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IMP Reference Guide  2.10.1
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * \file npctransport/SimulationData.h
3  * \brief description
4  *
5  * Copyright 2007-2018 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved.
6  */
12 #include "npctransport_config.h"
13 #include <IMP/Model.h>
14 #include <IMP/PairContainer.h>
16 #include <IMP/atom/Hierarchy.h>
17 #include <IMP/SingletonContainer.h>
19 //#include <IMP/container/DynamicListSingletonContainer.h>
24 #include <IMP/core/Typed.h>
27 #include <IMP/Pointer.h>
28 #include <IMP/algebra/Vector3D.h>
29 #include <IMP/algebra/Sphere3D.h>
30 #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
31 #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
32 #include "io.h"
33 #include "Parameter.h"
34 #include "Scoring.h"
35 #include "Statistics.h"
36 #include "npctransport_proto.fwd.h"
37 #include <string>
41 // Version 2.5 - turned slab into a particle
42 // Version 3.0 - added harmonic bond with proper tau
43 // Version 4.0 - more properly handle various suffixes of FG chains (=different types of beads)
46 //! Store all parameters for a simulation
47 class IMPNPCTRANSPORTEXPORT SimulationData : public Object {
48  private:
49  // params
50  Parameter<double> output_npctransport_version_;
51  Parameter<double> box_side_;
52  Parameter<double> tunnel_radius_; // note this is the initial pore radius (major radius if toroidal pore)
53  Parameter<double> tunnel_radius_k_; // k for harmonic restraint on pore radius
54  Parameter<double> pore_anchored_beads_k_; // k for harmonic restraint on beads anchored to pore
55  Parameter<double> slab_thickness_; // note this is the initial thickness (also minor vertical radius if toroidal pore)
56  Parameter<bool> box_is_on_;
57  Parameter<int> slab_is_on_;
58  Parameter<int> number_of_trials_;
59  Parameter<int> number_of_frames_;
60  Parameter<int> dump_interval_frames_;
61  Parameter<bool> is_backbone_harmonic_;
62  Parameter<double> backbone_tau_ns_;
63  Parameter<double> angular_d_factor_;
64  Parameter<double> range_;
65  Parameter<double> statistics_fraction_;
66  Parameter<int> statistics_interval_frames_;
67  Parameter<int> output_statistics_interval_frames_;
68  Parameter<double> time_step_;
69  Parameter<double> time_step_wave_factor_;
70  Parameter<double> maximum_number_of_minutes_;
71  Parameter<double> fg_anchor_inflate_factor_; // By how much to inflate static
72  // anchors of FG nups.
73  Parameter<int> is_exclude_floaters_from_slab_initially_;
74  Parameter<double> are_floaters_on_one_slab_side_;
75  Parameter<int> is_xyz_hist_stats_;
77  // time when simulation has started for this process
78  Parameter<double> initial_simulation_time_ns_;
79  Parameter<double> temperature_k_;
81  public:
82  double get_output_npctransport_version() const { return output_npctransport_version_; }
84  /** returns the maximal interaction range between particles */
85  double get_range() const { return range_; }
87  int get_output_statistics_interval_frames()
88  { return output_statistics_interval_frames_; }
90  /** returns whether should exclude floaters from slab during initialization */
92  { return is_exclude_floaters_from_slab_initially_; }
94  /** returns whether should exclude floaters from one slab side,
95  if excluded at all
96  */
98  { return are_floaters_on_one_slab_side_;}
100  bool get_is_xyz_hist_stats()
101  { return is_xyz_hist_stats_; }
103  /** returns the simulation angular d factor */
104  double get_angular_d_factor() const
105  { return angular_d_factor_; }
108  private:
109  // the model on which the simulation is run
112  // The BrownianDynamic simulator
115  // The scoring function wrapper for the simulation
117  scoring_;
119  // The statistics manger for this simulation
121  statistics_;
123  // all beads in the simulation (=fine-level particles)
124  Particles beads_;
126  // a writer to an RMF (Rich Molecular Format) type file
129  // the root of the model hierarchy
132  // Membrane slab, if exists (mutable but is expected to be accessed only from get_slab_particle()
133  mutable PointerMember<Particle> slab_particle_;
135  // fg bead types - a set of all fg/floater/obstacle types that were
136  // added via create_fgs/floaters/obstacles(), including
137  // the suffixes of individual beads in a chain added to their chain root name
