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IMP Reference Guide  develop.e7a92ed4ee,2025/02/07
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP::Value Class Reference

Base class for a simple primitive-like type. More...

#include <IMP/Value.h>

Inherited by IMP::Array< 2, Key >, IMP::Array< 2, ParticleIndex >, IMP::Array< 4, ParticleIndex >, IMP::ConstVector< IMP::WeakPointer< Particle >, Particle * >, IMP::ConstVector< int >, IMP::ConstVector< unsigned int >, IMP::algebra::ExtendedGridIndexD< D >, IMP::algebra::GridIndexD< D >, IMP::Array< D, Data, SwigData >, IMP::atom::PDBRecord, IMP::bff::AVPairDistanceMeasurement, IMP::bff::DecayRange, IMP::bff::PathMapTileEdge, IMP::ConstVector< Data, SwigData >, IMP::core::MonteCarloMoverResult, IMP::Decorator, IMP::display::Color, IMP::FloatIndex, IMP::Key< ID >, IMP::ScoreAccumulator, IMP::Vector< T, Allocator >, IMP::VersionInfo, IMP::Key< 0 >, IMP::Key< 1 >, IMP::Key< 3 >, IMP::Key< 34897493 >, IMP::Key< 4 >, IMP::Key< 6 >, IMP::Key< 8974343 >, IMP::Key< 90784334 >, IMP::Vector< algebra::Vector3D >, IMP::Vector< algebra::Vector3Ds >, IMP::Vector< algebra::VectorKD >, IMP::Vector< AP >, IMP::Vector< Assignment >, IMP::Vector< AtomFactorCoefficients >, IMP::Vector< CHARMMAngle >, IMP::Vector< CHARMMBond >, IMP::Vector< CHARMMDihedral >, IMP::Vector< CHARMMInternalCoordinate >, IMP::Vector< core::RigidBody >, IMP::Vector< Data >, IMP::Vector< double >, IMP::Vector< FittingSolutionRecord >, IMP::Vector< Float >, IMP::Vector< FloatIndex >, IMP::Vector< FloatKey >, IMP::Vector< FloatRange >, IMP::Vector< Floats >, IMP::Vector< Hierarchy >, IMP::Vector< IMP::algebra::VectorD< D > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::atom::CHARMMAtomTopology >, IMP::Vector< IMP::atom::CHARMMBondEndpoint >, IMP::Vector< IMP::atom::ForceFieldParameters::Bond >, IMP::Vector< IMP::IMP::PointerMember< core::MultipleBinormalRestraint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Index >, IMP::Vector< IMP::multi_state::MultiStateModelScore * >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< DihedralAngleRevoluteJoint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< DOF > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Geometry > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Image > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< IMP::Configuration > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< IMP::Particle >, std::allocator< IMP::Pointer< IMP::Particle > > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Joint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< MonteCarloMover > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< O > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< PairContainer > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< PairScore > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Particle > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Profile > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< QuadScore > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< Restraint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< RevoluteJoint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< SampledDensityMap > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< SingletonScore > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< SubsetFilterTable > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< SurfaceShellDensityMap > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< TransformationJoint > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< TripletScore > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Pointer< UnaryFunction > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::PointerMember< Score > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Vector >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Vector, std::allocator< IMP::Vector > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::Vector< double > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::WeakPointer< Container > >, IMP::Vector< IMP::WeakPointer< Restraint > >, IMP::Vector< Index >, IMP::Vector< Int >, IMP::Vector< int >, IMP::Vector< IntPair >, IMP::Vector< Ints >, IMP::Vector< IntsList >, IMP::Vector< Key >, IMP::Vector< ParticleIndex, std::allocator< ParticleIndex > >, IMP::Vector< ParticleIndexPair, std::allocator< ParticleIndexPair > >, IMP::Vector< ParticleIndexQuad, std::allocator< ParticleIndexQuad > >, IMP::Vector< ParticleIndexTriplet, std::allocator< ParticleIndexTriplet > >, IMP::Vector< ParticlePair >, IMP::Vector< Pointer< Particle > >, IMP::Vector< ReferenceFrame3D >, IMP::Vector< RegistrationResult >, IMP::Vector< RestraintSetData >, IMP::Vector< RigidBody >, IMP::Vector< Rotation3D >, IMP::Vector< Slice >, IMP::Vector< Sphere3D >, IMP::Vector< std::pair< internal::CHARMMDihedralNames, CHARMMDihedralParameters > >, IMP::Vector< std::string >, IMP::Vector< String >, IMP::Vector< Transformation3D >, IMP.Vector< unsigned >, IMP::Vector< unsigned int >, IMP::Vector< VectorD< 2 > >, IMP::Vector< VectorD< 3 > >, IMP::Vector< VectorD<-1 > >, IMP::Vector< WeakPointer< Particle > >, IMP::Vector< XYZ >, and IMP::Vector< XYZR >.

Detailed Description

Base class for a simple primitive-like type.

A Value in IMP should support output to streams in C++, conversion to string in Python, being put in a hash table/dictionary and comparison with other values of the same type. In addition, its default constructor should put it into a known good initial state.

Definition at line 23 of file Value.h.

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