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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 """@namespace IMP.pmi1.topology
2 Set of python classes to create a multi-state, multi-resolution IMP hierarchy.
3 * Start by creating a System with `model = IMP.Model(); s = IMP.pmi1.topology.System(model)`. The System will store all the states.
4 * Then call System.create_state(). You can easily create a multistate system by calling this function multiples times.
5 * For each State, call State.create_molecule() to add a Molecule (a uniquely named polymer). This function returns the Molecule object which can be passed to various PMI functions.
6 * Some useful functions to help you set up your Molecules:
7  * Access the sequence residues with slicing (Molecule[a:b]) or functions like Molecule.get_atomic_residues() and Molecule.get_non_atomic_residues(). These functions all return python sets for easy set arithmetic using & (and), | (or), - (difference)
8  * Molecule.add_structure() to add structural information from a PDB file.
9  * Molecule.add_representation() to create a representation unit - here you can choose bead resolutions as well as alternate representations like densities or ideal helices.
10  * Molecule.create_clone() lets you set up a molecule with identical representations, just a different chain ID. Use Molecule.create_copy() if you want a molecule with the same sequence but that allows custom representations.
11 * Once data has been added and representations chosen, call to create a canonical IMP hierarchy.
12 * Following hierarchy construction, setup rigid bodies, flexible beads, etc in IMP::pmi1::dof.
13 * Check your representation with a nice printout: IMP::atom::show_with_representation()
14 See a [comprehensive example]( for using these classes.
16 Alternatively one can construct the entire topology and degrees of freedom via formatted text file with TopologyReader and IMP::pmi1::macros::BuildSystem(). This is used in the [PMI tutorial](@ref rnapolii_stalk).
17 Note that this only allows a limited set of the full options available to PMI users (rigid bodies only, fixed resolutions).
18 """
20 from __future__ import print_function
21 import IMP
22 import IMP.atom
23 import IMP.algebra
24 import IMP.pmi1
25 import
26 import csv
27 import os
28 from collections import defaultdict
29 from bisect import bisect_left
30 from math import pi,cos,sin
31 from operator import itemgetter
33 def _build_ideal_helix(model, residues, coord_finder):
34  """Creates an ideal helix from the specified residue range
35  Residues MUST be contiguous.
36  This function actually adds them to the TempResidue hierarchy
37  """
38  created_hiers = []
40  # this function creates a CAlpha helix structure (which can be used for coarsening)
41  for n, tempres in enumerate(residues):
42  if tempres.get_has_structure():
43  raise Exception("You tried to build ideal_helix for a residue "
44  "that already has structure:",tempres)
45  if n>0 and (not tempres.get_index()==prev_idx+1):
46  raise Exception("Passed non-contiguous segment to build_ideal_helix for",tempres.get_molecule())
48  # New residue particle will replace the TempResidue's existing (empty) hierarchy
49  rp = IMP.Particle(model)
50  rp.set_name("Residue_%i" % tempres.get_index())
52  # Copy the original residue type and index
53  this_res = IMP.atom.Residue.setup_particle(rp,tempres.get_hierarchy())
55  # Create the CAlpha
56  ap = IMP.Particle(model)
58  x = 2.3 * cos(n * 2 * pi / 3.6)
59  y = 2.3 * sin(n * 2 * pi / 3.6)
60  z = 6.2 / 3.6 / 2 * n * 2 * pi / 3.6
61  d.set_coordinates(IMP.algebra.Vector3D(x, y, z))
62  d.set_radius(1.0)
