IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Spatialtemporal scoring in IMP. More...
Spatialtemporal scoring in IMP.
This flexible code is for analyzing stepwise spatiotemporal models, such as those we used to compute our model of NPC assembly. If you are interested in using this code, please check out our examples. Our code is modular and easy to modify, as described in the spatiotemporal folder.
Dependencies for making spatiotemporal models:
Dependencies for visualizing spatiotemporal models as graphs:
Author(s): Andrew Latham and Jeremy Tempkin
Maintainer: alatham13
License: LGPL. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Here, we describe the spatiotemporal modeling package. The goal of this package is to read in a variety of input data and convert this data into a weighted graph of states. In the following, we go through each script, along with the functions available.
This functions streamlines the process of creating a graph by performing all the necessary steps and saving relevant input to files. Features of this function are walked through in example/toy/Simple_spatiotemporal_example.ipynb
state_dict - dictionary that defines the spatiotemporal model. They keys are strings that correspond to each time point in the stepwise temporal process. Keys should be ordered according to the steps in the spatiotemporal process. The values are integers that correspond to the number of possible states at that timepoint. Scores for each model are expected to be stored as state_timescorestr, where state are integers 1->value of the dictionary, time is the key in the dictionary, and scorestr is trailing characters, which are assumed to be constant for all states.
input_dir - string, directory where the data is stored. Empty string assumes current working directory.
scorestr - string, trailing characters at the end of the file with scores for each stage of the spatiotemporal model (default: '_scores.log').
output_dir - string, directory where the output will be written. Empty string assumes the same directory as the input_dir.
spatio_temporal_rule- Boolean. If true, enforces that all components earlier in the assembly process are present later in the process. (default: False)
subcomplexstr- string, trailing characters after the subcomplex file, which is a list of subcomplexes included in the given label/time (default: '.config')
expected_subcomplexes- list of all possible subcomplex strings in the model (default: []) Should be a list without duplicates of all components in the subcomplex files.
score_comp - Boolean to determine whether or not to score models based on the protein composition
exp_comp_map - dictionary for determining protein composition score. The keys are the proteins. The code checks if the name of these proteins are within the subcomplex_components for each node. As such, the naming scheme should be such that the keys of exp_comp_map are substrings of expected_subcomplexes the values of exp_comp_map should correspond to a csv file for each subcomplex with protein copy numbers. Each csv file should have 3 columns: 1) 'Time' - should correspond to the keys of state_dict, 2) 'mean' - mean copy number from experimental data, and 3) std - standard deviation from experimental data
out_cdf - Boolean to determine whether or not to write out the cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the graph (default: True)
out_labeled_pdf - Boolean to determine whether to output the labeled pdf file, which includes both the pdf and the ordered states visited along each path (default: True).
labeled_pdf_fn - string, name of the file for the labeled pdf (default: 'labeled_pdf.txt')
out_pdf - Boolean to determine whether or not to write out the probability distribution function (pdf) for the graph (default: False)
npaths - int, write out the states along the n most likely paths, based on the pdf (default: 0)
draw_dag - Boolean to determine whether or not to write out a directed acyclic graph (dag) to a file (default: True)
Function that reads in two labeled_pdfs from create_DAG and returns the temporal_precision, defined as the probability overlap between two pathway models.
labaled_pdf1_fn - labeled_pdf from one independent sampling
labaled_pdf2_fn - labeled_pdf from another independent sampling
output_fn - name of output file (default: 'temporal_precision.txt')
Function that reads in one labeled_pdf from create_DAG and returns the precision, defined as the sum of the squared probability of all trajectories.
labeled_pdf_fn - labeled_pdf from the total model
output_fn - name of output file (default: 'temporal_precision.txt')
graphNode is a class that defines how states are connected in a spatiotemporal model.
edges - set, which describes connections to other nodes
scores - list of floats, mean scores based on priors and likelihoods used for modeling
time - string, describes the time of the node
index - int, unique numbering for each node
label - int, numbering for each node that starts at 1 at each time point. This will correspond to the number in the input data
components - List of proteins/subcomplexes in this particular node. Must be a subset of expected_subcomplexes
expected_subcomplexes - list of possible proteins/subcomplexes in the overall system
Function that initiates a graph node with specific time, label, and expected_subcomplexes. Scores and components are extracted from files named scorestr and subcomplexstr respectively. Returns a single graphNode object.
Draws an edge between graphNode objects nodeA and nodeB. If spatio_temporal_rule, node will only be drawn if the components of nodeA are a subset of the components of nodeB.
