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IMP Reference Guide  develop.e7a92ed4ee,2025/02/07
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.sampcon.good_scoring_model_selector.GoodScoringModelSelector Class Reference

Select good-scoring models based on scores and/or data satisfaction. More...

Inherits object.

Detailed Description

Select good-scoring models based on scores and/or data satisfaction.

Exrtact the corresponding RMFs and put them in a separate directory

This class is only available in Python.

Definition at line 59 of file

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Constructor. More...
def get_good_scoring_models
 Loops over all stat files in the run directory and populates the list of good-scoring models. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def IMP.sampcon.good_scoring_model_selector.GoodScoringModelSelector.__init__ (   self,


run_directorythe directory containing subdirectories of runs
run_prefixthe prefix for each run directory. For e.g. if the subdirectories are modeling_run1, modeling_run2, etc. the prefix is modeling_run

Definition at line 66 of file

Member Function Documentation

def IMP.sampcon.good_scoring_model_selector.GoodScoringModelSelector.get_good_scoring_models (   self,
  selection_keywords_list = [],
  printing_keywords_list = [],
  aggregate_lower_thresholds = [],
  aggregate_upper_thresholds = [],
  member_lower_thresholds = [],
  member_upper_thresholds = [],
  extract = False 

Loops over all stat files in the run directory and populates the list of good-scoring models.

selection_keywords_listis the list of keywords in the PMI stat file that need to be checked for each datatype/score in the criteria list
printing_keywords_listis the list of keywords in the PMI stat file whose values needs to be printed for selected models
aggregate_lower_thresholdsThe list of lower bounds on the values corresponding to fields in the criteria_list. Aggregates are used for terms like % of crosslink satisfaction and thresholds of score terms
aggregate_upper_thresholdsThe list of upper bounds on the values corresponding to fields in the criteria_list. Aggregates are used for terms like % of crosslink satisfaction and thresholds of score terms
member_lower_thresholdsThe list of lower bounds for values of subcomponents of an aggregate term. E.g. for crosslink satisfaction the thresholds are on distances for each individual crosslink. For score terms this can be ignored since thresholds are mentioned in the aggregate fields.
member_upper_thresholdsThe list of upper bounds for values of subcomponents of an aggregate term. E.g. for crosslink satisfaction the thresholds are on distances for each individual crosslink. For score terms this can be ignored since thresholds are mentioned in the aggregate fields.

Definition at line 207 of file

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