63  a = IMP.atom.Atom.setup_particle(ap, IMP.atom.AT_CA) # Decorating as Atom also decorates as Mass
64  IMP.atom.Mass(ap).set_mass(110.0)
65  this_res.add_child(a)
67  # Add this structure to the TempResidue
68  tempres.set_structure(this_res)
69  created_hiers.append(this_res)
70  prev_idx = tempres.get_index()
71  coord_finder.add_residues(created_hiers) #the coord finder is for placing beads (later)
74 class Sequences(object):
75  """A dictionary-like wrapper for reading and storing sequence data"""
76  def __init__(self,fasta_fn,name_map=None):
77  """read a fasta file and extract all the requested sequences
78  @param fasta_fn sequence file
79  @param name_map dictionary mapping the fasta name to final stored name
80  """
81  self.sequences =
82  self.read_sequences(fasta_fn,name_map)
83  def __len__(self):
84  return len(self.sequences)
85  def __contains__(self,x):
86  return x in self.sequences
87  def __getitem__(self,key):
88  if type(key) is int:
89  try:
90  allseqs = list(self.sequences.keys())
91  return self.sequences[allseqs[key]]
92  except:
93  raise Exception("You tried to access sequence num",key,"but there's only",len(self.sequences.keys()))
94  else:
95  return self.sequences[key]
96  def __iter__(self):
97  return self.sequences.__iter__()
98  def __repr__(self):
99  ret=''
100  for s in self.sequences:
101  ret += '%s\t%s\n'%(s,self.sequences[s])
102  return ret
103  def read_sequences(self,fasta_fn,name_map=None):
104  code = None
105  seq = None
106  with open(fasta_fn,'r') as fh:
107  for (num, line) in enumerate(fh):
108  if line.startswith('>'):
109  if seq is not None:
110  self.sequences[code] = seq.strip('*')
111  code = line.rstrip()[1:]
112  if name_map is not None:
113  try:
114  code = name_map[code]
115  except:
116  pass
117  seq = ''
118  else:
119  line = line.rstrip()
120  if line: # Skip blank lines
121  if seq is None:
122  raise Exception( \
123  "Found FASTA sequence before first header at line %d: %s" % (num + 1, line))
124  seq += line
125  if seq is not None:
126  self.sequences[code] = seq.strip('*')
129 class TopologyReader(object):
130  """Automatically setup System and Degrees of Freedom with a formatted text file.
131  The file is read in and each part of the topology is stored as a
132  ComponentTopology object for input into IMP::pmi1::macros::BuildSystem.
133  The topology file should be in a simple pipe-delimited format:
134  @code{.txt}
135 |molecule_name|color|fasta_fn|fasta_id|pdb_fn|chain|residue_range|pdb_offset|bead_size|em_residues_per_gaussian|rigid_body|super_rigid_body|chain_of_super_rigid_bodies|flags|
136 |Rpb1 |blue |1WCM.fasta|1WCM:A|1WCM.pdb|A|1,1140 |0|10|0|1|1,3|1||
137 |Rpb1 |blue |1WCM.fasta|1WCM:A|1WCM.pdb|A|1141,1274|0|10|0|2|1,3|1||
138 |Rpb1 |blue |1WCM.fasta|1WCM:A|1WCM.pdb|A|1275,END |0|10|0|3|1,3|1||
139 |Rpb2 |red |1WCM.fasta|1WCM:B|1WCM.pdb|B|all |0|10|0|4|2,3|2||
140 |Rpb2.1 |green |1WCM.fasta|1WCM:B|1WCM.pdb|B|all |0|10|0|4|2,3|2||
142  @endcode
144  These are the fields you can enter:
145  - `component_name`: Name of the component (chain). Serves as the parent
146  hierarchy for this structure.
147  - `color`: The color used in the output RMF file. Uses chimera names or R,G,B values
148  - `fasta_fn`: Name of FASTA file containing this component.
149  - `fasta_id`: String found in FASTA sequence header line. The sequence read
150  from the file is assumed to be a protein sequence. If it should instead
151  be treated as RNA or DNA, add an ',RNA' or ',DNA' suffix. For example,
152  a `fasta_id` of 'myseq,RNA' will read the sequence 'myseq' from the
153  FASTA file and treat it as RNA.
154  - `pdb_fn`: Name of PDB file with coordinates (if available).
