IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Files | |
file | CCDLoopClosure.h [code] |
file | CompositeJoint.h [code] |
a joint composed of several joints, applied on the same pair of rigid bodies | |
file | DihedralMover.h [code] |
A modifier which perturbs a point with a normal distribution. | |
file | directional_DOFs.h [code] |
file | DOF.h [code] |
single degree of freedom | |
file | DOFsSampler.h [code] |
Copyright 2007-2022 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. | |
file | DOFValues.h [code] |
a simple class for storage of DOF values. | |
file | FibrilSampler.h [code] |
A class for simultaneous sampling of diheral angles and fibril symmetry operations. | |
file | helpers.h [code] |
file | Joint.h [code] |
functionality for defining a kinematic joint between rigid bodies as part of a kinematic tree | |
file | KinematicForest.h [code] |
Define and manipulate a kinematic structure over a model. | |
file | KinematicForestScoreState.h [code] |
file | KinematicNode.h [code] |
functionality for defining nodes on a kinematic chain | |
file | kinematics_config.h [code] |
file | local_planners.h [code] |
Planners. | |
file | PrismaticJoint.h [code] |
a prismatic joint between rigid bodies as part of a kinematic tree | |
file | ProteinKinematics.h [code] |
functionality for defining a kinematic forest for proteins | |
file | revolute_joints.h [code] |
functionality for defining various revolute kinematic joints between rigid bodies as part of a kinematic tree, including RevoluteJoint, DihedralAngleRevoluteJoint, and BondAngleRevoluteJoint | |
file | RevoluteJointMover.h [code] |
A modifier which perturbs a point with a normal distribution. | |
file | RMSDClustering.h [code] |
file | RRT.h [code] |
Implementation of Randomly-Exploring Random Trees. | |
file | TransformationJoint.h [code] |
a kinematic joints between rigid bodies that allows any transformation | |
file | UniformBackboneSampler.h [code] |
A class for uniform sampling of backbone angles. | |