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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.pmi1.output.Output Class Reference

Class for easy writing of PDBs, RMFs, and stat files. More...

Inherits object.

Detailed Description

Class for easy writing of PDBs, RMFs, and stat files.

ote Model should be updated prior to writing outputs.

This class is only available in Python.

Definition at line 65 of file /

Public Member Functions

def get_prot_name_from_particle
 Get the protein name from the particle. More...
def init_pdb
 Init PDB Writing. More...
def init_rmf
 This function initialize an RMF file. More...

Member Function Documentation

def IMP.pmi1.output.Output.get_prot_name_from_particle (   self,

Get the protein name from the particle.

This is done by traversing the hierarchy.

Definition at line 209 of file /

def IMP.pmi1.output.Output.init_pdb (   self,

Init PDB Writing.

nameThe PDB filename
protThe hierarchy to write to this pdb file

ote if the PDB name is 'System' then will use Selection to get molecules

Definition at line 106 of file /

def IMP.pmi1.output.Output.init_rmf (   self,
  rs = None,
  geometries = None,
  listofobjects = None 

This function initialize an RMF file.

namethe name of the RMF file
hierarchiesthe hierarchies to be included (it is a list)
rsoptional, the restraint sets (it is a list)
geometriesoptional, the geometries (it is a list)
listofobjectsoptional, the list of objects for the stat (it is a list)

Definition at line 404 of file /

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