155  If left empty, will set up as BEADS (you can also specify "BEADS")
156  Can also write "IDEAL_HELIX".
157  - `chain`: Chain ID of this domain in the PDB file.
158  - `residue_range`: Comma delimited pair defining range.
159  Can leave empty or use 'all' for entire sequence from PDB file.
160  The second item in the pair can be END to select the last residue in the
161  PDB chain.
162  - `pdb_offset`: Offset to sync PDB residue numbering with FASTA numbering.
163  - `bead_size`: The size (in residues) of beads used to model areas not
164  covered by PDB coordinates. These will be automatically built.
165  - `em_residues`: The number of Gaussians used to model the electron
166  density of this domain. Set to zero if no EM fitting will be done.
167  The GMM files will be written to <gmm_dir>/<component_name>_<em_res>.txt (and .mrc)
168  - `rigid_body`: Leave empty if this object is not in a rigid body.
169  Otherwise, this is a number corresponding to the rigid body containing
170  this object. The number itself is just used for grouping things.
171  - `super_rigid_body`: Like a rigid_body, except things are only occasionally rigid
172  - `chain_of_super_rigid_bodies` For a polymer, create SRBs from groups.
173  - `flags` additional flags for advanced options
174  \note All filenames are relative to the paths specified in the constructor.
176  """
177  def __init__(self,
178  topology_file,
179  pdb_dir='./',
180  fasta_dir='./',
181  gmm_dir='./'):
182  """Constructor.
183  @param topology_file Pipe-delimited file specifying the topology
184  @param pdb_dir Relative path to the pdb directory
185  @param fasta_dir Relative path to the fasta directory
186  @param gmm_dir Relative path to the GMM directory
187  """
188  self.topology_file = topology_file
189  self.molecules = # key=molname, value=TempMolecule
190  self.pdb_dir = pdb_dir
191  self.fasta_dir = fasta_dir
192  self.gmm_dir = gmm_dir
193  self._components =
195  # Preserve old self.component_list for backwards compatibility
196  @IMP.deprecated_method("2.7",
197  "Use 'get_components()' instead of 'component_list'.")
198  def __get_component_list(self): return self._components
199  component_list = property(__get_component_list)
201  def write_topology_file(self,outfile):
202  with open(outfile, "w") as f:
203  f.write("|molecule_name|color|fasta_fn|fasta_id|pdb_fn|chain|"
204  "residue_range|pdb_offset|bead_size|em_residues_per_gaussian|"
205  "rigid_body|super_rigid_body|chain_of_super_rigid_bodies|\n")
206  for c in self._components:
207  output = c.get_str()+'\n'
208  f.write(output)
209  return outfile
211  def get_components(self, topology_list = "all"):
212  """ Return list of ComponentTopologies for selected components
213  @param topology_list List of indices to return"""
214  if topology_list == "all":
215  topologies = self._components
216  else:
217  topologies=[]
218  for i in topology_list:
219  topologies.append(self._components[i])
220  return topologies
222  def get_molecules(self):
223  return self.molecules
225  def read(self, topology_file, append=False):
226  """Read system components from topology file. append=False will erase
227  current topology and overwrite with new
228  """
229  is_topology = False
230  is_directories = False
231  linenum = 1
232  if append==False:
233  self._components=[]
235  with open(topology_file) as infile:
236  for line in infile:
237  if line.lstrip()=="" or line[0]=="#":
238  continue
239  elif line.split('|')[1].strip() in ("molecule_name"):
240  is_topology=True
241  is_directories = False
242  old_format = False
243  continue
244  elif line.split('|')[1] == "component_name":
245  is_topology = True
247  "Old-style topology format (using "
248  "|component_name|) is deprecated. Please switch to "
249  "the new-style format (using |molecule_name|)\n")
250  old_format = True
251  is_directories = False
252  continue
253  elif line.split('|')[1] == "directories":
255  "Setting directories in the topology file "
256  "is deprecated. Please do so through the "
257  "TopologyReader constructor. Note that new-style "
258  "paths are relative to the current working "
259  "directory, not the topology file.\n")
260  is_directories = True
261  elif is_directories:
262  fields = line.split('|')
263  setattr(self, fields[1],
264  IMP.get_relative_path(topology_file, fields[2]))
265  if is_topology:
266  new_component = self._parse_line(line, linenum, old_format)
267  self._components.append(new_component)
268  linenum += 1
269  return self._components
271  def _parse_line(self, component_line, linenum, old_format):
272  """Parse a line of topology values and matches them to their key.
