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IMP Reference Guide  2.10.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 """@namespace IMP.isd.gmm_tools
2  Tools for handling Gaussian Mixture Models.
3 """
5 from __future__ import print_function
6 import IMP
7 import IMP.core
8 import IMP.algebra
9 import IMP.atom
10 import IMP.em
11 import numpy as np
12 import numpy.linalg
13 import sys,os
15 try:
16  import sklearn.mixture
17  nosklearn=False
18 except:
19  nosklearn=True
20 from math import exp,sqrt,copysign
23  ps,
24  mdl,
25  transform=None,
26  radius_scale=1.0,
27  mass_scale=1.0):
28  """ read the output from write_gmm_to_text, decorate as Gaussian and Mass"""
29  ncomp=0
30  with open(in_fn,'r') as inf:
31  for l in inf:
32  if l[0]!='#':
33  if ncomp>len(ps)-1:
34  ps.append(IMP.Particle(mdl))
35  p = ps[ncomp]
36  fields=l.split('|')
37  weight=float(fields[2])
38  center=list(map(float,fields[3].split()))
39  covar=np.array(list(map(float,
40  fields[4].split()))).reshape((3,3))
41  #print('on particle',ncomp)
42  shape=IMP.algebra.get_gaussian_from_covariance(covar.tolist(),
43  IMP.algebra.Vector3D(center))
45  g = IMP.core.Gaussian.setup_particle(ps[ncomp],shape)
46  else:
47  g = IMP.core.Gaussian(ps[ncomp])
48  g.set_gaussian(shape)
50  IMP.atom.Mass.setup_particle(p,weight*mass_scale)
51  else:
52  IMP.atom.Mass(p).set_mass(weight*mass_scale)
53  rmax = sqrt(max(g.get_variances()))*radius_scale
54  if not IMP.core.XYZR.get_is_setup(ps[ncomp]):
55  IMP.core.XYZR.setup_particle(ps[ncomp],rmax)
56  else:
57  IMP.core.XYZR(ps[ncomp]).set_radius(rmax)
58  if not transform is None:
59  IMP.core.transform(IMP.core.RigidBody(ps[ncomp]),transform)
60  ncomp+=1
62 def write_gmm_to_text(ps,out_fn, comments=[]):
63  """write a list of gaussians to text. must be decorated as Gaussian and Mass"""
64  print('will write GMM text to',out_fn)
65  with open(out_fn,'w') as outf:
66  for comment in comments:
67  outf.write('# ' + comment + '\n')
68  outf.write('#|num|weight|mean|covariance matrix|\n')
69  for ng,g in enumerate(ps):
70  shape=IMP.core.Gaussian(g).get_gaussian()
71  weight=IMP.atom.Mass(g).get_mass()
72  covar=[c for row in IMP.algebra.get_covariance(shape) for c in row]
73  mean=list(shape.get_center())
74  fm=[ng,weight]+mean+covar
75  try:
76  #python 2.7 format
77  outf.write('|{}|{}|{} {} {}|{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}|\n'.format(*fm))
78  except ValueError:
79  #python 2.6 and below
80  outf.write('|{0}|{1}|{2} {3} {4}|{5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13}|\n'.format(*fm))
82 def gmm2map(to_draw,voxel_size,bounding_box=None,origin=None, fast=False, factor=2.5):
83  if type(to_draw[0]) in (IMP.Particle,IMP.atom.Hierarchy,IMP.core.Hierarchy):
84  ps=to_draw
85  elif type(to_draw[0])==IMP.core.Gaussian:
86  ps=[g.get_particle() for g in to_draw]
87  else:
88  print('ps must be Particles or Gaussians')
89  return
90  if bounding_box is None:
91  if len(ps)>1:
92  s=IMP.algebra.get_enclosing_sphere([IMP.core.XYZ(p).get_coordinates() for p in ps])
93  s2=IMP.algebra.Sphere3D(s.get_center(),s.get_radius()*3)
94  else:
95  g=IMP.core.Gaussian(ps[0]).get_gaussian()
96  s2=IMP.algebra.Sphere3D(g.get_center(),max(g.get_variances())*3)
97  bounding_box=IMP.algebra.get_bounding_box(s2)
98  shapes=[]
99  weights=[]
100  for p in ps:
101  shapes.append(IMP.core.Gaussian(p).get_gaussian())
102  weights.append(IMP.atom.Mass(p).get_mass())
103  print('rasterizing')
104  if fast:
105  grid=IMP.algebra.get_rasterized_fast(shapes,weights,voxel_size,bounding_box,factor)
106  else:
107  grid=IMP.algebra.get_rasterized(shapes,weights,voxel_size,bounding_box)
108  print('creating map')
110  if origin is not None:
111  d1.set_origin(origin)
112  return d1
113 def write_gmm_to_map(to_draw,out_fn,voxel_size,bounding_box=None,origin=None, fast=False, factor=2.5):
114  """write density map from GMM. input can be either particles or gaussians"""
115  d1 = gmm2map(to_draw,voxel_size,bounding_box,origin, fast)
116  print('will write GMM map to',out_fn)
117  IMP.em.write_map(d1,out_fn,IMP.em.MRCReaderWriter())
118  del d1
120 def write_sklearn_gmm_to_map(gmm,out_fn,apix=0,bbox=None,dmap_model=None):
121  """write density map directly from sklearn GMM (kinda slow) """
122  ### create density
123  if not dmap_model is None:
124  d1=IMP.em.create_density_map(dmap_model)
125  else:
126  d1=IMP.em.create_density_map(bbox,apix)
128  ### fill it with values from the GMM
129  print('getting coords')
130  nvox=d1.get_number_of_voxels()