Function that adds a score for the compositional likelihood for all states represented as nodes in the graph. The composition likelihood assumes a Gaussian distribution for copy number of each protein or subcomplex with means and standard deviatiations derived from experiment. Returns the nodes, with the new weights added.
nodes - list of graphNode objects, which have been already been initiated with static scores
exp_comp_map - dictionary, which describes protein stoicheometery. The key describes the protein, which should correspond to names within the expected_subcomplexes. Only copy numbers for proteins or subcomplexes included in this dictionary will be scored. For each of these proteins, a csv file should be provided with protein copy number data. The csv file should have 3 columns, 1) "Time", which matches up to the possible times in the graph, 2) "mean", the average protein copy number at that time point from experiment, and 3) "std", the standard deviation of that protein copy number from experiment.
Function that calculates the likelihood of an individual node, used by calc_likelihood().
mean - dictionary of dictionaries where the first key is the protein, the second key is the time, and the expected mean copy number from experiment is returned.
std - dictionary of dictionaries where the first key is the protein, the second key is the time, and the expected standard deviation of protein copy number from experiment is returned.
prots - list of proteins or subcomplexes which will be scored according to this likelihood function
node - the graphNode object for which the likelihood will be calculated.
get_state(subcomplex_components,prot): function to calculate how many times a protein appears in a list of proteins
prot - string, protein or subcomplex we are interested in finding
subcomplex_components - subcomplexes or components in a given node, which can be accessed by graphNode.get_subcomplex_components()
Function that calculates the likelihood of an individual state, used by prepare_protein_library. Returns a single float, the weight of the protein copy number based on a Gaussian likelihood function.
exp_comp_map - dictionary, which describes protein stoicheometery. The key describes the protein, which should correspond to names within the expected_subcomplexes. Only copy numbers for proteins or subcomplexes included in this dictionary will be scored. For each of these proteins, a csv file should be provided with protein copy number data. The csv file should have 3 columns, 1) "Time", which matches up to the possible times in the graph, 2) "mean", the average protein copy number at that time point from experiment, and 3) "std", the standard deviation of that protein copy number from experiment.
t - string, time at which the composition likelihood should be calculated. Should match one a possible value in the first column of the exp_comp_map.
state - list of integers, an array of the number of protein copy numbers for which the likelihood will be calculated. This array should list the proteins in the same order as the exp_comp_map.
Function to score a graph based on nodes, which has scores and edges, as well as keys, which is a list of the states visited. Note that all edges must be drawn and scores must be added to nodes before calling this function.
nodes - list of graphNode objects, which has been initialized with all weights and edges
keys - list of all ordered states visited along the graph. Paths will be determined in sequential order passed to this function.
Returns 3 objects:
all_paths - list of all paths through the graph. Each path is a list of graphNode objects that correspond to the states visited along the path.
path_prob - list of probabilities for each path, ordered in the same order as all_paths
path_scores - list of tuples, where the first object is the path (list of graphNode objects for each state along the trajectory), and the second object is the score of the path, which can be used to calculate the probability.
converts a list of graphNode objects (nodes), which have been initiated with scores and edges into a dictionary representation of a graph (graph). Each node in the graph is a key, which returns edges in the next state.
Finds all paths between nodes, which already have edges drawn between them.
graph - dictionary representation of the graph, acquired in get_graph_as_dict()
start - candidate starting graphNode
end - candidate ending graphNode
path - list of graphNodes on the path, which is defined recursively.
Returns all paths that exist between the starting node and ending node
function to output the cumulative distribution function (cdf)
out_cdf - bool, writes cdf if true
cdf_fn - str, filename of cdf
graph_prob - list of probabilities for each path, (path_prob from score_graph())
function to output the probability distribution function (pdf)
out_pdf - bool, writes pdf if true
pdf_fn - str, filename of pdf
graph_prob - list of probabilities for each path, (path_prob from score_graph())
function to output the labeled probability distribution function (pdf)
out_labeled_pdf - bool, writes labeled_pdf if true
labeled_pdf_fn - str, filename of labeled_pdf
graph - list of graphNode objects visited for each path, (all_paths from score_graph())
graph_prob - list of probabilities for each path, (path_prob from score_graph())
function to output a file with all states for each of the n most likely paths
npaths - int, number of paths to output
nphath_fn - str, name of the file for all paths
graph_scores - list of tuples, where the first object is the path (list of graphNode objects for each state along the trajectory), and the second object is the score of the path, which can be used to calculate the probability. (path_scores from score_graph())
graph_prob - list of probabilities for each path, (path_prob from score_graph())
Function to render the DAG with heatmap information.
