelsize
192  // get/set functions
193  //! Get the number of voxels in the x dimension
194  inline int get_nx() const { return nx_; }
195  //! Get the number of voxels in the y dimension
196  inline int get_ny() const { return ny_; }
197  //! Get the number of voxels in the z dimension
198  inline int get_nz() const { return nz_; }
199  inline int get_number_of_voxels() const { return nx_ * ny_ * nz_; }
200  //! Get the number of bits that used to store the density of a single voxel
201  inline int get_data_type() const { return data_type_; }
202  inline void set_data_type(int data_type) { data_type_ = data_type; }
204  protected:
205  float xtop_, ytop_, ztop_; // The upper bound for the x,y and z grid.
206  float xorigin_, yorigin_, zorigin_; // Origin used for transforms
207  bool top_calculated_;
208  float resolution_;
209  bool is_resolution_set_;
210  int nx_, ny_, nz_; // map size (voxels) in x,y,z dimensions
211  //! How many bits are used to store the density of a single voxel
212  //! (used in MRC format)
215 private:
216  friend class cereal::access;
218  template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar) {
219  ar(nxstart, nystart, nzstart, mx, my, mz, xlen, ylen, zlen,
220  alpha, beta, gamma, mapc, mapr, maps, dmin, dmax, dmean,
221  ispg, nsymbt, user, map, machinestamp, rms, nlabl, comments,
222  magic, voltage, Cs, Aperture, Magnification, Postmagnification,
223  Exposuretime, Microscope, Pixelsize, CCDArea, Defocus,
224  Astigmatism, AstigmatismAngle, FocusIncrement, CountsPerElectron,
225  Intensity, EnergySlitwidth, EnergyOffset, Tiltangle, Tiltaxis,
226  MarkerX, MarkerY, lswap, Objectpixelsize_, xtop_, ytop_, ztop_,
227  xorigin_, yorigin_, zorigin_, top_calculated_, resolution_,
228  is_resolution_set_, nx_, ny_, nz_, data_type_);
229  }
230 };
232 //! Create a header from a bounding box in 3D
233 /** \see DensityHeader
234 */
235 IMPEMEXPORT DensityHeader
236  create_density_header(const algebra::BoundingBoxD<3>& bb, float spacing);
240 #endif /* IMPEM_DENSITY_HEADER_H */
float get_resolution() const
Returns the resolution of the map.
int nxstart
number of first columns in map (x-dimension)
Definition: DensityHeader.h:77
bool is_top_calculated() const
True if the top coordinates (bounding-box) are calculated.
Definitions for EMBED.
float get_spacing() const
float get_yorigin() const
Returns the origin on the map (y-coordinate)
void set_zorigin(float z)
Sets the origin on the map (z-coordinate)
float get_zorigin() const
Returns the origin on the map (z-coordinate)
Exception definitions and assertions.
void set_resolution(float resolution)
Sets the resolution of the map.
#define IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(expr, message)
An assertion to check for internal errors in IMP. An IMP::ErrorException will be thrown.
Definition: check_macros.h:139
int nystart
number of first columns in map (y-dimension)
Definition: DensityHeader.h:79
DensityHeader create_density_header(const algebra::BoundingBoxD< 3 > &bb, float spacing)
Create a header from a bounding box in 3D.
A bounding box in D dimensions.
bool get_has_resolution() const
Return if the resolution has been set.
int get_nx() const
Get the number of voxels in the x dimension.
double get_top(int ind) const
gets the upper bound of the grid
Definition: DensityHeader.h:41
void set_xorigin(float x)
Sets the origin on the map (x-coordinate).
int get_ny() const
Get the number of voxels in the y dimension.
float get_origin(int i) const
Returns the origin on the map.
std::ostream & show(Hierarchy h, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Print the hierarchy using a given decorator to display each node.
void set_yorigin(float y)
Sets the origin on the map (y-coordinate)
A shared base class to help in debugging and things.
int nzstart
number of first columns in map (z-dimension)
Definition: DensityHeader.h:81
float get_xorigin() const
Returns the origin on the map (x-coordinate)
#define IMP_USAGE_CHECK(expr, message)
A runtime test for incorrect usage of a class or method.
Definition: check_macros.h:168
int get_nz() const
Get the number of voxels in the z dimension.
int get_data_type() const
Get the number of bits that used to store the density of a single voxel.