273  Checks each value for correct syntax
274  Returns a list of Component objects
275  fields:
276  """
277  c = _Component()
278  values = [s.strip() for s in component_line.split('|')]
279  errors = []
281  ### Required fields
282  if old_format:
283  c.molname = values[1]
284  c.copyname = ''
285  c._domain_name = values[2]
286  c.color = 'blue'
287  else:
288  names = values[1].split('.')
289  if len(names)==1:
290  c.molname = names[0]
291  c.copyname = ''
292  elif len(names)==2:
293  c.molname = names[0]
294  c.copyname = names[1]
295  else:
296  c.molname = names[0]
297  c.copyname = names[1]
298  errors.append("Molecule name should be <molecule.copyID>")
299  errors.append("For component %s line %d " % (c.molname,linenum))
300  c._domain_name = c.molname + '.' + c.copyname
301  colorfields = values[2].split(',')
302  if len(colorfields)==3:
303  c.color = [float(x) for x in colorfields]
304  if any([x>1 for x in c.color]):
305  c.color=[x/255 for x in c.color]
306  else:
307  c.color = values[2]
308  c._orig_fasta_file = values[3]
309  c.fasta_file = values[3]
310  fasta_field = values[4].split(",")
311  c.fasta_id = fasta_field[0]
312  c.fasta_flag = None
313  if len(fasta_field) > 1:
314  c.fasta_flag = fasta_field[1]
315  c._orig_pdb_input = values[5]
316  pdb_input = values[5]
317  tmp_chain = values[6]
318  rr = values[7]
319  offset = values[8]
320  bead_size = values[9]
321  emg = values[10]
322  if old_format:
323  rbs = srbs = csrbs = ''
324  else:
325  rbs = values[11]
326  srbs = values[12]
327  csrbs = values[13]
329  if c.molname not in self.molecules:
330  self.molecules[c.molname] = _TempMolecule(c)
331  else:
333  c._orig_fasta_file = self.molecules[c.molname].orig_component.fasta_file
334  c.fasta_id = self.molecules[c.molname].orig_component.fasta_id
335  self.molecules[c.molname].add_component(c,c.copyname)
337  # now cleanup input
338  c.fasta_file = os.path.join(self.fasta_dir,c._orig_fasta_file)
339  if pdb_input=="":
340  errors.append("PDB must have BEADS, IDEAL_HELIX, or filename")
341  errors.append("For component %s line %d is not correct"
342  "|%s| was given." % (c.molname,linenum,pdb_input))
343  elif pdb_input in ("IDEAL_HELIX","BEADS"):
344  c.pdb_file = pdb_input
345  else:
346  c.pdb_file = os.path.join(self.pdb_dir,pdb_input)
348  # PDB chain must be one or two characters
349  if len(tmp_chain)==1 or len(tmp_chain)==2:
350  c.chain = tmp_chain
351  else:
352  errors.append("PDB Chain identifier must be one or two characters.")