138  ParticleTypeSet fg_bead_types_;
139  // fg chain types - same as fg_bead_types but just for the root particles
140  // without the suffixes
141  ParticleTypeSet fg_chain_types_;
142  ParticleTypeSet floater_types_;
143  ParticleTypeSet obstacle_types_;
147  boost::unordered_map<core::ParticleType, algebra::Sphere3Ds> sites_;
149  boost::unordered_map<core::ParticleType, double> ranges_;
151  // the RMF format file to which simulation output is dumped:
152  std::string rmf_file_name_;
154  // whether to save restraints to rmf when
155  // calling get_rmf_sos_writer()
156  bool is_save_restraints_to_rmf_;
158  private:
160  //! initialize slab_particle_ based on current parameters
161  void create_slab_particle();
163  /**
164  Adds the FG Nup chains to the model hierarchy,
165  based on the settings in data
167  @param fg_data data for fgs of this type in protobuf format as specified
168  in data/npctransport.proto
169  */
170  void create_fgs
171  ( const ::npctransport_proto::Assignment_FGAssignment &fg_data );
173  /**
174  Adds the 'floaters' (free diffusing particles) to the model hierarchy,
175  based on the settings in data
177  @param f_data data for floater in protobuf format as specified
178  in data/npctransport.proto
179  @param color a color for all floaters of this type
180  */
181  void create_floaters(
182  const ::npctransport_proto::Assignment_FloaterAssignment &f_data,
183  display::Color color);
185  /**
186  Adds the 'obstacles' (possibly static e.g. nups that make the pore)
187  to the model hierarchy, based on the settings in data
189  @param o_data data for obstacles in protobuf format as specified in
190  data/npctransport.proto
191  */
192  void create_obstacles
193  ( const ::npctransport_proto::Assignment_ObstacleAssignment &o_data);
195  /** Initializes the simulation based on the specified assignment file
197  @param prev_output_file protobuf file with the current assignment, and
198  possibly previous progress and statistics info
199  @param[in] new_output_file new protobuf file for subsequent output and
200  statistics.
201  If it is "", then prev_output_file is being
202  rewritten.
203  @param quick whether to perform a quick simulation with a small number
204  of iterations
205  */
206  void initialize(std::string prev_output_file,
207  std::string new_output_file,
208  bool quick);
210  public:
211  /**
212  @param[in] prev_output_file name of protobuf file that encapsulates the
213  assignment data for initializing the
214  simulation params and the output
215  statistics file. The output file is
216  assumed to already exist at this
217  point and contain the assignment.
218  If it contains an rmf_conformation
219  or conformation field, it will be
220  used to initialize particle
221  positions, in that priority.
222  @param[in] quick if true, perform a very short simulation,
223  typically for calibration or for initial testing
224  @param[out] rmf_file_name RMF file to which simulation trajectory
225  is recorded (if empty, no RMF file is created
226  upon construction)
227  \see set_rmf_file()
228  @param[in] new_output_file new protobuf file for subsequent output and statistics
229  If it is "", then prev_output_file is being rewritten
230  (= default).
231  */
232  SimulationData(std::string prev_output_file, bool quick,
233  std::string rmf_file_name = std::string(),
234  std::string new_output_file = "");
236  Model *get_model();
237 #ifndef SWIG
238  Model * get_model() const {
239  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(m_, "model not initialized in get_model()");
240  return m_;
241  }
242 #endif
244  /** returns a scoring object that is updated with the current particles
245  hierarch and associated with this sd
246  */
247  Scoring * get_scoring();
249  /** returns a Statistics object that is updated by this simulation data
250  */
251  Statistics* get_statistics();
253 #ifndef SWIG
254  /** returns a scoring object that is updated with the current particles
255  hierarchy and associated with this sd
256  */
257  Scoring const* get_scoring() const;
259  /** returns a Statistics object that is updated by this simulation data
260  */
261  Statistics const* get_statistics() const;
263 #endif
265  /** gets the Brownian Dynamics object that is capable of simulating
266  this data. Statistics are not yet active for the simulation.
