and how to apply them to biological problems.
Data Structures | |
class | AllMol2Selector |
Read all atoms. More... | |
class | AllPDBSelector |
Defines a selector that will pick every ATOM and HETATM record. More... | |
class | Angle |
A particle that describes an angle between three particles. More... | |
class | AngleSingletonScore |
Score the angle based on a UnaryFunction,. More... | |
class | Atom |
A decorator for a particle representing an atom. More... | |
class | ATOMPDBSelector |
Select all non-alternative ATOM records. More... | |
class | Atoms |
class | AtomsTemp |
class | AtomType |
The type of an atom. More... | |
class | Bond |
A decorator for wrapping a particle representing a molecular bond. More... | |
class | Bonded |
A decorator for a particle which has bonds. More... | |
class | BondedPairFilter |
A filter for bonds. More... | |
class | Bondeds |
class | BondedsTemp |
class | BondEndpointsRefiner |
Return the endpoints of a bond. More... | |
class | BondGraph |
Represent a bond graph as a boost graph. More... | |
class | BondPairContainer |
A container that returns pairs of the endpoints of the bonds. More... | |
class | Bonds |
class | BondSingletonScore |
Score the bond based on a UnaryFunction,. More... | |
class | BondsTemp |
class | BrownianDynamics |
Simple Brownian dynamics optimizer. More... | |
class | CAlphaPDBSelector |
Select all CA ATOM records. More... | |
class | CBetaPDBSelector |
Select all CB ATOM records. More... | |
class | Chain |
Store info for a chain of a protein. More... | |
class | ChainPDBSelector |
Select all ATOM and HETATMrecords with the given chain ids. More... | |
class | Chains |
class | ChainsTemp |
class | Charged |
A decorator for a point particle that has an electrostatic charge. More... | |
class | CHARMMAtom |
A decorator for an atom that has a defined CHARMM type. More... | |
class | CHARMMAtomTopology |
A single atom in a CHARMM topology. More... | |
class | CHARMMBond |
A bond, angle, dihedral or improper between some number of endpoints. More... | |
class | CHARMMBondEndpoint |
The end of a bond, angle, dihedral, or improper. More... | |
class | CHARMMBondParameters |
The parameters for a CHARMM bond or angle. More... | |
class | CHARMMDihedralParameters |
The parameters for a CHARMM dihedral or improper. More... | |
class | CHARMMIdealResidueTopology |
The ideal topology of a single residue as read from a CHARMM topology file. More... | |
class | CHARMMParameters |
CHARMM force field parameters. More... | |
class | CHARMMPatch |
A CHARMM patch residue. More... | |
class | CHARMMResidueTopology |
The topology of a single residue in a model. More... | |
class | CHARMMResidueTopologyBase |
Base class for all CHARMM residue-based topology. More... | |
class | CHARMMSegmentTopology |
The topology of a single CHARMM segment in a model. More... | |
class | CHARMMTopology |
The topology of a complete CHARMM model. More... | |
class | CoulombPairScore |
Coulomb (electrostatic) score between a pair of particles. More... | |
class | CoverBond |
Cover a bond with a sphere. More... | |
class | CPDBSelector |
Select all C (not CA or CB) ATOM records. More... | |
class | Diffusion |
A decorator for a diffusing particle. More... | |
class | Diffusions |
class | DiffusionsTemp |
class | Dihedral |
A particle that describes a dihedral angle between four particles. More... | |
class | DihedralSingletonScore |
Score the dihedral angle. More... | |
class | Domain |
A decorator to associate a particle with a part of a protein. More... | |
class | Domains |
class | DomainsTemp |
class | ElementTable |
class | ForceFieldParameters |
Storage and access to force field. More... | |
class | ForceSwitch |
Smooth interaction scores by switching the derivatives (force switch). More... | |
class | Fragment |
A decorator to associate a particle with a part of a protein/DNA/RNA. More... | |
class | Fragments |
class | FragmentsTemp |
class | Hierarchies |
class | HierarchiesTemp |
class | Hierarchy |
The standard decorator for manipulating molecular structures. More... | |
class | HydrogenPDBSelector |
Select all hydrogen ATOM and HETATM records. More... | |
class | ImproperSingletonScore |
Score the improper dihedral based on a UnaryFunction,. More... | |
class | LennardJones |
A decorator for a particle that has a Lennard-Jones potential well. More... | |