353  errors.append("For component %s line %d is not correct"
354  "|%s| was given." % (c.molname,linenum,tmp_chain))
356  ### Optional fields
357  # Residue Range
358  if rr.strip()=='all' or str(rr)=="":
359  c.residue_range = None
360  elif len(rr.split(','))==2 and self._is_int(rr.split(',')[0]) and (self._is_int(rr.split(',')[1]) or rr.split(',')[1] == 'END'):
361  # Make sure that is residue range is given, there are only two values and they are integers
362  c.residue_range = (int(rr.split(',')[0]), rr.split(',')[1])
363  if c.residue_range[1] != 'END':
364  c.residue_range = (c.residue_range[0], int(c.residue_range[1]))
365  # Old format used -1 for the last residue
366  if old_format and c.residue_range[1] == -1:
367  c.residue_range = (c.residue_range[0], 'END')
368  else:
369  errors.append("Residue Range format for component %s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
370  errors.append("Correct syntax is two comma separated integers: |start_res, end_res|. end_res can also be END to select the last residue in the chain. |%s| was given." % rr)
371  errors.append("To select all residues, indicate |\"all\"|")
373  # PDB Offset
374  if self._is_int(offset):
375  c.pdb_offset=int(offset)
376  elif len(offset)==0:
377  c.pdb_offset = 0
378  else:
379  errors.append("PDB Offset format for component %s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
380  errors.append("The value must be a single integer. |%s| was given." % offset)
382  # Bead Size
383  if self._is_int(bead_size):
384  c.bead_size=int(bead_size)
385  elif len(bead_size)==0:
386  c.bead_size = 0
387  else:
388  errors.append("Bead Size format for component %s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
389  errors.append("The value must be a single integer. |%s| was given." % bead_size)
391  # EM Residues Per Gaussian
392  if self._is_int(emg):
393  if int(emg) > 0:
394  c.density_prefix = os.path.join(self.gmm_dir,c.get_unique_name())
395  c.gmm_file = c.density_prefix+'.txt'
396  c.mrc_file = c.density_prefix+'.gmm'
398  c.em_residues_per_gaussian=int(emg)
399  else:
400  c.em_residues_per_gaussian = 0
401  elif len(emg)==0:
402  c.em_residues_per_gaussian = 0
403  else:
404  errors.append("em_residues_per_gaussian format for component "
405  "%s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
406  errors.append("The value must be a single integer. |%s| was given." % emg)
408  # rigid bodies
409  if len(rbs)>0:
410  if not self._is_int(rbs):
411  errors.append("rigid bodies format for component "
412  "%s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
413  errors.append("Each RB must be a single integer, or empty. "
414  "|%s| was given." % rbs)
415  c.rigid_body = int(rbs)
417  # super rigid bodies
418  if len(srbs)>0:
419  srbs = srbs.split(',')
420  for i in srbs:
421  if not self._is_int(i):
422  errors.append("super rigid bodies format for component "
423  "%s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
424  errors.append("Each SRB must be a single integer. |%s| was given." % srbs)
425  c.super_rigid_bodies = srbs
427  # chain of super rigid bodies
428  if len(csrbs)>0:
429  if not self._is_int(csrbs):
430  errors.append("em_residues_per_gaussian format for component "
431  "%s line %d is not correct" % (c.molname, linenum))
432  errors.append("Each CSRB must be a single integer. |%s| was given." % csrbs)
433  c.chain_of_super_rigid_bodies = csrbs
435  # done
436  if errors:
437  raise ValueError("Fix Topology File syntax errors and rerun: " \
438  + "\n".join(errors))
439  else:
440  return c
443  def set_gmm_dir(self,gmm_dir):
444  """Change the GMM dir"""
445  self.gmm_dir = gmm_dir
446  for c in self._components:
447  c.gmm_file = os.path.join(self.gmm_dir,c.get_unique_name()+".txt")
448  c.mrc_file = os.path.join(self.gmm_dir,c.get_unique_name()+".mrc")
449  print('new gmm',c.gmm_file)
451  def set_pdb_dir(self,pdb_dir):
452  """Change the PDB dir"""
453  self.pdb_dir = pdb_dir
454  for c in self._components:
455  if not c._orig_pdb_input in ("","None","IDEAL_HELIX","BEADS"):
456  c.pdb_file = os.path.join(self.pdb_dir,c._orig_pdb_input)
458  def set_fasta_dir(self,fasta_dir):
459  """Change the FASTA dir"""
460  self.fasta_dir = fasta_dir
461  for c in self._components:
462  c.fasta_file = os.path.join(self.fasta_dir,c._orig_fasta_file)
464  def _is_int(self, s):
465  # is this string an integer?
