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[IMP-users] struggling to make structure predictions

Hello all,


I am struggling to write a python program that takes protein sequence as input and produces some conformations as the output (with no any other input data).

With the help of previous replies, I tried merging the examples: “structure_from_sequence.py”, “charm_forcefield.py” and “basic_optimization.py” and wrote a script that is attached.

This script runs and produces chimera python files that I can visualize through chimera.


1. Will the script that I have prepared work as an example to produce 3D structures with just sequence as input? OR have I made any fundamental/conceptual mistakes while merging them?

2. I can produce chimera python files for each of the predicted conformations. But I want pdb files. Is it possible to do that? Are there any examples?

3. Is it possible to add contacts restrain (distance between atoms as a restrain) moving forward with this approach?



Badri Adhikari

CS Graduate Student,

University of Missouri-Columbia,

Columbia, Missouri

" target="_blank">


import IMP.atom
import IMP.container
import IMP.example
import IMP.statistics

# Structure from sequence

# Use the CHARMM all-atom (i.e. including hydrogens) topology and parameters
topology = IMP.atom.CHARMMTopology(IMP.atom.get_all_atom_CHARMM_parameters())
# Create a single chain of amino acids and apply the standard C- and N-
# termini patches

# Make an IMP Hierarchy (atoms, residues, chains) that corresponds to
# this topology
m = IMP.Model()
h = topology.create_hierarchy(m)
# Generate coordinates for all atoms in the Hierarchy, using CHARMM internal
# coordinate information (an extended chain conformation will be produced).
# Since in some cases this information can be incomplete, better results will
# be obtained if the atom types are assigned first and the CHARMM parameters
# file is loaded, as we do here, so missing information can be filled in.
# It will still work without that information, but will approximate the
# coordinates.

# Write out the final structure to a PDB file
IMP.atom.write_pdb(h, 'structure.pdb')

# Charmm forcefield

# Create an IMP model and add a heavy atom-only protein from a PDB file
m = IMP.Model()
# example_protein.pdb is assumed to be just extended chain structure obtained using structure_from_sequence example
prot = IMP.atom.read_pdb('structure.pdb', m, IMP.atom.NonWaterNonHydrogenPDBSelector())

# Read in the CHARMM heavy atom topology and parameter files
ff = IMP.atom.get_heavy_atom_CHARMM_parameters()

# Using the CHARMM libraries, determine the ideal topology (atoms and their
# connectivity) for the PDB file's primary sequence
topology = ff.create_topology(prot)

# Typically this modifies the C and N termini of each chain in the protein by
# applying the CHARMM CTER and NTER patches. Patches can also be manually
# applied at this point, e.g. to add disulfide bridges.

# Make the PDB file conform with the topology; i.e. if it contains extra
# atoms that are not in the CHARMM topology file, remove them; if it is
# missing atoms (e.g. sidechains, hydrogens) that are in the CHARMM topology,
# add them and construct their Cartesian coordinates from internal coordinate
# information.

# Set up and evaluate the stereochemical part (bonds, angles, dihedrals,
# impropers) of the CHARMM forcefield
r = IMP.atom.CHARMMStereochemistryRestraint(prot, topology)

# Add non-bonded interaction (in this case, Lennard-Jones). This needs to
# know the radii and well depths for each atom, so add them from the forcefield
# (they can also be assigned manually using the XYZR or LennardJones
# decorators):

# Get a list of all atoms in the protein, and put it in a container
atoms = IMP.atom.get_by_type(prot, IMP.atom.ATOM_TYPE)
cont = IMP.container.ListSingletonContainer(atoms)

# Add a restraint for the Lennard-Jones interaction. This is built from
# a collection of building blocks. First, a ClosePairContainer maintains a list
# of all pairs of Particles that are close. Next, all 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 pairs
# from the stereochemistry created above are filtered out.
# Then, a LennardJonesPairScore scores a pair of atoms with the Lennard-Jones
# potential. Finally, a PairsRestraint is used which simply applies the
# LennardJonesPairScore to each pair in the ClosePairContainer.
nbl = IMP.container.ClosePairContainer(cont, 4.0)

sf = IMP.atom.ForceSwitch(6.0, 7.0)
ps = IMP.atom.LennardJonesPairScore(sf)
m.add_restraint(IMP.container.PairsRestraint(ps, nbl))

ps=IMP.core.create_xyzr_particles(m, m.get_number_of_particles(), 1.0)
chain= IMP.container.ListSingletonContainer(ps, "chain")

# Basic Optimization and Chain

s= IMP.core.MCCGSampler(m)
# but we do want something to watch

# find some configurations which move the particles far apart
configs= s.get_sample()

print "Found ", configs.get_number_of_configurations(), " configurations"
for i in range(0, configs.get_number_of_configurations()):
	for p in chain.get_particles():