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IMP Reference Guide  develop.298718d020,2025/02/21
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.spatiotemporal.analysis Namespace Reference

Functions to analyze spatiotemporal models. More...

Detailed Description

Functions to analyze spatiotemporal models.


def precision
 Function that reads in one labeled_pdf from create_DAG and returns the precision, defined as the sum of the squared probability of all trajectories. More...
def temporal_precision
 Function that reads in two labeled_pdfs from create_DAG and returns the temporal_precision, defined as the probability overlap between two pathway models. More...

Function Documentation

def IMP.spatiotemporal.analysis.precision (   labeled_pdf_fn,
  output_fn = 'precision.txt' 

Function that reads in one labeled_pdf from create_DAG and returns the precision, defined as the sum of the squared probability of all trajectories.

labeled_pdf_fnstring, labeled pdf file name (including the path); labeled_pdf from the total model
output_fnstring, name of output file (default: 'temporal_precision.txt')
temporal precision, written to output_fn
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 81 of file spatiotemporal/

def IMP.spatiotemporal.analysis.temporal_precision (   labeled_pdf1_fn,
  output_fn = 'temporal_precision.txt' 

Function that reads in two labeled_pdfs from create_DAG and returns the temporal_precision, defined as the probability overlap between two pathway models.

labeled_pdf1_fnstring, labeled pdf file name (including the path); labeled_pdf from one independent sampling
labeled_pdf2_fnstring, labeled pdf file name (including the path); labeled_pdf from another independent sampling
output_fnstring, name of output file (default: 'temporal_precision.txt')
temporal precision, written to output_fn
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 17 of file spatiotemporal/