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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform Namespace Reference

Miscellaneous utilities. More...

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous utilities.


class  ColorChange
 Change color code to hexadecimal to rgb. More...
class  HierarchyDatabase
 Store the representations for a system. More...
class  OrderedDefaultDict
 Store objects in order they were added, but with default type. More...
class  Segments
 This class stores integers in ordered compact lists eg: [[1,2,3],[6,7,8]] the methods help splitting and merging the internal lists Example: s=Segments([1,2,3]) is [[1,2,3]] s.add(4) is [[1,2,3,4]] (add right) s.add(3) is [[1,2,3,4]] (item already existing) s.add(7) is [[1,2,3,4],[7]] (new list) s.add([8,9]) is [[1,2,3,4],[7,8,9]] (add item right) s.add([5,6]) is [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] (merge) s.remove(3) is [[1,2],[4,5,6,7,8,9]] (split) etc. More...
class  Stopwatch
 Collect timing information. More...
class  ThreeToOneConverter
 This class converts three to one letter codes, and return X for any unknown codes. More...


def add_restraint_to_model
 Add a PMI restraint to the model. More...
def color2rgb
 Given a chimera color name, return RGB. More...
def cross_link_db_filter_parser
 example '"{ID_Score}" > 28 AND "{Sample}" == "%10_1%" OR ":Sample}" == "%10_2%" OR ":Sample}" == "%10_3%" OR ":Sample}" == "%8_1%" OR ":Sample}" == "%8_2%"' More...
def display_bonds
 Decorate the sequence-consecutive particles from a PMI2 molecule with a bond, so that they appear connected in the rmf file. More...
def get_all_leaves
 Just get the leaves from a list of hierarchies. More...
def get_closest_residue_position
 this function works with plain hierarchies, as read from the pdb, no multi-scale hierarchies More...
def get_densities
 Given a list of PMI objects, returns all density hierarchies within these objects. More...
def get_molecules
 This function returns the parent molecule hierarchies of given objects. More...
def get_particles_within_zone
 Utility to retrieve particles from a hierarchy within a zone around a set of ps. More...
def get_prot_name_from_particle
 Return the component name provided a particle and a list of names. More...
def get_random_cross_link_dataset
 Return a random cross-link dataset as a string. More...
def get_rbs_and_beads
 Returns unique objects in original order. More...
def get_residue_gaps_in_hierarchy
 Return the residue index gaps and contiguous segments in the hierarchy. More...
def get_residue_indexes
 Retrieve the residue indexes for the given particle. More...
def get_restraint_set
 Get a RestraintSet containing all PMI restraints added to the model. More...
def get_sorted_segments
 Returns sequence-sorted segments array, each containing the first particle the last particle and the first residue index. More...
def get_terminal_residue
 Get the particle of the terminal residue at the GIVEN resolution (NOTE: not the closest resolution!). More...
def get_terminal_residue_position
 Get XYZ coordinates of the terminal residue at the GIVEN resolution. More...
def input_adaptor
 Adapt things for PMI (degrees of freedom, restraints, ...) Returns list of list of hierarchies, separated into Molecules if possible. More...
def list_chunks_iterator
 Yield successive length-sized chunks from a list. More...
def scatter_and_gather
 Synchronize data over a parallel run. More...
def scatter_and_gather_dict_append
 Synchronize data over a parallel run. More...
def select
 this function uses representation=SimplifiedModel it returns the corresponding selected particles representation_type="Beads", "Res:X", "Densities", "Representation", "Molecule" More...
def select_at_all_resolutions
 Perform selection using the usual keywords but return ALL resolutions (BEADS and GAUSSIANS). More...
def select_by_tuple_2
 New tuple format: molname OR (start,stop,molname,copynum,statenum) Copy and state are optional. More...
def set_coordinates_from_rmf
 Extract frame from RMF file and fill coordinates. More...
def shuffle_configuration
 Shuffle particles. More...
def sublist_iterator
 Yield all sublists of length >= lmin and <= lmax. More...
def translate_hierarchy
 Apply a translation to a hierarchy along the input vector. More...

