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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP::em::CoarseConvolution Class Reference

Convolutes two grids. More...

#include <IMP/em/CoarseConvolution.h>

Detailed Description

Convolutes two grids.

The pixels involved are derived from the positions of N particles.

Definition at line 24 of file CoarseConvolution.h.

Static Public Member Functions

static float convolution (const DensityMap *em_map, DensityMap *model_map, float voxel_data_threshold, bool recalc_ccnormfac=true)

Member Function Documentation

static float IMP::em::CoarseConvolution::convolution ( const DensityMap em_map,
DensityMap model_map,
float  voxel_data_threshold,
bool  recalc_ccnormfac = true 

Cross correlation coefficient between the em density and the density of a model. moddens threshold can be specified that is checked in moddens to reduce elements of summation

This is not the local CC function
[in]em_mapthe target map (experimentally determined)
[in]model_mapthe sampled density map of the model
[in]voxel_data_thresholdvoxels with value lower than threshold in model_map are not summed (avoid calculating correlation on voxels below the threshold)
[in]recalc_ccnormfacIgnored. The purpose is to determines whether the model_map should be normalized prior to the correlation calculation. false is faster, but potentially inaccurate
the convolution value between two density maps
recalc_ccnormfac is ignored.

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