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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for IMP:


directory  algebra
directory  atom
directory  bayesianem
directory  benchmark
directory  cgal
directory  cnmultifit
directory  container
directory  core
directory  display
directory  domino
directory  em
directory  em2d
directory  example
directory  foxs
directory  gsl
directory  integrative_docking
directory  isd
directory  kinematics
directory  kmeans
directory  misc
directory  mpi
directory  multi_state
directory  multifit
directory  npc
directory  npctransport
directory  pmi
directory  pmi1
directory  rmf
directory  rotamer
directory  saxs
directory  score_functor
directory  scratch
directory  spb
directory  statistics
directory  symmetry
directory  test


file  algebra.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.algebra.
file  Array.h [code]
 Classes to handle static sized arrays of things.
file  Atom.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.atom.
file  AttributeOptimizer.h [code]
 Base class for optimizers that act on individual attributes.
file  base_macros.h [code]
 Various general useful macros for IMP.
file  base_types.h [code]
 Basic types used by IMP.
file  bayesianem.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.bayesianem.
file  benchmark.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.benchmark.
file  bracket_macros.h [code]
 Macros to handle array indexing.
file  cache.h [code]
 Helper classes for various types of caching.
file  cgal.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.cgal.
file  check_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for throwing and handling exceptions.
file  cnmultifit.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.cnmultifit.
file  comparison_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for implementing comparisons of IMP objects.
file  compiler_macros.h [code]
 Various compiler workarounds.
file  Configuration.h [code]
 Store a set of configurations of the model.
file  ConfigurationSet.h [code]
 Store a set of configurations of the model.
file  constants.h [code]
 Various useful constants.
file  Constraint.h [code]
 A base class for constraints.
file  ConstVector.h [code]
 Store an array of values of the same type.
file  container.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.container.
file  container_base.h [code]
 Abstract base class for containers of particles.
file  container_macros.h [code]
 Macros to define containers of objects.
file  core.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.core.
file  CreateLogContext.h [code]
 Logging and error reporting support.
file  Decorator.h [code]
 The base class for decorators.
file  decorator_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for implementing Decorators.
file  dependency_graph.h [code]
 Build dependency graphs on models.
file  deprecation.h [code]
 Control display of deprecation information.
file  deprecation_macros.h [code]
 Control display of deprecation information.
file  DerivativeAccumulator.h [code]
 Class for adding derivatives from restraints to the model.
file  display.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.display.
file  domino.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.domino.
file  doxygen_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for writing doxygen documentation.
file  em.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.em.
file  em2d.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.em2d.
file  enums.h [code]
 Basic enumeration types used by IMP.
file  example.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.example.
file  exception.h [code]
 Exception definitions and assertions.
file  file.h [code]
 Handling of file input/output.
file  Flag.h [code]
 Utility classes to add command line flags.
file  flags.h [code]
 Support for shared command line flags.
file  FloatIndex.h [code]
 A FloatIndex identifies an optimized attribute in a model.
file  foxs.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.foxs.
file  functor.h [code]
 Helper functionality for functors.
file  generic.h [code]
 Compile-time generic restraint and constraint support.
file  graph_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for handling graphs.
file  gsl.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.gsl.
file  hash.h [code]
 Helper functions for implementing hashes.
file  hash_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for implementing hashable classes.
file  Index.h [code]
 Utility types to refer to various types of indices.
file  input_output.h [code]
 Utility functions to track input/output particles of model objects.
file  InputAdaptor.h [code]
 Convenience class to accept multiple input types.
file  integrative_docking.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.integrative_docking.
file  io.h [code]
 Write/read the state of the particles to/from a buffer in memory.
file  isd.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.isd.
file  kernel_config.h [code]
file  Key.h [code]
 Keys to cache lookup of attribute strings.
file  kinematics.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.kinematics.
file  KMeans.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.kmeans.
file  live_objects.h [code]
 A shared base class to help in debugging and things.
file  log.h [code]
 Logging and error reporting support.
file  log_macros.h [code]
 Logging and error reporting support.
file  macros.h [code]
 Various general useful macros for IMP.
file  math.h [code]
 Helper functions to check for NaN or infinity.
file  misc.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.misc.
file  Model.h [code]
 Storage of a model, its restraints, constraints and particles.
file  model_object_helpers.h [code]
 Classes used in the construction of ModelObjects.
file  ModelObject.h [code]
 Base class for objects in a Model that depend on other objects.
file  mpi.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.mpi.
file  multi_state.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.multi_state.
file  multifit.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.multifit.
file  NonCopyable.h [code]
 Base class for all objects that cannot be copied.
file  npc.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.npc.
file  npctransport.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.npctransport.
file  Object.h [code]
 A shared base class to help in debugging and things.
file  object_cast.h [code]
 Up (or down) cast an IMP Object-derived class.