class | LennardJonesPairScore |
Lennard-Jones score between a pair of particles. More... | |
class | Mass |
Add mass to a particle. More... | |
class | Mol2Selector |
A base class for choosing which Mol2 atoms to read. More... | |
class | MolecularDynamics |
Simple molecular dynamics optimizer. More... | |
class | NonAlternativePDBSelector |
Select all ATOM and HETATM records which are not alternatives. More... | |
class | NonhydrogenMol2Selector |
Defines a selector that will pick only non-hydrogen atoms. More... | |
class | NonWaterNonHydrogenPDBSelector |
Select non water and non hydrogen atoms. More... | |
class | NonWaterPDBSelector |
Select all non-water non-alternative ATOM and HETATM records. More... | |
class | NPDBSelector |
Select all N ATOM records. More... | |
class | PDBSelector |
Select which atoms to read from a PDB file. More... | |
class | PPDBSelector |
Select all P ATOM records. More... | |
class | ProteinLigandAtomPairScore |
class | ProteinLigandRestraint |
class | Residue |
A decorator for a residue. More... | |
class | Residues |
class | ResiduesTemp |
class | ResidueType |
The type for a residue. More... | |
class | SimulationParameters |
A decorator for a particle storing parameters of the current simulation. More... | |
class | SmoothingFunction |
Base class for smoothing nonbonded interactions as a function of distance. More... | |
class | StereochemistryPairFilter |
A filter that excludes bonds, angles and dihedrals. More... | |
class | VelocityScalingOptimizerState |
Maintains temperature during molecular dynamics by velocity scaling. More... | |
class | WaterPDBSelector |
Select all non-water ATOM and HETATMrecords. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::vector< AtomType > | AtomTypes |
typedef std::vector< ResidueType > | ResidueTypes |
Enumerations | |
enum | Element { UNKNOWN_ELEMENT = 0, H = 1, He = 2, Li = 3, Be = 4, B = 5, C = 6, N = 7, O = 8, F = 9, Ne = 10, Na = 11, Mg = 12, Al = 13, Si = 14, P = 15, S = 16, Cl = 17, Ar = 18, K = 19, Ca = 20, Sc = 21, Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27, Ni = 28, Cu = 29, Zn = 30, Ga = 31, Ge = 32, As = 33, Se = 34, Br = 35, Kr = 36, Rb = 37, Sr = 38, Y = 39, Zr = 40, Nb = 41, Mo = 42, Tc = 43, Ru = 44, Rh = 45, Pd = 46, Ag = 47, Cd = 48, In = 49, Sn = 50, Sb = 51, Te = 52, I = 53, Xe = 54, Cs = 55, Ba = 56, La = 57, Ce = 58, Pr = 59, Nd = 60, Pm = 61, Sm = 62, Eu = 63, Gd = 64, Tb = 65, Dy = 66, Ho = 67, Er = 68, Tm = 69, Yb = 70, Lu = 71, Hf = 72, Ta = 73, W = 74, Re = 75, Os = 76, Ir = 77, Pt = 78, Au = 79, Hg = 80, Tl = 81, Pb = 82, Bi = 83, Po = 84, At = 85, Rn = 86, Fr = 87, Ra = 88, Ac = 89, Th = 90, Pa = 91, U = 92, Np = 93, Pu = 94, Am = 95, Cm = 96, Bk = 97, Cf = 98, Es = 99, Fm = 100, Md = 101, No = 102, Lr = 103, Db = 104, Jl = 105, Rf = 106 } |
The various elements currently supported/known. | |
Functions | |
AtomType | add_atom_type (std::string name, Element e) |
Create a new AtomType. | |
void | add_bonds (Hierarchy d, const ForceFieldParameters *ffp=default_force_field_parameters()) |
void | add_radii (Hierarchy d, const ForceFieldParameters *ffp=default_force_field_parameters(), FloatKey radius_key=FloatKey("radius")) |
Bond | copy_bond (Bonded a, Bonded b, Bond o) |
Connect the two wrapped particles by a custom bond. | |
Bond | create_bond (Bonded a, Bonded b, Int t) |
Connect the two wrapped particles by a bond. | |
Hierarchy | create_clone (Hierarchy d) |
Clone the Hierarchy. | |
Hierarchy | create_clone_one (Hierarchy d) |
Clone the node in the Hierarchy. | |
Bond | create_custom_bond (Bonded a, Bonded b, Float length, Float stiffness=-1) |
Connect the two wrapped particles by a custom bond. | |
Hierarchy | create_fragment (const HierarchiesTemp &ps) |
Create a fragment containing the specified nodes. | |
Hierarchy | create_protein (Model *m, double resolution, int number_of_residues, int first_residue_index=0, double volume=-1, double spring_strength=1) |
Create a coarse grained molecule. | |
ForceFieldParameters * | default_force_field_parameters () |
void | destroy (Hierarchy d) |
Delete the Hierarchy. | |
void | destroy_bond (Bond b) |
Destroy the bond connecting to particles. | |
Atom | get_atom (Residue rd, AtomType at) |
Return a particle atom from the residue. | |
bool | get_atom_type_exists (std::string name) |
Return true if that atom type already exists. | |