268  @param recreate if true, forces recreation of the bd object
269  */
270  atom::BrownianDynamics *get_bd(bool recreate = false);
272  //! activates Brownian Dynamics statistics tracking
273  //! by adding all appropriate optimizer states, if they weren't already
274  void activate_statistics();
276  /** returns the requested fraction of time for taking statistics */
277  double get_statistics_fraction() const { return statistics_fraction_; }
279  /** returns true if bead has an fg type
280  that is, particle was added within create_fgs()
281  */
282  bool get_is_fg_bead(ParticleIndex pi) const;
285  /** returns true if particle type is of fg type
286  (that is, it is one of the types added via create_fgs())
287  */
289  return fg_bead_types_.find(pt) != fg_bead_types_.end();
290  }
292  /** returns true if particle has an fg chain type
293  that is, particle has the same type as the root of an
294  fg chain that was added via create_fgs()
295  */
296  bool get_is_fg_chain(ParticleIndex pi) const;
299  /** returns true if particle type is an fg chain type
300  (that is, it is one of the types of a chain added
301  via create_fgs())
302  */
304  return fg_chain_types_.find(pt) != fg_chain_types_.end();
305  }
308  /** return all the types of fg beads that were added
309  via create_fgs() including the suffix appended to their
310  chain type name */
311  ParticleTypeSet const& get_fg_bead_types() const {
312  return fg_bead_types_;
313  }
315  /** return all the types of fg chains that were added
316  via create_fgs(), i.e. the types of chain roots */
317  ParticleTypeSet const& get_fg_chain_types() const {
318  return fg_chain_types_;
319  }
322  /** return all the types of floaters that were added
323  via create_floaters() */
324  ParticleTypeSet const& get_floater_types() const {
325  return floater_types_;
326  }
328  /** return all the types of obstacles that were added
329  via create_obstacles() */
330  ParticleTypeSet const& get_obstacle_types() const {
331  return obstacle_types_;
332  }
334  /**
335  retrieve fg chain hierarchies
337  @return all the fg hierarchies in the simulation data object
338  that stand for individual FG chains
339  */
340  atom::Hierarchies get_fg_chain_roots() const;
342  /** \deprecated_at{2.2}, use get_fg_chain_roots() instead */
344  atom::Hierarchies get_fg_chains() const
345  { return get_fg_chain_roots(); }
348  /** return all the obstacle particles */
349  ParticlesTemp get_obstacle_particles() const;
352 #ifndef SWIG
354  /**
355  returns all diffusing fine-level beads in this
356  simulation data object (or an empty list if none exists)
357  @note efficient - returns an existing container by ref
358  */
359  Particles& get_beads_byref(){ return beads_; }
360 #endif
362  /**
363  returns all diffusing fine-level beads in this
364  simulation data object (or an empty list if none exists)
365  */
366  ParticlesTemp get_beads(){ return beads_; }
369  /**
370  returns all fine-level beads that currently exist in
371  this simulation data object get_sd(), which are also optimizable
372  (or an empty list if no such bead exists)
373  */
374  ParticlesTemp get_optimizable_beads();
376  /**
377  returns all fine-level beads that currently exist in
378  this simulation data object get_sd(), which are also non-optimizable
379  (or an empty list if no such bead exists)
380  */
381  ParticlesTemp get_non_optimizable_beads();
383  bool get_is_backbone_harmonic() const
384  { return is_backbone_harmonic_; }
386  double get_backbone_tau_ns() const {
387  return backbone_tau_ns_;
388  }
390  double get_temperature_k() const
391  { return temperature_k_; }
393  /** get time from which simulation begins */
395  {return initial_simulation_time_ns_; }
397  /**
398  Create n interaction sites spread around the surface of a ball of
399  radius r, and associate these sites with all particles of type t0
401  If n==-1, creates a single site, centered at the bead, and r is ignored
403  @param t0 type of particle to associate with sites
404  @param n number of sites
405  @param r radius at which to position sites relative to t0 origin
406  @param sr radius from site center within which site
407  has maximal interaction energy
408  */
409  void set_sites(core::ParticleType t0, int n, double r, double sr);
411  /**
412  returns a list of 3D coordinates for the interaction sites associated
413  with particles of type t0. The site coordinates are in the
414  particles local reference frame
415  */
417  algebra::Vector3Ds ret;
418  if (sites_.find(t0) != sites_.end()) {
419  algebra::Sphere3Ds sites = sites_.find(t0)->second;
420  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sites.size(); i++){
421  ret.push_back(sites[i].get_center());
422  }
423  return ret;
424  } else {
425  return algebra::Vector3Ds();
426  }
427  }
429  /**
430  returns a list of Spheres3D for the interaction sites associated
431  with particles of type t0. The site coordinates are in the
432  particles local reference frame.
