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IMP Reference Guide  develop.298718d020,2025/02/21
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.pmi.output.ProcessOutput Class Reference

A class for reading stat files (either rmf or ascii v1 and v2) More...

Detailed Description

A class for reading stat files (either rmf or ascii v1 and v2)

This class is only available in Python.

Definition at line 931 of file

Public Member Functions

def get_fields
 Get the desired field names, and return a dictionary. More...

Member Function Documentation

def IMP.pmi.output.ProcessOutput.get_fields (   self,
  filtertuple = None,
  filterout = None,
  get_every = 1,
  statistics = None 

Get the desired field names, and return a dictionary.

Namely, "fields" are the queried keys in the stat file (eg. ["Total_Score",...]) The returned data structure is a dictionary, where each key is a field and the value is the time series (ie, frame ordered series) of that field (ie, {"Total_Score":[Score_0,Score_1,Score_2,,...],....})

fields(list of strings) queried keys in the stat file (eg. "Total_Score"....)
filteroutspecify if you want to "grep" out something from the file, so that it is faster
filtertuplea tuple that contains ("TheKeyToBeFiltered",relationship,value) where relationship = "<", "==", or ">"
get_everyonly read every Nth line from the file
statisticsif provided, accumulate statistics in an OutputStatistics object

Definition at line 996 of file

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