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IMP Reference Guide  develop.330bebda01,2025/01/14
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP::atom::BondGraph Class Reference

Represent a bond graph as a boost graph. More...

#include <IMP/atom/bond_graph.h>

Detailed Description

Represent a bond graph as a boost graph.

The BondGraph class implements the following boost graph concepts

  • bidirectional_graph
  • adjacency_graph
  • vertex_list_graph
  • edge_list_graph.

See the Boost.Graph manual for more details and a list of algorithms.

The vertices are Bondeds. The type of the edge_descriptors is internal. You can use the get_bond() method to get the corresponding Bond.

And all vertices can be assumed to have internal boost vertex indices. The Boost.PropertyMap to access these can be accessed using the get_vertex_index_map() function.

Some usage examples

boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths(a, Bonded(),
.distance_map(BondGraph::VertexFloatPropertyMap(FloatKey("graph distance")))
Warning: BondGraph has not been well tested yet
Use with caution and please report any bugs found.

Definition at line 59 of file bond_graph.h.

Public Member Functions

 BondGraph (Hierarchy bd)
 The graph is on the leaves of the atom::Hierarchy. More...
Bond get_bond (edge_descriptor d) const

Property maps

Boost.Graph makes extensive use of property maps. We define a few maps which use the particle attributes to store their data. Each map is constructed by passing an appropriate attribute key, to specify the attribute used to store the data. Attempt to store to an attribute which the particle does not already have adds the attribute to the particle. More information about property maps can be found in the Boost.PropertyMap documentation.

 Provide boost access to a Float attribute each vertex. More...
 Provide boost access to an Int attribute each vertex. More...
 Provide boost access to a Particle attribute each vertex. More...
 Provide boost access to a Float attribute on the edges such as length. More...
 Provide boost access to an Int attribute on each edge. More...
VertexIntPropertyMap get_vertex_index_map () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMP::atom::BondGraph::BondGraph ( Hierarchy  bd)

The graph is on the leaves of the atom::Hierarchy.

All the leaves will be made Bonded particles if they are not already.

The hierarchy must not have any bonds to particles not in the hierarchy.

Member Data Documentation


Provide boost access to a Float attribute on the edges such as length.

Definition at line 111 of file bond_graph.h.


Provide boost access to an Int attribute on each edge.

Definition at line 113 of file bond_graph.h.


Provide boost access to a Float attribute each vertex.

Definition at line 104 of file bond_graph.h.


Provide boost access to an Int attribute each vertex.

Definition at line 106 of file bond_graph.h.


Provide boost access to a Particle attribute each vertex.

The particles in question must be Bonded particles.

Definition at line 109 of file bond_graph.h.

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