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IMP Reference Guide  develop.562c2f4da8,2025/03/14
The Integrative Modeling Platform

In this example, a PDB file is read in and scored using the CHARMM forcefield. For more control over the setup of the forcefield, see the '' example.

1 ## \example atom/
2 # In this example, a PDB file is read in and scored using the CHARMM
3 # forcefield. For more control over the setup of the forcefield, see
4 # the '' example.
6 import IMP.atom
7 import IMP.container
8 import sys
10 IMP.setup_from_argv(sys.argv, "CHARMM forcefield")
12 # Create an IMP model and add a heavy atom-only protein from a PDB file
13 m = IMP.Model()
14 prot = IMP.atom.read_pdb(IMP.atom.get_example_path("example_protein.pdb"), m,
17 # Read in the CHARMM heavy atom topology and parameter files
20 # Using the CHARMM libraries, determine the ideal topology (atoms and their
21 # connectivity) for the PDB file's primary sequence
22 topology = ff.create_topology(prot)
24 # Typically this modifies the C and N termini of each chain in the protein by
25 # applying the CHARMM CTER and NTER patches. Patches can also be manually
26 # applied at this point, e.g. to add disulfide bridges.
27 topology.apply_default_patches()
29 # Make the PDB file conform with the topology; i.e. if it contains extra
30 # atoms that are not in the CHARMM topology file, remove them; if it is
31 # missing atoms (e.g. sidechains, hydrogens) that are in the CHARMM topology,
32 # add them and construct their Cartesian coordinates from internal coordinate
33 # information.
34 topology.setup_hierarchy(prot)
36 # Set up and evaluate the stereochemical part (bonds, angles, dihedrals,
37 # impropers) of the CHARMM forcefield
40 # Add radii from the forcefield, used for close pairs calculation
41 ff.add_radii(prot)
43 # Add non-bonded interaction (in this case, Lennard-Jones). This needs to
44 # know the Lennard-Jones types for all atoms (which in turn define the radius
45 # and well depth), so add them from the forcefield (they can also be assigned
46 # manually using the LennardJonesType decorator):
47 ff.add_lennard_jones_types(prot)
49 # Get a list of all atoms in the protein, and put it in a container
50 atoms = IMP.atom.get_by_type(prot, IMP.atom.ATOM_TYPE)
53 # Add a restraint for the Lennard-Jones interaction. This is built from
54 # a collection of building blocks. First, a ClosePairContainer maintains a list
55 # of all pairs of Particles that are close. Next, all 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 pairs
56 # from the stereochemistry created above are filtered out.
57 # Then, a LennardJonesTypedPairScore scores a pair of atoms with the
58 # Lennard-Jones potential, using the Lennard-Jones types already assigned.
59 # Finally, a PairsRestraint is used which simply applies the
60 # LennardJonesTypedPairScore to each pair in the ClosePairContainer.
61 nbl = IMP.container.ClosePairContainer(cont, 4.0)
62 nbl.add_pair_filter(r.get_pair_filter())
64 sf = IMP.atom.ForceSwitch(6.0, 7.0)
66 restraints = [r, IMP.container.PairsRestraint(ps, nbl)]
67 scoring_function = IMP.core.RestraintsScoringFunction(restraints)
69 # it gets awfully slow with internal checks
70 IMP.set_check_level(IMP.USAGE)
71 # Finally, evaluate the score of the whole system (without derivatives)
72 print(scoring_function.evaluate(False))