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IMP Reference Guide  develop.298718d020,2025/02/21
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.pmi.restraints.basic.MembraneRestraint Class Reference

Restrain particles to be above, below, or inside a planar membrane. More...

Inherits RestraintBase.

Detailed Description

Restrain particles to be above, below, or inside a planar membrane.

The membrane is defined to lie on the xy plane with a given z coordinate and thickness, and particles are restrained (by their z coordinates) with a simple sigmoid score.

This class is only available in Python.

Definition at line 305 of file

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Setup the restraint. More...
def create_membrane_density
 Create an MRC density file to visualize the membrane. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def IMP.pmi.restraints.basic.MembraneRestraint.__init__ (   self,
  objects_above = None,
  objects_inside = None,
  objects_below = None,
  center = 0.0,
  thickness = 30.0,
  softness = 3.0,
  plateau = 1e-10,
  resolution = 1,
  weight = 1.0,
  label = None 

Setup the restraint.

objects_insidelist or tuples of objects in membrane (e.g. ['p1', (10, 30,'p2')])
objects_abovelist or tuples of objects above membrane
objects_belowlist or tuples of objects below membrane
thicknessThickness of the membrane along the z-axis
softnessSoftness of the limiter in the sigmoid function
plateauParameter to set the probability (=1- plateau)) at the plateau phase of the sigmoid
weightWeight of restraint
labelA unique label to be used in outputs and particle/restraint names.

Definition at line 319 of file

Member Function Documentation

def IMP.pmi.restraints.basic.MembraneRestraint.create_membrane_density (   self,
  file_out = 'membrane_localization.mrc' 

Create an MRC density file to visualize the membrane.

Definition at line 412 of file

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