433  */
435  if (sites_.find(t0) != sites_.end()) {
436  return sites_.find(t0)->second;
437  } else {
438  return algebra::Sphere3Ds();
439  }
440  }
442  /** Set the sites explicitly. */
444  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sites.size()>0, "trying to set zero sites for particle type"
445  << t0.get_string() );
446  sites_[t0] = sites;
447  }
449  /**
450  Returns the effective interaction range radius of a
451  site on a floater */
452  // TODO: this is not the true value - the true one might depend on the
453  // specific range of each interaction type, so range_ is more
454  // like an upper bound
455  double get_site_display_radius(core::ParticleType) const { return std::max(range_ / 2, 6.0); }
457  //! Return the maximum number of minutes the simulation can run
458  /** Or 0 for no limit. */
460  return maximum_number_of_minutes_;
461  }
463  //! remove particle of type pt from simulation, including all
464  //! model particles, statistics and interactions associated with it
465  //! \note this does not update the protobuf assignment or protobuf statistics
466  //! \see remove_fgs_with_prefix
467  void remove_particle_type(core::ParticleType pt);
469  //! remove all FGs of specified type.
470  /**
471  Remove any FG chain if the prefix of its string representation matches s_fg_type
472  (= begins with s_fg_type, followed by an empty string or a non-digit
473  character) from the simulation, including model particles, statistics and
474  associated interaction, as well as related assignemnt and statistics data
475  from the output protobuf file
477  @param s_fg_type The FG type prefix (chain name, to which a suffix could
478  be added for children beads)
480  \see remove_particle_type
481  */
482  void remove_fgs_with_prefix(std::string s_fg_type);
484 // swig doesn't equate the two protobuf types
485 #ifndef SWIG
486  /**
487  add the specified interaction to the scoring.
488  In additions, adds statistics optimizer state about pairs of this type.
490  @param idata the protobuf data about the interaction (particle types,
491  interaction coefficients, etc.)
492  */
493  void add_interaction(
494  const ::npctransport_proto::Assignment_InteractionAssignment &idata);
495 #endif
497  // get the bounding box for this simulation
498  algebra::BoundingBox3D get_box() const;
500  double get_box_size() const;
502  void set_box_size(double box_size);
504  //* returns true if a slab is defnied */
505  bool get_has_slab() const { return slab_is_on_!=0; }
507  /** returns true if a slab is defined and has a cylindrical pore */
509  { return slab_is_on_==1; }
511  /** returns true if a slab is defined and has a toroidal pore */
513  { return slab_is_on_==2; }
515  /** returns the slab particle, initializing it based on current parameters
516  if needed
517  */
519  if(!slab_particle_ && get_has_slab()){
520  // Const cast below - cause the initialization of slab_particle_ is transparent when
521  // using get_slab_particle(), and it should only be accessed from this method
522  const_cast<SimulationData*>(this)->create_slab_particle();
523  }
524  return slab_particle_.get();
525  }
527  // get the cylinder in the slab for this simulation
528  algebra::Cylinder3D get_cylinder() const;
530  bool get_has_bounding_box() const { return box_is_on_; }
532  /**
533  Open the specified RMF file, links it to the hierarchies of this object, and
534  copy
535  the XYZ coordinates from its last frame into the particles of this object.
