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IMP::atom::LennardJonesPairScore Class Reference

Detailed Description

Lennard-Jones score between a pair of particles.

The two particles in the pair must be LennardJones particles. The form of the potential is

\[ -\epsilon \left[ w_{rep} \left(\frac{r_{min}}{r}\right)^{12} - 2 w_{att} \left(\frac{r_{min}}{r}\right)^{6}\right] \]

where $\epsilon$ is the depth of the well between the two particles, $r_{min}$ the sum of the particles' radii, $r$ the interparticle distance, and $w_{rep}$ and $w_{att}$ the weights on the repulsive and attractive parts of the potential respectively; both weights are 1.0 by default.

The well depth is the geometric mean of the individual particles' well depths (as extracted by LennardJones::get_well_depth).

Note that because this score uses radii and well depths set in the particles themselves, the strength of the interaction cannot be changed for a particular pair of atoms (as is done in the CHARMM forcefield with the rarely-used NBFIX directive, for example). If the well depth or radius of a single particle is modifed, that will affect its interaction with all particles.

Inheritance diagram for IMP::atom::LennardJonesPairScore:

Public Member Functions

double get_attractive_weight () const
ContainersTemp get_input_containers (const ParticlePair &p) const
ParticlesTemp get_input_particles (const ParticlePair &p) const
ParticlesList get_interacting_particles (const ParticlePair &p) const
bool get_is_changed (const ParticlePair &p) const
double get_repulsive_weight () const
 IMP_PAIR_SCORE_BASE (LennardJonesPairScore)
 LennardJonesPairScore (SmoothingFunction *f)
void set_attractive_weight (double attractive_weight)
void set_repulsive_weight (double repulsive_weight)

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