466  try:
467  float(s)
468  return float(s).is_integer()
469  except ValueError:
470  return False
472  def get_rigid_bodies(self):
473  """Return list of lists of rigid bodies (as domain name)"""
474  rbl = defaultdict(list)
475  for c in self._components:
476  if c.rigid_body:
477  rbl[c.rigid_body].append(c.get_unique_name())
478  return rbl.values()
481  """Return list of lists of super rigid bodies (as domain name)"""
482  rbl = defaultdict(list)
483  for c in self._components:
484  for rbnum in c.super_rigid_bodies:
485  rbl[rbnum].append(c.get_unique_name())
486  return rbl.values()
489  """Return list of lists of chains of super rigid bodies (as domain name)"""
490  rbl = defaultdict(list)
491  for c in self._components:
492  for rbnum in c.chain_of_super_rigid_bodies:
493  rbl[rbnum].append(c.get_unique_name())
494  return rbl.values()
496 class _TempMolecule(object):
497  """Store the Components and any requests for copies"""
498  def __init__(self,init_c):
499  self.molname = init_c.molname
500  # key=copy ID, value = list of domains
501 =
502  self.add_component(init_c,init_c.copyname)
503  self.orig_copyname = init_c.copyname
504  self.orig_component =[init_c.copyname][0]
505  def add_component(self,component,copy_id):
507  component.domainnum = len([copy_id])-1
508  def __repr__(self):
509  return ','.join('%s:%i'%(k,len([k])) for k in
511 class _Component(object):
512  """Stores the components required to build a standard IMP hierarchy
513  using IMP.pmi1.BuildModel()
514  """
515  def __init__(self):
516  self.molname = None
517  self.copyname = None
518  self.domainnum = 0
519  self.fasta_file = None
520  self._orig_fasta_file = None
521  self.fasta_id = None
522  self.fasta_flag = None
523  self.pdb_file = None
524  self._orig_pdb_input = None
525  self.chain = None
526  self.residue_range = None
527  self.pdb_offset = 0
528  self.bead_size = 10
529  self.em_residues_per_gaussian = 0
530  self.gmm_file = ''
531  self.mrc_file = ''
532  self.density_prefix = ''
533  self.color = 0.1
534  self.rigid_body = None
535  self.super_rigid_bodies = []
536  self.chain_of_super_rigid_bodies = []
538  def _l2s(self,l):
539  return ",".join("%s" % x for x in l)
541  def __repr__(self):
542  return self.get_str()
544  def get_unique_name(self):
545  return "%s.%s.%i"%(self.molname,self.copyname,self.domainnum)
547  def get_str(self):
548  res_range = self.residue_range
549  if self.residue_range is None:
550  res_range = []
551  name = self.molname
552  if self.copyname!='':
553  name += '.'+self.copyname
554  if self.chain is None:
555  chain = ' '
556  else:
557  chain = self.chain
558  color=self.color
559  if isinstance(color, list):
560  color=','.join([str(x) for x in color])
561  a= '|'+'|'.join([name,color,self._orig_fasta_file,self.fasta_id,
562  self._orig_pdb_input,chain,self._l2s(list(res_range)),
563  str(self.pdb_offset),str(self.bead_size),
564  str(self.em_residues_per_gaussian),
565  str(self.rigid_body) if self.rigid_body else '',
566  self._l2s(self.super_rigid_bodies),
567  self._l2s(self.chain_of_super_rigid_bodies)])+'|'
568  return a
570  # Preserve old for backwards compatibility
571  @IMP.deprecated_method("2.7", "Use 'molname' instead of 'name'.")