Bond | get_bond (Bonded a, Bonded b) |
Get the bond between two particles. | |
algebra::BoundingBoxD< 3 > | get_bounding_box (const Hierarchy &h) |
Get a bounding box for the Hierarchy. | |
algebra::SphereD< 3 > | get_bounding_sphere (const Hierarchy &h) |
HierarchiesTemp | get_by_type (Hierarchy mhd, GetByType t) |
Chain | get_chain (Residue rd, bool nothrow=false) |
std::pair< double, double > | get_component_placement_score (const core::XYZs &ref1, const core::XYZs &ref2, const core::XYZs &mdl1, const core::XYZs &mdl2) |
Measure the difference between two placements of the same set of points. | |
std::string | get_data_path (std::string file_name) |
Return the path to installed data for this module. | |
ElementTable & | get_element_table () |
std::string | get_example_path (std::string file_name) |
Return the path to installed example data for this module. | |
Bonds | get_internal_bonds (Hierarchy mhd) |
Get the bonds internal to this tree. | |
bool | get_is_heterogen (Hierarchy h) |
Return true if the piece of hierarchy should be classified as a heterogen. | |
HierarchiesTemp | get_leaves (Hierarchy h) |
std::string | get_module_name () |
const VersionInfo & | get_module_version_info () |
template<class Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 , class Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 > | |
double | get_native_overlap (const Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 &m1, const Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 &m2, double threshold) |
Computes the native overlap between two sets of 3D points. | |
Hierarchy | get_next_residue (Residue rd) |
double | get_pairwise_rmsd_score (const core::XYZs &ref1, const core::XYZs &ref2, const core::XYZs &mdl1, const core::XYZs &mdl2) |
Measure the RMSD between two placements of the same set of points. | |
std::pair< double, double > | get_placement_score (const core::XYZs &from, const core::XYZs &to) |
Measure the difference between two placements of the same set of points. | |
Hierarchy | get_residue (Hierarchy mhd, unsigned int index) |
Get the residue with the specified index. | |
Residue | get_residue (Atom d, bool nothrow=false) |
Return the Residue containing this atom. | |
template<class Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 , class Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 > | |
double | get_rmsd (const Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 &m1, const Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 &m2, const IMP::algebra::Transformation3D &tr_for_second=IMP::algebra::get_identity_transformation_3d()) |
Calculate the root mean square deviation between two sets of 3D points. | |
Hierarchy | get_root (Hierarchy h) |
Return the root of the hierarchy. | |
IMP::core::RigidBody | setup_as_rigid_body (Hierarchy h) |
Rigidify a molecule or collection of molecules. | |
void | show (Hierarchy h, std::ostream &out=std::cout) |
Print out a molecular hierarchy. | |
Protein-ligand scoring | |
IMP provides a statistical scoring function for scoring protein-ligand complexes. Papers will be forthcoming.Neither of the scoring methods provide derivatives.
As will more documentation and examples. | |
void | add_protein_ligand_score_data (Hierarchy h) |
Simplification along backbone | |
These two methods create a simplified version of a molecule by merging residues sequentially. In one case every n residues are merged, in the other, the intervals are passed manually. The resulting molecule is not optimized by default and has no restraints automatically created. At the moment, the calls only support unmodified hierarchies loaded by read_pdb() which have only protein or DNA members.
They return Hierarchy() if the input chain is empty. | |
Hierarchy | create_simplified_along_backbone (Chain in, const IntRanges &residue_segments) |
Hierarchy | create_simplified_along_backbone (Chain in, int num_res) |
Estimator Functions | |
These functions allow you to estimate physical quantities relating to biomolecules. | |
double | get_mass_from_number_of_residues (unsigned int num_aa) |
Estimate the mass of a protein from the number of amino acids. | |
double | get_volume_from_mass (double v) |
Estimate the volume of a protein from its mass. | |
Mol2 IO | |
IMP can also read and write Mol2 files. As with read_pdb(), selector objects are used to determine which atoms are read.