Function Documentation

def (   model,
  add_to_rmf = False 

Add a PMI restraint to the model.

Since Model.add_restraint() no longer exists (in modern IMP restraints should be added to a ScoringFunction instead) store them instead in a RestraintSet, and keep a reference to it in the Model.

If add_to_rmf is True, also add the restraint to a separate list of restraints that will be written out to RMF files (by default, most PMI restraints are not).

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 53 of file /

def (   colorname)

Given a chimera color name, return RGB.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 2278 of file /

def (   inputstring)

example '"{ID_Score}" > 28 AND "{Sample}" == "%10_1%" OR ":Sample}" == "%10_2%" OR ":Sample}" == "%10_3%" OR ":Sample}" == "%8_1%" OR ":Sample}" == "%8_2%"'

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 504 of file /

def (   mol)

Decorate the sequence-consecutive particles from a PMI2 molecule with a bond, so that they appear connected in the rmf file.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1769 of file /

def (   list_of_hs)

Just get the leaves from a list of hierarchies.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1818 of file /

def (   hier,
  terminus = 'N' 

this function works with plain hierarchies, as read from the pdb, no multi-scale hierarchies

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 572 of file /

def (   input_objects)

Given a list of PMI objects, returns all density hierarchies within these objects.

The output of this function can be inputted into things such as EM restraints. This function is intended to gather density particles appended to molecules (and not other hierarchies which might have been appended to the root node directly).

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1957 of file /

def (   input_objects)

This function returns the parent molecule hierarchies of given objects.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1914 of file /

def (   hier,

Utility to retrieve particles from a hierarchy within a zone around a set of ps.

hierThe hierarchy in which to look for neighbors
target_psThe particles for zoning
sel_zoneThe maximum distance
entire_residuesIf True, will grab entire residues
exclude_backboneIf True, will only return sidechain particles
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1857 of file /

def (   p,

Return the component name provided a particle and a list of names.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1044 of file /

def (   representation,
  resolution = 1.0,
  number_of_cross_links = 10,
  ambiguity_probability = 0.1,
  confidence_score_range = [0,
  avoid_same_particles = False 

Return a random cross-link dataset as a string.

Every line is a residue pair, together with UniqueIdentifier and XL score.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 399 of file /

def (   hiers)

Returns unique objects in original order.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1891 of file /

def (   hierarchy,

Return the residue index gaps and contiguous segments in the hierarchy.

hierarchyhierarchy to examine
startfirst residue index
endlast residue index
A list of lists of the form [[1,100,"cont"],[101,120,"gap"],[121,200,"cont"]]
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 656 of file /

def (   hier)

Retrieve the residue indexes for the given particle.

The particle must be an instance of Fragment,Residue, Atom or Molecule or else returns an empty list

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1064 of file /

def (   model,
  rmf = False 

Get a RestraintSet containing all PMI restraints added to the model.

If rmf is True, return only the subset of these restraints that should be written out to RMF files.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 72 of file /

def (   mol)

Returns sequence-sorted segments array, each containing the first particle the last particle and the first residue index.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1742 of file /

def (   representation,
  terminus = 'C',
  resolution = 1 

Get the particle of the terminal residue at the GIVEN resolution (NOTE: not the closest resolution!).

To get the terminal residue at the closest resolution use:,molecule_name) particles[0] and particles[-1] will be the first and last particles corresponding to the two termini. It is needed for instance to determine the last residue of a pdb.

hierhierarchy containing the terminal residue
terminuseither 'N' or 'C'
resolutionresolution to use.
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 603 of file /

def (   representation,
  terminus = 'C',
  resolution = 1 

Get XYZ coordinates of the terminal residue at the GIVEN resolution.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 644 of file /

def (   stuff,
  pmi_resolution = 0,
  flatten = False,
  selection_tuple = None,
  warn_about_slices = True 

Adapt things for PMI (degrees of freedom, restraints, ...) Returns list of list of hierarchies, separated into Molecules if possible.

