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Re: [IMP-users] IMP 2.6.1/CentOS-7/Ninja (only) building issue

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 12:40:34PM -0700, Ben Webb wrote:
> On 5/25/16 12:33 PM, Tru Huynh wrote:
> >cmake for CentOS-7 is 2.8.11, and it fails event with the basic oneline
> >CMakeLists.txt (even if I export CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/.../ninja-1.7.1/ninja):
> Right, so clearly not an IMP issue.
right, just me not being familiar with cmake/ninja...

> >RFE for IMP CMakeLists.txt:
> >cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) -> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) ?
> IMP *doesn't* require cmake 3 - you already demonstrated that it
> works just fine with cmake 2 if you use make rather than ninja. (And
> in fact we also use cmake 2.8 with ninja all the time.)

Ok, I 've just figured out what I did wrong:
I need to pass the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable on the command line to
cmake, and not just exporting CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in my shell environment.

$ cmake . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/path/to/ninja 
works as expected for the simple testcase and IMP building.

Sorry for the noise!

Dr Tru Huynh          | http://www.pasteur.fr/research/bis           
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