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IMP Reference Guide  2.7.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP::isd Namespace Reference

Inferential scoring building on methods developed as part of the Inferential Structure Determination software (ISD). More...

Detailed Description

Inferential scoring building on methods developed as part of the Inferential Structure Determination software (ISD).


Author(s): Yannick Spill, Riccardo Pellarin, Charles Greenberg, Ben Webb, Daniel Russel

Maintainer: yannickspill

License: LGPL This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.



 Classes to handle ISD statistics files.
 Tools for handling Gaussian Mixture Models.
 Classes to store output from replicas.
 Classes to handle TALOS files or folders.
 Classes to handle TBL files.
 Miscellaneous utilities.


class  AmbiguousNOERestraint
 Ambiguous NOE distance restraint between a number of pairs of particles. More...
class  AmbiguousRestraint
 Apply an ambiguous restraint by computing the d-norm. More...
class  AtomicCrossLinkMSRestraint
 Restrain atom pairs based on a set of crosslinks. More...
class  BivariateFunction
 Base class for functions of two variables. More...
class  Covariance1DFunction
 Covariance function. More...
class  CrossLinkData
 CrossLinkData. More...
class  CrossLinkMSRestraint
 A restraint for ambiguous cross-linking MS data and multiple state approach. More...
class  CysteineCrossLinkData
 CysteineCrossLinkData. More...
class  CysteineCrossLinkRestraint
 A restraint for cysteine cross-linking data. More...
class  FNormal
 FNormal. More...
class  FretData
 Auxiliary class for FRET_R restraint. More...
class  FretRestraint
class  GaussianAnchorEMRestraint
 Restraint between two sets of anchor points "model" and "EM density". More...
class  GaussianEMRestraint
 Restraint between two Gaussian Mixture Models, "model" and "density". More...
class  GaussianProcessInterpolation
 GaussianProcessInterpolation. More...
class  GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraint
 gaussian process restraint More...
class  GaussianRestraint
 Normal probability distribution as a restraint. More...
class  GeneralizedGuinierPorodFunction
 1D mean function for SAS data More...
class  HybridMonteCarlo
 Hybrid Monte Carlo optimizer. More...
class  ISDRestraint
 A base class for ISD Restraints. More...
class  JeffreysRestraint
class  Linear1DFunction
 Linear one-dimensional function. More...
class  LognormalAmbiguousRestraint
class  LognormalRestraint
 Normal probability distribution as a restraint. More...
class  LogWrapper
 Calculate the -Log of a list of restraints. More...
class  MarginalHBondRestraint
 Apply a lognormal distance restraint between two particles. More...
class  MarginalNOERestraint
 Apply an NOE distance restraint between two particles. More...
class  MolecularDynamics
 Molecular dynamics optimizer on 1-D and 3-D particles. More...
class  MolecularDynamicsMover
 Modify a set of continuous variables using a MD simulation. More...
class  MultivariateFNormalSufficient
 MultivariateFNormalSufficient. More...
class  NOERestraint
 Apply an NOE distance restraint between two particles. More...
class  Nuisance
 Add nuisance parameter to particle. More...
class  RepulsiveDistancePairScore
 A repulsive potential on the distance between two atoms. More...
class  Scale
 Add scale parameter to particle. More...
class  Switching
 Add switching parameter to particle. More...
class  TALOSRestraint
 phi/psi dihedral restraint between four particles, using data from TALOS. More...
class  UniformPrior
 Uniform distribution with harmonic boundaries. More...
class  UnivariateFunction
 Base class for functions of one variable. More...
class  vonMises
 vonMises More...
class  vonMisesKappaConjugateRestraint
 Conjugate prior for the concentration parameter of a von Mises distribution. More...
class  vonMisesKappaJeffreysRestraint
 Jeffreys prior for the \kappa concentration parameter of a von Mises distribution. More...
class  vonMisesSufficient
 vonMisesSufficient More...
class  Weight
 Add weights for a set of states to a particle. More...
class  WeightMover
 A mover that perturbs a Weight particle. More...
class  WeightRestraint


typedef IMP::Vector
< IMP::Pointer< ISDRestraint > > 
typedef IMP::Vector
< IMP::WeakPointer
< ISDRestraint > > 
typedef IMP::Vector< NuisanceNuisances
typedef IMP::Vector
< IMP::Pointer
< RepulsiveDistancePairScore > > 
typedef IMP::Vector
< IMP::WeakPointer
< RepulsiveDistancePairScore > > 
typedef IMP::Vector< ScaleScales
typedef IMP::Vector< SwitchingSwitchings
typedef IMP::Vector< WeightWeights

Standard module functions

All IMP modules have a set of standard functions to help get information about the module and about files associated with the module.

std::string get_module_version ()
std::string get_module_name ()
std::string get_data_path (std::string file_name)
 Return the full path to one of this module's data files. More...
std::string get_example_path (std::string file_name)
 Return the full path to one of this module's example files. More...

Typedef Documentation

A vector of reference-counting object pointers.

Definition at line 37 of file ISDRestraint.h.

A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.

See Also

Definition at line 37 of file ISDRestraint.h.

A vector of reference-counting object pointers.

Definition at line 45 of file RepulsiveDistancePairScore.h.

A vector of weak (non reference-counting) pointers to specified objects.

See Also

Definition at line 45 of file RepulsiveDistancePairScore.h.

Pass or store a set of Weight .

Definition at line 62 of file Weight.h.

Function Documentation

std::string IMP::isd::get_data_path ( std::string  file_name)

Return the full path to one of this module's data files.

To read the data file "data_library" that was placed in the data directory of this module, do something like

std::ifstream in(IMP::isd::get_data_path("data_library"));

This will ensure that the code works both when IMP is installed or if used via the script.

Each module has its own data directory, so be sure to use this function from the correct module.
std::string IMP::isd::get_example_path ( std::string  file_name)

Return the full path to one of this module's example files.

To read the example file "example_protein.pdb" that was placed in the examples directory of this module, do something like

std::ifstream in(IMP::isd::get_example_path("example_protein.pdb"));

This will ensure that the code works both when IMP is installed or if used via the script.

Each module has its own example directory, so be sure to use this function from the correct module.