The input can be a list, or a list of lists (iterable of ^1 or iterable of ^2) (iterable of ^2) Hierarchy -> returns input as list of list of hierarchies, only one entry, not grouped by molecules. (iterable of ^2) PMI::System/State/Molecule/TempResidue -> returns residue hierarchies, grouped in molecules, at requested resolution

stuffCan be one of the following inputs: IMP Hierarchy, PMI System/State/Molecule/TempResidue, or a list/set (of list/set) of them. Must be uniform input, however. No mixing object types.
pmi_resolutionFor selecting, only does it if you pass PMI objects. Set it to "all" if you want all resolutions!
flattenSet to True if you just want all hierarchies in one list.
warn_about_slicesPrint a warning if you are requesting only part of a bead. Sometimes you just don't care!

ote since this relies on IMP::atom::Selection, this will not return any objects if they weren't built! But there should be no problem if you request unbuilt residues, they should be ignored.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1621 of file /

def (   list,

Yield successive length-sized chunks from a list.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1187 of file /

def (   data)

Synchronize data over a parallel run.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1114 of file /

def (   data)

Synchronize data over a parallel run.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1141 of file /

def (   representation,
  resolution = None,
  hierarchies = None,
  selection_arguments = None,
  name = None,
  name_is_ambiguous = False,
  first_residue = None,
  last_residue = None,
  residue = None,
  representation_type = None 

this function uses representation=SimplifiedModel it returns the corresponding selected particles representation_type="Beads", "Res:X", "Densities", "Representation", "Molecule"

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 727 of file /

def (   hier = None,
  hiers = None,

Perform selection using the usual keywords but return ALL resolutions (BEADS and GAUSSIANS).

Returns in flat list!

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1824 of file /

def (   hier,

New tuple format: molname OR (start,stop,molname,copynum,statenum) Copy and state are optional.

Can also use 'None' for them which will get all. You can also pass -1 for stop which will go to the end. Returns the particles

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 846 of file /

def (   hier,
  frame_num = 0 

Extract frame from RMF file and fill coordinates.

Must be identical topology.

hierThe (System) hierarchy to fill (e.g. after you've built it)
rmf_fnThe file to extract from
frame_numThe frame number to extract
This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1598 of file /

def (   objects,
  max_translation = 300.0,
  max_rotation = 2.0 * pi,
  avoidcollision_rb = True,
  avoidcollision_fb = False,
  cutoff = 10.0,
  niterations = 100,
  bounding_box = None,
  excluded_rigid_bodies = [],
  hierarchies_excluded_from_collision = [],
  hierarchies_included_in_collision = [],
  verbose = False,
  return_debug = False 

Shuffle particles.

Used to restart the optimization. The configuration of the system is initialized by placing each rigid body and each bead randomly in a box. If bounding_box is specified, the particles are placed inside this box; otherwise, each particle is displaced by up to max_translation angstroms, and randomly rotated. Effort is made to place particles far enough from each other to prevent any steric clashes.

objectsCan be one of the following inputs: IMP Hierarchy, PMI System/State/Molecule/TempResidue, or a list/set of them
max_translationMax translation (rbs and flexible beads)
max_rotationMax rotation (rbs only)
avoidcollision_rbcheck if the particle/rigid body was placed close to another particle; uses the optional arguments cutoff and niterations
avoidcollision_fbAdvanced. Generally you want this False because it's hard to shuffle beads.
cutoffDistance less than this is a collision
niterationsHow many times to try avoiding collision
bounding_boxOnly shuffle particles within this box. Defined by ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)).
excluded_rigid_bodiesDon't shuffle these rigid body objects
hierarchies_excluded_from_collisionDon't count collision with these bodies
hierarchies_included_in_collisionHierarchies that are not shuffled, but should be included in collision calculation (for fixed regions)
verboseGive more output

ote Best to only call this function after you've set up degrees of freedom For debugging purposes, returns: <shuffled indexes>="">, <collision avoided="" indexes>="">

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1987 of file /

def (   l,
  lmin = None,
  lmax = None 

Yield all sublists of length >= lmin and <= lmax.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1168 of file /

def (   hierarchy,

Apply a translation to a hierarchy along the input vector.

This function is only available in Python.

Definition at line 1301 of file /