537  @note this method assumes that the hierarchies that are stored in the RMF
538  file
539  was constructed in the same way as the hierarchies within this SimulationData
540  object. The only major difference between the two is assumed to be the
541  coordinates of
542  the various particles. Otherwise, results might be unexpected, and it is not
543  guaranteed
544  that a mismatch would be detected at runtime.
545  \see IMP::rmf::link_hierarchies()
546  \see IMP::rmf::load_frame()
548  The frame number is the frame in the file to use, if, eg, there are several
549  initial frames to use. If it is -1, the last frame is used.
551  @exception RMF::IOException if couldn't open RMF file, or unsupported file
552  format
553  */
554  void initialize_positions_from_rmf(RMF::FileConstHandle fh,
555  int frame_number = -1);
557  /** Links a handle to an open rmf file with the
558  hierarchy and constraints of this simulation data,
559  so that writing frames into this handle will write
560  the updated state of the simulation
562  @param fh the handle to be linked
563  @param is_restraints if true, save restraints to RMF
565  \exception RMF::IOException IO error with RMF file handle
566  */
567  void link_rmf_file_handle(RMF::FileHandle fh, bool is_restraints = true);
569  /**
570  Returns the internal periodic SaveOptimizerState writer that
571  periodically outputs the particles hierarchy and restraints,
572  using the file name returned by SimulationData::get_rmf_file_name(), which is
573  assumed to be non empty. If the writer does not exist, then
574  it is constructed first.
576  \exception RMF::IOException couldn't create RMF file
577  */
578  rmf::SaveOptimizerState *get_rmf_sos_writer();
580  /**
581  Resets the RMF file to which the internal periodic SaveOptimizerState
582  writer dumps the output. If it does not exist, create it.
584  \exception RMF::IOException couldn't create RMF file or other IO related
585  problems with RMF
586  */
587  void reset_rmf();
590  /*
591  temporarily suspend output to RMF file
593  @param suspend if true, suspend an existing rmf save optimizer state,
594  associated with the bd, otherwise restores an old one, if it
595  exists or was created.
596  @note the suspension will expire when calling get_bd(true)
597  */
598  void switch_suspend_rmf(bool suspend);
600  /**
601  Write the geometry to the file path 'out'
602  */
603  void write_geometry(std::string out);
605  void dump_geometry();
607  /**
608  Returns the root of all chains of type 'type'
609  */
610  atom::Hierarchy get_root_of_type(core::ParticleType type) const;
612  unsigned int get_number_of_frames() const { return number_of_frames_; }
614  unsigned int get_number_of_trials() const { return number_of_trials_; }
616  atom::Hierarchy get_root() const { return atom::Hierarchy(root_); }
618  double get_slab_thickness() const;
620  //! returns te current tunnel radius
621  double get_tunnel_radius() const;
623  //! alias to get_tunnel_radius
624  double get_pore_radius() const{
625  return get_tunnel_radius();
626  }
628  //! returns the force coefficient for keeping the tunnel radius in
629  //! equilibrium (radius is dynamic only if this coefficient is positive)
630  double get_tunnel_radius_k() const {
631  return tunnel_radius_k_;
632  }
634  //! alias to get_tunnel_radius_k
635  double get_pore_radius_k() const {
636  return get_tunnel_radius_k();
637  }
639  //! returns true if pore radius can change dynamically
641  return get_has_slab() && get_tunnel_radius_k()>0.0;
642  }
644  double get_pore_anchored_beads_k() const {
645  return pore_anchored_beads_k_;
646  }
648  display::Geometry *get_static_geometry();
650  int get_rmf_dump_interval_frames() const { return dump_interval_frames_; }
652  std::string get_rmf_file_name() const { return rmf_file_name_; }
654  /**
655  resets the name of the RMF file that records the simulation. If
656  an old one exists from a previous call with a different name and
657  different restraints settings, then the previous RMF
658  writer is invalidated by this action (closed and flushed). If
659  the Brownian Dynamics object has already been initialized, a new
660  writer with the new name is added as an optimizer state to it
661  instead of the existing one.
