11 #include <IMP/kernel_config.h>
147 class ParticleIndexTag {};
Key< 4, true > ObjectKey
The type used to identify an Object attribute.
A base class for modifiers of ParticlesTemp.
Abstract class for scoring object(s) of type ParticleIndexPair.
A shared container for Pairs.
Various general useful macros for IMP.
Abstract predicate function.
A class to store an fixed array of same-typed values.
Key< 8, true > ModelKey
The type used to identify data stored directly in the model.
Array< 4, WeakPointer< Particle >, Particle * > ParticleQuad
Index< ParticleIndexTag > ParticleIndex
Keys to cache lookup of attribute strings.
Array< 3, WeakPointer< Particle >, Particle * > ParticleTriplet
Classes to handle static sized arrays of things.
A base class for modifiers of ParticlePairsTemp.
Object used to hold a set of restraints.
Key< 1, true > IntKey
The type used to identify int attributes in the Particles.
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Abstract class for scoring object(s) of type ParticleIndexQuad.
#define IMP_VALUES(Name, PluralName)
Define the type for storing sets of values.
Abstract predicate function.
Abstract class for scoring object(s) of type ParticleIndex.
ScoreStates maintain invariants in the Model.
Key< 3, true > ParticleIndexKey
The type used to identify a particle attribute in the Particles.
Key< 0, true > FloatKey
The type used to identify float attributes in the Particles.
A shared container for Quads.
A nullptr-initialized pointer to an Object.
A shared container for Singletons.
A class for storing lists of IMP items.
Key< 9, true > WeakObjectKey
The type used to identify a non-ref counted Object attribute.
Key< 7, true > ObjectsKey
The type used to identify a particle attribute in the Particles.
#define IMP_OBJECTS(Name, PluralName)
Define the types for storing lists of object pointers.
Key< 6, true > ParticleIndexesKey
The type used to identify a particle attribute in the Particles.
A nullptr-initialized pointer to an IMP Object.
Abstract predicate function.
Represents a scoring function on the model.
Array< 2, WeakPointer< Particle >, Particle * > ParticlePair
Shared optimizer state that is invoked upon commitment of new coordinates.
Abstract predicate function.
Class to handle individual model particles.
A base class for modifiers of ParticleTripletsTemp.
Various general useful macros for IMP.
Key< 5, true > IntsKey
The type used to identify int attributes in the Particles.
A base class for modifiers of ParticleQuadsTemp.
A shared container for Triplets.
Key< 2, true > StringKey
The type used to identify string attributes in the Particles.
Abstract class for scoring object(s) of type ParticleIndexTriplet.
Abstract class for containers of particles.
A restraint is a term in an IMP ScoringFunction.