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IMP Reference Guide  develop.1b08965de4,2025/02/18
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 ## \example pmi/
2 """This script shows how to represent a system at multiple scales and do
3  basic sampling.
4 """
6 import IMP
7 import IMP.atom
8 import IMP.rmf
9 import IMP.pmi
10 import IMP.pmi.topology
11 import IMP.pmi.dof
12 import IMP.pmi.macros
13 import IMP.pmi.restraints
15 import sys
17 IMP.setup_from_argv(sys.argv, "Representation at multiple scales")
19  print("This example is too slow to test in debug mode - run without")
20  print("internal tests enabled, or without the --run-quick-test flag")
21  sys.exit(0)
23 # ##################### SYSTEM SETUP #####################
24 # Read sequences etc
26 components = ["Rpb1", "Rpb2", "Rpb3", "Rpb4"]
27 colors = ['medium purple', 'goldenrod', 'orchid', 'olive drab']
28 chains = "ABCD"
29 beadsize = 10
31 # Setup System and add a State
32 mdl = IMP.Model()
34 st = s.create_state()
36 # Add Molecules for each component as well as representations
37 mols = []
38 for n in range(len(components)):
39  print('PMI: setting up', components[n], '1WCM:'+chains[n])
40  mol = st.create_molecule( # create molecule
41  components[n],
42  sequence=seqs['1WCM:'+chains[n]],
43  chain_id=chains[n])
44  atomic = mol.add_structure(
45  IMP.pmi.get_example_path('data/1WCM_fitted.pdb'),
46  chain_id=chains[n], offset=0)
47  mol.add_representation(atomic, # res 1,10 for structured regions
48  resolutions=[1, 10],
49  color=colors[n])
50  mol.add_representation(mol[:]-atomic, # res 10 for unstructured regions
51  resolutions=[beadsize],
52  color=colors[n])
53  mols.append(mol)
55 # calling creates all States and Molecules (and their
56 # representations)
57 # Once you call build(), anything without representation is destroyed.
58 # You can still use handles like molecule[a:b], molecule.get_atomic_residues()
59 # or molecule.get_non_atomic_residues()
60 # However these functions will only return BUILT representations
61 root_hier =
63 # Uncomment this for verbose output of the representation
64 # IMP.atom.show_with_representations(root_hier)
66 # Setup degrees of freedom
67 # The DOF functions automatically select all resolutions
68 # Objects passed to nonrigid_parts move with the frame but also have
69 # their own independent movers.
71 for mol in mols:
72  dof.create_rigid_body(mol,
73  nonrigid_parts=mol.get_non_atomic_residues(),
74  max_trans=0.1,
75  max_rot=0.78,
76  nonrigid_max_trans=0.1)
77  # display the bonds between consecutive fragments,
78  # so that they are shown in the psf
82 # ##################### RESTRAINTS #####################
83 output_objects = [] # keep a list of functions that need to be reported
85 # Connectivity keeps things connected along the backbone (ignores if inside
86 # same rigid body)
87 crs = []
88 for mol in mols:
90  cr.add_to_model()
91  output_objects.append(cr)
92  crs.append(cr)
94 # Excluded volume - automatically more efficient due to rigid bodies
96  included_objects=mols)
97 evr.add_to_model()
98 output_objects.append(evr)
101 # ##################### SAMPLING #####################
102 # First shuffle the system
103, max_translation=30)
105 # Quickly move all flexible beads into place
106 dof.optimize_flexible_beads(100)
108 # Run replica exchange Monte Carlo sampling
110  mdl,
111  # pass the root hierarchy
112  root_hier=root_hier,
113  # pass MC movers
114  monte_carlo_sample_objects=dof.get_movers(),
115  global_output_directory='multiscale_output/',
116  output_objects=output_objects,
117  monte_carlo_steps=10,
118  # set >0 to store best PDB files (but this is slow to do online)
119  number_of_best_scoring_models=0,
120  # increase number of frames to get better results!
121  number_of_frames=1)
122 rex.execute_macro()
Simplify creation of constraints and movers for an IMP Hierarchy.
Restraints for keeping correct stereochemistry.
def display_bonds
Decorate the sequence-consecutive particles from a PMI2 molecule with a bond, so that they appear con...
bool get_is_quick_test()
Definition: flags.h:183
def shuffle_configuration
Shuffle particles.
A macro to help setup and run replica exchange.
Set of Python classes to create a multi-state, multi-resolution IMP hierarchy.
Strings setup_from_argv(const Strings &argv, std::string description, std::string positional_description, int num_positional)
std::string get_example_path(std::string file_name)
Return the full path to one of this module's example files.
Protocols for sampling structures and analyzing them.
Represent the root node of the global IMP.atom.Hierarchy.
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Definition: Model.h:86
Classes to handle different kinds of restraints.
Create a restraint between consecutive TempResidue objects or an entire PMI Molecule object...
Create movers and set up constraints for PMI objects.
A class to create an excluded volume restraint for a set of particles at a given resolution.
Python classes to represent, score, sample and analyze models.
A dictionary-like wrapper for reading and storing sequence data.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
Support for the RMF file format for storing hierarchical molecular data and markup.