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IMP Reference Guide  2.21.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform Namespace Reference

Handles cross-link data sets. More...

Detailed Description

Handles cross-link data sets.

Utilities are also provided to help in the analysis of models that contain cross-links.


class  CrossLinkDataBaseFromStructure
 This class generates a CrossLinkDataBase from a given structure. More...
class  CrossLinkDataBaseKeywordsConverter
 This class is needed to convert the keywords from a generic database to the standard ones. More...
class  FilterOperator
 This class allows to create filter functions that can be passed to the CrossLinkDataBase in this way: More...
class  FixedFormatParser
 A class to handle different XL format with fixed format currently support ProXL. More...
class  JaccardDistanceMatrix
 This class allows to compute and plot the distance between datasets. More...
class  MapCrossLinkDataBaseOnStructure
 This class maps a CrossLinkDataBase on a given structure and save an rmf file with color-coded crosslinks. More...
class  ResiduePairListParser
 A class to handle different styles of site pairs parsers. More...