IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
This is the complete list of members for IMP::em::SampledDensityMap, including all inherited members.
add(const DensityMap *other) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
add(Float d) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
add_to_map(DensityMap *dm, const Particles &pis) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
allocated_data() (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
calc_all_voxel2loc() | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
calcRMS() | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
calculate_particles_bounding_box(const Particles &ps) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
clear_caches() | IMP::Object | virtual |
copy_map(const DensityMap *other) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
create_density_map(algebra::DenseGrid3D< float > &grid) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
create_density_map(algebra::DenseGrid3D< double > &grid) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
data_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
data_allocated_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
DensityMap(std::string name="DensityMap%1%") (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
DensityMap(const DensityHeader &header, std::string name="DensityMap%1%") | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
determine_grid_size(double resolution, double voxel_size, int sig_cutoff) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
do_destroy() | IMP::Object | protectedvirtual |
float2real(float *f_data, boost::scoped_array< double > &r_data) (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
get_binarized_interior(DensityMap *dmap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_centroid(double threshold=0.0) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_check_level() const (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | |
get_cropped(float threshold) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_cropped(Particles ps, double distance, bool inverse=false, bool keep_map_dimensions=false) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_cropped(const algebra::BoundingBox3D &bb) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_density(const DensityMap *m, const algebra::Vector3D &v) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_dim_index_by_location(const algebra::Vector3D &v, int ind) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_dim_index_by_location(float loc_val, int ind) const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_header() const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_header_writable() | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_kernel_params() (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
get_location_by_voxel(long index) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_location_in_dim_by_voxel(long index, int dim) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_locations_string(float t) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_log_level() const (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | |
get_max_value() const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_maximum_value_in_xy_plane(int z_ind) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_maximum_value_in_xz_plane(int y_ind) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_maximum_value_in_yz_plane(int x_ind) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_min_value() const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_minimum_resampled_value() | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
get_name() const (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | |
get_number_of_voxels() const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_origin() const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_resampled(DensityMap *input, double scaling) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_rms_calculated() const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_sampled_particles() const (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
get_spacing() const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_top() const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_transformed(const DensityMap *input, const algebra::Transformation3D &tr, double threshold) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_transformed(DensityMap *input, const algebra::Transformation3D &tr) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_transformed_into(const DensityMap *source, const algebra::Transformation3D &tr, DensityMap *into, bool calc_rms=true) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
get_type_name() const override (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | virtual |
get_value(float x, float y, float z) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_value(const algebra::Vector3D &point) const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_value(long index) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_version_info() const override | IMP::em::DensityMap | virtual |
get_voxel_by_location(float x, float y, float z) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_voxel_by_location(const algebra::Vector3D &v) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
get_weight_key() const (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
get_xyzr_particles() const (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
header_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
is_normalized() const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
is_part_of_volume(float x, float y, float z) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
is_part_of_volume(const algebra::Vector3D &v) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
is_xyz_ind_part_of_volume(int ix, int iy, int iz) const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
kernel_params_ | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
kt_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
loc_calculated_ | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
lower_voxel_shift(double loc, double kdist, double orig, int ndim) const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
multiply(float factor) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
NonCopyable() (defined in IMP::NonCopyable) | IMP::NonCopyable | protected |
normalized_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
Object(std::string name) | IMP::Object | protected |
pad(int nx, int ny, int nz, float val=0.0) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
pad_margin(int mrg_x, int mrg_y, int mrg_z, float val=0.0) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
pick_max(const DensityMap *other) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
project(const ParticlesTemp &ps, int x_margin, int y_margin, int z_margin, algebra::Vector3D shift=algebra::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.), FloatKey mass_key=atom::Mass::get_mass_key()) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
ps_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
read_map(std::string filename, MapReaderWriter *reader) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
read_map(std::string filename) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
real2float(double *r_data, boost::scoped_array< float > &f_data) (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
resample() | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | virtual |
reset_all_voxel2loc() (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
reset_data(float value=0.0) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
rms_calculated_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
same_dimensions(const DensityMap *other) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
same_origin(const DensityMap *other) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
same_voxel_size(const DensityMap *other) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
SampledDensityMap(KernelType kt=GAUSSIAN) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
SampledDensityMap(const DensityHeader &header, KernelType kt=GAUSSIAN) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
SampledDensityMap(const ParticlesTemp &ps, double resolution, double voxel_size, IMP::FloatKey mass_key=IMP::atom::Mass::get_mass_key(), int sig_cutoff=3, KernelType kt=GAUSSIAN) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
set_check_level(CheckLevel l) | IMP::Object | |
set_header(const algebra::Vector3D &lower_bound, const algebra::Vector3D &upper_bound, double maxradius, double resolution, double voxel_size, int sig_offset) (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
set_log_level(LogLevel l) | IMP::Object | |
set_name(std::string name) (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | |
set_neighbor_mask(float radius) (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
set_origin(float x, float y, float z) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
set_origin(const IMP::algebra::Vector3D &v) (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
set_particles(const ParticlesTemp &ps, IMP::FloatKey mass_key=IMP::atom::Mass::get_mass_key()) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
set_value(long index, double value) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
set_value(float x, float y, float z, double value) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
set_void_map(int nx, int ny, int nz) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
set_was_used(bool tf) const | IMP::Object | |
show(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | |
std_normalize() | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
update_header() | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
update_resolution(Float res) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | |
update_voxel_size(float new_apix) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
upper_voxel_shift(double loc, double kdist, double orig, int ndim) const (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
weight_key_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
write_map(DensityMap *m, std::string filename, MapReaderWriter *writer) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
write_map(DensityMap *m, std::string filename) | IMP::em::DensityMap | related |
x_key_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
x_loc_ | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
xyz_ind2voxel(int x, int y, int z) const | IMP::em::DensityMap | |
xyzr_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
y_key_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
y_loc_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
z_key_ (defined in IMP::em::SampledDensityMap) | IMP::em::SampledDensityMap | protected |
z_loc_ (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | protected |
~DensityMap() (defined in IMP::em::DensityMap) | IMP::em::DensityMap | virtual |
~Object() (defined in IMP::Object) | IMP::Object | virtual |