662  TODO: make sure the old writer is indeed closed and flushed
664  @param new_name the new name of the rmf file
665  @param is_save_restraints_to_rmf whether to save restraints to this
666  rmf file
667  @param is_force_reset if true, force reset even if new_name and
668  is_save_restraints_to_rmf are equal to their
669  old values.
670  */
671  void set_rmf_file(const std::string &new_name,
672  bool is_save_restraints_to_rmf = true,
673  bool is_force_restart= false);
677 };
680 inline WeakObjectKey get_simulation_data_key() {
681  static WeakObjectKey simdata("simulation data");
682  return simdata;
683 }
Apply a PairScore to each Pair in a list.
Represent an RGB color.
Definition: Color.h:24
Particle * get_slab_particle() const
Simple molecular dynamics optimizer.
void set_sites(core::ParticleType t0, const algebra::Sphere3Ds &sites)
algebra::Vector3Ds get_site_centers(core::ParticleType t0) const
scoring associated with a SimulationData object
A container for Singletons.
Vector< VectorD< 3 > > Vector3Ds
Definition: VectorD.h:397
The base class for geometry.
Define the basic things needed by any Object.
Definition: object_macros.h:25
Store a set of PairContainers.
Storage of a model, its restraints, constraints and particles.
double get_maximum_number_of_minutes() const
Return the maximum number of minutes the simulation can run.
statistics and order parameters about the simulations that is associated with a SimulationData object...
Represent a cylinder in 3D.
Definition: Cylinder3D.h:26
bool get_is_pore_radius_dynamic() const
returns true if pore radius can change dynamically
Score particles based on a bounding box.
Dump the state of all associated objects into the RMF file.
ParticleTypeSet const & get_fg_bead_types() const
Implement geometry for the basic shapes from IMP.algebra.
A particle with a user-defined type.
const std::string get_string() const
Turn a key into a pretty string.
Definition: Key.h:165
double get_site_display_radius(core::ParticleType) const
double get_initial_simulation_time_ns() const
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Definition: Model.h:72
Decorator for helping deal with a hierarchy of molecules.
A container for Pairs.
Simple Brownian dynamics simulator.
bool get_is_slab_with_cylindrical_pore() const
The standard decorator for manipulating molecular structures.
Common base class for heavy weight IMP objects.
Definition: Object.h:106
int get_number_of_frames(const ::npctransport_proto::Assignment &config, double time_step)
Return all pairs from a SingletonContainer.
A smart pointer to a ref-counted Object that is a class member.
Definition: Pointer.h:146
algebra::Sphere3Ds get_sites(core::ParticleType t0) const
IMP::Vector< Sphere3D > Sphere3Ds
Definition: SphereD.h:88
ParticleTypeSet const & get_floater_types() const
Store all parameters for a simulation.
ParticleTypeSet const & get_obstacle_types() const
double get_pore_radius() const
alias to get_tunnel_radius
bool get_is_fg_chain(core::ParticleType pt) const
double get_pore_radius_k() const
alias to get_tunnel_radius_k
A nullptr-initialized pointer to an IMP Object.
Periodically dump the state of all associated objects into the RMF file.
Define some predicates.
Hierarchy get_root(Hierarchy h)
Return the root of the hierarchy.
Simple 3D vector class.
Class to handle individual particles of a Model object.
Definition: Particle.h:41
ParticleTypeSet const & get_fg_chain_types() const
#define IMP_USAGE_CHECK(expr, message)
A runtime test for incorrect usage of a class or method.
Definition: check_macros.h:168
Simple 3D sphere class.
bool get_is_fg_bead(core::ParticleType pt) const
forward declaration of incomplete protobuf files for the main data structures used ...