The read function produces a hierarchy containing the molecule. The write hierarchy writes all the Residue types in the hierarchy to the file. | |
Hierarchy | read_mol2 (TextInput mol2_file, Model *model, const Mol2Selector &mol2sel=AllMol2Selector()) |
void | write_mol2 (Hierarchy rhd, TextOutput file_name) |
PDB Reading | |
The read PDB methods produce a hierarchy that looks as follows:
Waters are currently dropped if they are ATOM records. This can be fixed. The read_pdb() functions should successfully parse all valid pdb files. It can produce warnings on files which are not valid. It will attempt to read such files, but all bets are off. When reading PDBs, PDBSelector objects can be used to choose to only process certain record types. See the class documentation for more information. When no PDB selector is supplied for reading, the NonWaterPDBSelector is used.
Set the IMP::LogLevel to IMP::VERBOSE to see details of parse errors. | |
Hierarchies | read_multimodel_pdb (TextInput in, Model *model, const PDBSelector &selector) |
Hierarchy | read_pdb (TextInput in, Model *model, const PDBSelector &selector, bool select_first_model=true) |
Hierarchy | read_pdb (TextInput in, Model *model) |
PDB Writing | |
The methods to write a PDBs expects a Hierarchy that looks as follows:
All Residue particles that have a Chain particle as an ancestor are considered part of a protein, DNA or RNA, ones without are considered heterogens.
The functions produce files that are not valid PDB files, eg only ATOM/HETATM lines are printed for all Atom particles in the hierarchy. Complain if your favorite program can't read them and we might fix it. | |
void | write_multimodel_pdb (const Hierarchies &mhd, TextOutput out) |
void | write_pdb (const Hierarchies &mhd, TextOutput out) |
void | write_pdb (Hierarchy mhd, TextOutput out) |
Variables | |
const ResidueType | UNK |
AtomType add_atom_type | ( | std::string | name, | |
Element | e | |||
) |
void add_bonds | ( | Hierarchy | d, | |
const ForceFieldParameters * | ffp = default_force_field_parameters() | |||
) |
Add bonds using definitions from given force field parameters. Note that, at the moment, all added bonds are reported as IMP::Bond::SINGLE, whether or not they actually are.
void add_radii | ( | Hierarchy | d, | |
const ForceFieldParameters * | ffp = default_force_field_parameters() , |
FloatKey | radius_key = FloatKey("radius") | |||
) |
Add vdW radius from given force field.
Hierarchy create_clone | ( | Hierarchy | d | ) |
Hierarchy create_clone_one | ( | Hierarchy | d | ) |
Hierarchy create_protein | ( | Model * | m, | |
double | resolution, | |||
int | number_of_residues, | |||
int | first_residue_index = 0 , |
double | volume = -1 , |
double | spring_strength = 1 | |||
) |
Create a coarse grained molecule.
The coarse grained model is created with a number of spheres based on the resolution and the volume. If the volume is not provided it is estimated based on the number of residues. The protein is created as a molecular hierarchy rooted at p. The leaves are Domain particles with appropriate residue indexes stored and are XYZR particles.
Volume is, as usual, in cubic anstroms.
Currently the function creates a set of balls with radii no greater than resolution which overlap by 20% and have a volume of their union equal to the passed volume. The balls are held together by a ConnectivityRestraint with the given spring constant.
The coordinates of the balls defining the protein are optimized by default, and have garbage coordinate values.
void destroy | ( | Hierarchy | d | ) |
Atom get_atom | ( | Residue | rd, | |
AtomType | at | |||
) |
Return a particle atom from the residue.
The residue must be part of a molecular hierarchy.
algebra::BoundingBoxD< 3 > IMP::atom::get_bounding_box | ( | const Hierarchy & | h | ) |
Get a bounding box for the Hierarchy.
This bounding box is that of the highest (in the CS sense of a tree growning down from the root) cut through the tree where each node in the cut has x,y,z, and r. That is, if the root has x,y,z,r then it is the bounding box if that sphere. If only the leaves have radii, it is the bounding box of the leaves. If no such cut exists, the behavior is undefined.
algebra::SphereD< 3 > get_bounding_sphere | ( | const Hierarchy & | h | ) |
See get_bounding_box() for more details.
Chain get_chain | ( | Residue | rd, | |
bool | nothrow = false | |||
) |
Return the chain containing the residue.