file  object_macros.h [code]
 Helper macros for implementing IMP Objects.
file  Optimizer.h [code]
 Base class for all optimizers.
file  OptimizerState.h [code]
 Shared optimizer state.
file  pair_macros.h [code]
 Macros for various classes.
file  PairContainer.h [code]
 A container for Pairs.
file  PairDerivativeModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticlePairsTemp.
file  PairModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticlePairsTemp.
file  PairPredicate.h [code]
 Define PairPredicate.
file  PairScore.h [code]
 Define PairScore.
file  Particle.h [code]
 Classes to handle individual model particles. (Note that implementation of inline functions is in internal)
file  particle_index.h [code]
 Functions and adaptors for dealing with particle indexes.
file  pmi.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.pmi.
file  pmi1.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.pmi1.
file  Pointer.h [code]
 A nullptr-initialized pointer to an IMP Object.
file  python_only.h [code]
 Helper functions for Python.
file  quad_macros.h [code]
 Macros for various classes.
file  QuadContainer.h [code]
 A container for Quads.
file  QuadDerivativeModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticleQuadsTemp.
file  QuadModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticleQuadsTemp.
file  QuadPredicate.h [code]
 Define QuadPredicate.
file  QuadScore.h [code]
 Define QuadScore.
file  RAII.h [code]
 Basic types used by IMP.
file  raii_macros.h [code]
 Macros to aid in writing RAII-style classes.
file  random.h [code]
 Random number generators used by IMP.
file  random_utils.h [code]
 Random number utility functions used by IMP.
file  ref_counted_macros.h [code]
 Macros to help with reference counting.
file  Refiner.h [code]
 Refine a particle into a list of particles.
file  Restraint.h [code]
 Abstract base class for all restraints.
file  RestraintInfo.h [code]
 Report key:value information on restraints.
file  RestraintSet.h [code]
 Used to hold a set of related restraints.
file  rmf.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.rmf.
file  rotamer.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.rotamer.
file  Sampler.h [code]
 Base class for all samplers.
file  saxs.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.saxs.
file  scoped.h [code]
 Temporarily set particle attributes.
file  score_functor.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.score_functor.
file  ScoreAccumulator.h [code]
 Class for adding scores from restraints to the model.
file  ScoreState.h [code]
 Shared score state.
file  ScoringFunction.h [code]
 Represents a scoring function on the model.
file  scratch.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.scratch.
file  set_map_macros.h [code]
 Macros to choose the best set or map for different purposes.
file  SetCheckState.h [code]
 Checking and error reporting support.
file  SetLogState.h [code]
 A class to change and restore log state.
file  Showable.h [code]
 Helper class to aid in output of IMP classes to streams.
file  showable_macros.h [code]
 Macros to help with objects that can be printed to a stream.
file  singleton_macros.h [code]
 Macros for various classes.
file  SingletonContainer.h [code]
 A container for Singletons.
file  SingletonDerivativeModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticlesTemp.
file  SingletonModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticlesTemp.
file  SingletonPredicate.h [code]
 Define SingletonPredicate.
file  SingletonScore.h [code]
 Define SingletonScore.
file  spb.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.spb.
file  Statistics.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.statistics.
file  swap_macros.h [code]
 Macros to help with swapping two objects.
file  swig_macros.h [code]
 Macros to hide code from SWIG.
file  symmetry.h [code]
 Include all non-deprecated headers in IMP.symmetry.
file  thread_macros.h [code]
 Control for OpenMP.
file  threads.h [code]
 Control for using multiple threads in IMP.
file  triplet_macros.h [code]
 Macros for various classes.
file  TripletContainer.h [code]
 A container for Triplets.
file  TripletDerivativeModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticleTripletsTemp.
file  TripletModifier.h [code]
 A Modifier on ParticleTripletsTemp.
file  TripletPredicate.h [code]
 Define TripletPredicate.
file  TripletScore.h [code]
 Define TripletScore.
file  tuple_macros.h [code]
 Macros to help in defining tuple classes.
file  types.h [code]
 Basic types used by IMP.
file  UnaryFunction.h [code]
 Single variable function.
file  Undecorator.h [code]
 The base class for undecorators.
file  utility.h [code]
 Various general useful functions for IMP.
file  utility_macros.h [code]
 Various general useful macros for IMP.
file  Value.h [code]
 Base class for a simple primitive-like type.
file  value_macros.h [code]
 Macros to help in implementing Value objects.
file  Vector.h [code]
 A class for storing lists of IMP items.
file  VersionInfo.h [code]
 Version and authorship of IMP objects.
file  warning_macros.h [code]
 Macros to control compiler warnings.
file  WarningContext.h [code]
 Logging and error reporting support.
file  WeakPointer.h [code]
 A weak pointer to an Object or RefCountedObject.