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IMP Reference Guide  2.14.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
IMP.pmi1.io.crosslink.ResiduePairListParser Class Reference

A class to handle different styles of site pairs parsers. More...

Inherits _CrossLinkDataBaseStandardKeys.

Detailed Description

A class to handle different styles of site pairs parsers.

Implemented styles: MSSTUDIO: [Y3-S756;Y3-K759;K4-S756;K4-K759] for crosslinks [Y3-;K4-] for dead-ends QUANTITATION: sp|P33298|PRS6B_YEAST:280:x:sp|P33298|PRS6B_YEAST:337 QUANTITATION (with ambiguity separator :|:): Fbw7:107:|:StrepII2x-Fbw7fl:408:x:Nedd8:48 LAN_HUANG: PROT1:C88-PROT2:C448 ambiguous separators | or ;

This class is only available in Python.

Definition at line 397 of file /io/crosslink.py.

Public Member Functions

def get_list
 This function returns a list of cross-linked residues and the corresponding list of cross-linked chains. More...

Member Function Documentation

def IMP.pmi1.io.crosslink.ResiduePairListParser.get_list (   self,

This function returns a list of cross-linked residues and the corresponding list of cross-linked chains.

The latter list can be empty, if the style doesn't have the corresponding information.

Definition at line 426 of file /io/crosslink.py.

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