ValueException | if no residue is found, unless nothrow is true. |
std::pair<double,double> IMP::atom::get_component_placement_score | ( | const core::XYZs & | ref1, | |
const core::XYZs & | ref2, | |||
const core::XYZs & | mdl1, | |||
const core::XYZs & | mdl2 | |||
) |
Measure the difference between two placements of the same set of points.
[in] | ref1 | The reference placement of the first component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | ref2 | The reference placement of the second component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | mdl1 | The modeled placement of the first component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | mdl2 | The modeled placement of the second component represented by XYZ coordinates |
see Topf, Lasker et al Structure, 2008 for details
std::string IMP::atom::get_data_path | ( | std::string | file_name | ) |
Return the path to installed data for this module.
Each module has its own data directory, so be sure to use the version of this function in the correct module. To read the data file "data_library" that was placed in the data
directory of module "mymodule", do something like
std::ifstream in(IMP::mymodule::get_data_path("data_library"));
is installed or used via the tools/
std::string IMP::atom::get_example_path | ( | std::string | file_name | ) |
Return the path to installed example data for this module.
Each module has its own example directory, so be sure to use the version of this function in the correct module. For example to read the file example_protein.pdb
located in the examples
directory of the IMP::atom module, do
IMP::atom::read_pdb(IMP::atom::get_example_path("example_protein.pdb", model));
is installed or used via the tools/
bool IMP::atom::get_is_heterogen | ( | Hierarchy | h | ) |
Return true if the piece of hierarchy should be classified as a heterogen.
For the purposes of classification, a heterogen is anything that
HierarchiesTemp get_leaves | ( | Hierarchy | h | ) |
double IMP::atom::get_mass_from_number_of_residues | ( | unsigned int | num_aa | ) |
Estimate the mass of a protein from the number of amino acids.
We use an estimate of 110 Daltons per residue, following Chimera.
The mass is in Daltons.
double IMP::atom::get_native_overlap | ( | const Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 & | m1, | |
const Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 & | m2, | |||
double | threshold | |||
) |
Computes the native overlap between two sets of 3D points.
[in] | m1 | first set |
[in] | m2 | second set |
[in] | threshold | threshold distance (amstrongs) for the calculation |
the function assumes correspondence between two sets of points and does not perform rigid alignment.
Hierarchy get_next_residue | ( | Residue | rd | ) |
Return the residue from the same chain with one higher index, or Residue().
double IMP::atom::get_pairwise_rmsd_score | ( | const core::XYZs & | ref1, | |
const core::XYZs & | ref2, | |||
const core::XYZs & | mdl1, | |||
const core::XYZs & | mdl2 | |||
) |
Measure the RMSD between two placements of the same set of points.
[in] | ref1 | The reference placement of the first component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | ref2 | The reference placement of the second component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | mdl1 | The modeled placement of the first component represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | mdl2 | The modeled placement of the second component represented by XYZ coordinates |
see Lasker et al JMB, 2009 for details
std::pair<double,double> IMP::atom::get_placement_score | ( | const core::XYZs & | from, | |
const core::XYZs & | to | |||
) |
Measure the difference between two placements of the same set of points.
[in] | from | The reference placement represented by XYZ coordinates |
[in] | to | The modeled placement represented by XYZ coordinates |
Residue get_residue | ( | Atom | d, | |
bool | nothrow = false | |||
) |
Return the Residue containing this atom.
The atom must be part of a molecular hierarchy.
ValueException | if no residue is found, unless nothrow is true. |
double IMP::atom::get_rmsd | ( | const Vecto3DsOrXYZs0 & | m1, | |
const Vecto3DsOrXYZs1 & | m2, | |||
const IMP::algebra::Transformation3D & | tr_for_second = IMP::algebra::get_identity_transformation_3d() | |||
) |
Calculate the root mean square deviation between two sets of 3D points.
Hierarchy get_root | ( | Hierarchy | h | ) |
Return the root of the hierarchy.
double IMP::atom::get_volume_from_mass | ( | double | v | ) |
Estimate the volume of a protein from its mass.
We use the estimate published in Alber et. al, Structure 2005.
Hierarchy read_pdb | ( | TextInput | in, | |
Model * | model | |||
) |
Read a all the molecules in the first model of the pdb file.
IMP::core::RigidBody IMP::atom::setup_as_rigid_body | ( | Hierarchy | h | ) |
Rigidify a molecule or collection of molecules.
The rigid body created has all the leaves as members and a member rigid body for each internal node in the tree.
const ResidueType IMP::atom::UNK |
Unknown residue