572  def __get_name(self): return self.molname
573  name = property(__get_name)
575  # Preserve old self.domain_name for backwards compatibility
576  @IMP.deprecated_method("2.7",
577  "Use 'get_unique_name()' instead of 'domain_name'.")
578  def __get_domain_name(self): return self._domain_name
579  domain_name = property(__get_domain_name)
583  '''Extends the functionality of IMP.atom.Molecule'''
585  def __init__(self,hierarchy):
586  IMP.atom.Molecule.__init__(self,hierarchy)
588  def get_state_index(self):
589  state = self.get_parent()
590  return IMP.atom.State(state).get_state_index()
592  def get_copy_index(self):
593  return IMP.atom.Copy(self).get_copy_index()
595  def get_extended_name(self):
596  return self.get_name()+"."+\
597  str(self.get_copy_index())+\
598  "."+str(self.get_state_index())
600  def get_sequence(self):
601  return IMP.atom.Chain(self).get_sequence()
603  def get_residue_indexes(self):
606  def get_residue_segments(self):
607  return
609  def get_chain_id(self):
610  return IMP.atom.Chain(self).get_id()
612  def __repr__(self):
613  s='PMIMoleculeHierarchy '
614  s+=self.get_name()
615  s+=" "+"Copy "+str(IMP.atom.Copy(self).get_copy_index())
616  s+=" "+"State "+str(self.get_state_index())
617  s+=" "+"N residues "+str(len(self.get_sequence()))
618  return s
Add mass to a particle.
Definition: Mass.h:23
Hierarchy get_parent() const
Get the parent particle.
std::string get_unique_name(std::string templ)
Return a unique name produced from the string.
def __init__
read a fasta file and extract all the requested sequences
static Atom setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi, Atom other)
Definition: atom/Atom.h:246
static XYZR setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi)
Definition: XYZR.h:48
def get_components
Return list of ComponentTopologies for selected components.
Legacy PMI1 module to represent, score, sample and analyze models.
void handle_use_deprecated(std::string message)
Break in this method in gdb to find deprecated uses at runtime.
Extends the functionality of IMP.atom.Molecule.
Store objects in order they were added, but with default type.
Definition: /
static Residue setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi, ResidueType t, int index, int insertion_code)
Definition: Residue.h:160
def get_residue_indexes
Retrieve the residue indexes for the given particle.
Definition: /
Miscellaneous utilities.
Definition: /
A decorator for keeping track of copies of a molecule.
Definition: Copy.h:28
def get_super_rigid_bodies
Return list of lists of super rigid bodies (as domain name)
A dictionary-like wrapper for reading and storing sequence data.
def deprecated_method
Python decorator to mark a method as deprecated.
def set_fasta_dir
Change the FASTA dir.
This class stores integers in ordered compact lists eg: [[1,2,3],[6,7,8]] the methods help splitting ...
Definition: /
std::string get_relative_path(std::string base, std::string relative)
Return a path to a file relative to another file.
int get_state_index(Hierarchy h)
Walk up the hierarchy to find the current state.
def read
Read system components from topology file.
General purpose algebraic and geometric methods that are expected to be used by a wide variety of IMP...
The general base class for IMP exceptions.
Definition: exception.h:48
Associate an integer "state" index with a hierarchy node.
Definition: State.h:27
VectorD< 3 > Vector3D
Definition: VectorD.h:408
Class to handle individual particles of a Model object.
Definition: Particle.h:43
def get_chains_of_super_rigid_bodies
Return list of lists of chains of super rigid bodies (as domain name)
def get_rigid_bodies
Return list of lists of rigid bodies (as domain name)
Store info for a chain of a protein.
Definition: Chain.h:61
int get_copy_index(Hierarchy h)
Walk up the hierarchy to find the current copy index.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
std::string get_chain_id(Hierarchy h)
Walk up the hierarchy to determine the chain id.
A decorator for a molecule.
Definition: Molecule.h:24
Automatically setup System and Degrees of Freedom with a formatted text file.