dag_fn is a string with the filename path.
nodes is a list of graphNode objects.
paths is a list of lists containing the paths.
path_prob - list of probabilities for each path, (path_prob from score_graph())
keys - states visited in the graph (list of keys to the state_dict)
heatmap - Boolean to determine whether or not to write the dag with a heatmap based on the probability of each state (default: True)
colormap - string, colormap used by the dag to represent probability. Chooses from those available in matplotlib ( (default: "Purples").
draw_label - Boolean to determine whether or not to draw state labels on the dag
fontname - string, font used for the labels on the dag
fontsize - string, font size used for the labels on the dag
penscale - float, size of the pen used to draw arrows on the dag
arrowsize - float, size of arrows connecting states on the dag
height - string, height of each node on the dag
width - string, width of each node on the dag
Function used by draw_dag() to render the graph using graphviz. Takes a list of graphNodes (nodes) and initializes the nodes and edges. Coloring is expected to be a list of RGBA strings specifying how to color each node. Expected to be same length as nodes.
Function that reads in experimental stoicheometery data and calculates which compositions and location assignments should be sampled for spatiotemporal modeling, which are saved as config files. Optionally, a PMI topology file can be provided, in which case topology files for each composition and location assignment are also written. The output is 3 types of files: 1. *_time.config - configuration files, which list the proteins included at each time point for each model 2. time.txt - protein copy number files. Each row is a protein copy number state and each column is the protein copy number in that state. Note that each protein copy number state can result in multiple location assignments. 3. *_time_topol.txt - topology files for each copy number and location assignment.
times - list of strings, the times at which the stoicheometery data should be read.
exp_comp_map - dictionary, which describes protein stoicheometery. The key describes the protein, which should correspond to names within the expected_subcomplexes. Only copy numbers for proteins or subcomplexes included in this dictionary will be scored. For each of these proteins, a csv file should be provided with protein copy number data. The csv file should have 3 columns, 1) "Time", which matches up to the possible times in the graph, 2) "mean", the average protein copy number at that time point from experiment, and 3) "std", the standard deviation of that protein copy number from experiment.
expected_subcomplexes - list of all possible subcomplex strings in the model. Should be a list without duplicates of all components in the subcomplex configuration files.
nmodels - int, number of models with different protein copy numbers to generate at each time point.
output_dir - string, directory where the output will be written. Empty string assumes the current working directory. (default: '')
template_topology: string, name of the topology file for the complete complex (default: '', no topology files are output)
template_dict: dictionary for connecting the spatiotemporal model to the topology file. The keys (string) are the names of the proteins, defined by the expected_complexes variable. The values (list) are the names of all proteins in the topology file that should have the same copy number as the labeled protein, specifically the "molecule_name." (default: {}, no topology files are output)
match_final_state: Boolean, determines whether to fix the final state to the state defined by expected_subcomplexes. True enforces this match and thus ensures that the final time has only one state. (default: True)
Namespaces | |
analysis | |
Functions to analyze spatiotemporal models. | |
composition_scoring | |
Functions for weighting graphNode objects based on stoichiometry data. | |
create_DAG | |
Simplified function for creating a spatiotemporal model. | |
graphNode | |
Defines the graphNode class. | |
prepare_protein_library | |
Function for preparing spatiotemporal models for sampling. | |
score_graph | |
Functions to traverse and score the spatiotemporal graphs. | |
write_output | |
Functions to write spatiotemporal graph information to files. | |
Functions | |
def | get_data_path |
Return the full path to one of this module's data files. More... | |
def | get_example_path |
Return the full path to one of this module's example files. More... | |
def | get_module_name |
Return the fully-qualified name of this module. More... | |
def | get_module_version |
Return the version of this module, as a string. More... | |
def IMP.spatiotemporal.get_data_path | ( | fname | ) |
Return the full path to one of this module's data files.
Definition at line 16 of file spatiotemporal/
def IMP.spatiotemporal.get_example_path | ( | fname | ) |
Return the full path to one of this module's example files.
Definition at line 21 of file spatiotemporal/
def IMP.spatiotemporal.get_module_name | ( | ) |
Return the fully-qualified name of this module.
Definition at line 11 of file spatiotemporal/
def IMP.spatiotemporal.get_module_version | ( | ) |
Return the version of this module, as a string.
Definition at line 6 of file spatiotemporal/