131  apos=[list(d1.get_location_by_voxel(nv)) for nv in range(nvox)]
133  print('scoring')
134  scores=gmm.score(apos)
136  print('assigning')
137  for nv, score in enumerate(scores):
138  d1.set_value(nv,exp(score))
139  print('will write GMM map to',out_fn)
140  IMP.em.write_map(d1,out_fn,IMP.em.MRCReaderWriter())
142 def draw_points(pts,out_fn,trans=IMP.algebra.get_identity_transformation_3d(),
143  use_colors=False):
144  """ given some points (and optional transform), write them to chimera 'bild' format
145  colors flag only applies to ellipses, otherwise it'll be weird"""
146  with open(out_fn,'w') as outf:
147  #print 'will draw',len(pts),'points'
148  # write first point in red
149  pt=trans.get_transformed(IMP.algebra.Vector3D(pts[0]))
150  start=0
151  if use_colors:
152  outf.write('.color 1 0 0\n.dotat %.2f %.2f %.2f\n'
153  %(pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]))
154  start=1
156  # write remaining points in green
157  if use_colors:
158  outf.write('.color 0 1 0\n')
159  colors=['0 1 0','0 0 1','0 1 1']
160  for nt,t in enumerate(pts[start:]):
161  if use_colors and nt%2==0:
162  outf.write('.color %s\n' % colors[nt/2])
163  pt=trans.get_transformed(IMP.algebra.Vector3D(t))
164  outf.write('.dotat %.2f %.2f %.2f\n' %(pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]))
168 def create_gmm_for_bead(mdl,
169  particle,
170  n_components,
171  sampled_points=100000,
172  num_iter=100):
173  print('fitting bead with',n_components,'gaussians')
174  dmap=IMP.em.SampledDensityMap([particle],1.0,1.0,
175  IMP.atom.Mass.get_mass_key(),3,IMP.em.SPHERE)
176  IMP.em.write_map(dmap,'test_intermed.mrc')
177  pts=IMP.isd.sample_points_from_density(dmap,sampled_points)
178  draw_points(pts,'pts.bild')
179  density_particles=[]
180  fit_gmm_to_points(pts,n_components,mdl,
181  density_particles,
182  num_iter,'full',
183  mass_multiplier=IMP.atom.Mass(particle).get_mass())
184  return density_particles,dmap
186 def sample_and_fit_to_particles(model,
187  fragment_particles,
188  num_components,
189  sampled_points=1000000,
190  simulation_res=0.5,
191  voxel_size=1.0,
192  num_iter=100,
193  covariance_type='full',
194  multiply_by_total_mass=True,
195  output_map=None,
196  output_txt=None):
197  density_particles=[]
198  if multiply_by_total_mass:
199  mass_multiplier=sum((IMP.atom.Mass(p).get_mass() for p in set(fragment_particles)))
200  print('add_component_density: will multiply by mass',mass_multiplier)
202  # simulate density from ps, then calculate points to fit
203  print('add_component_density: sampling points')
204  dmap=IMP.em.SampledDensityMap(fragment_particles,simulation_res,voxel_size,
206  dmap.calcRMS()
207  #if not intermediate_map_fn is None:
208  # IMP.em.write_map(dmap,intermediate_map_fn)
209  pts=IMP.isd.sample_points_from_density(dmap,sampled_points)
211  # fit GMM
212  print('add_component_density: fitting GMM to',len(pts),'points')
213  fit_gmm_to_points(points=pts,
214  n_components=num_components,
215  mdl=model,
216  ps=density_particles,
217  num_iter=num_iter,
218  covariance_type=covariance_type,
219  mass_multiplier=mass_multiplier)
221  if not output_txt is None:
222  write_gmm_to_text(density_particles,output_txt)
223  if not output_map is None:
224  write_gmm_to_map(to_draw=density_particles,
225  out_fn=output_map,
226  voxel_size=voxel_size,
227  bounding_box=IMP.em.get_bounding_box(dmap))
229  return density_particles
231 def fit_gmm_to_points(points,
232  n_components,
233  mdl,
234  ps=[],
235  num_iter=100,
236  covariance_type='full',
237  min_covar=0.001,
238  init_centers=[],
239  force_radii=-1.0,
240  force_weight=-1.0,
241  mass_multiplier=1.0):
242  """fit a GMM to some points. Will return the score and the Akaike score.
243  Akaike information criterion for the current model fit. It is a measure
244  of the relative quality of the GMM that takes into account the
245  parsimony and the goodness of the fit.
246  if no particles are provided, they will be created
248  points: list of coordinates (python)
249  n_components: number of gaussians to create
250  mdl: IMP Model
251  ps: list of particles to be decorated. if empty, will add
252  num_iter: number of EM iterations
253  covariance_type: covar type for the gaussians. options: 'full', 'diagonal', 'spherical'
254  min_covar: assign a minimum value to covariance term. That is used to have more spherical
255  shaped gaussians
256  init_centers: initial coordinates of the GMM
257  force_radii: fix the radii (spheres only)
258  force_weight: fix the weights
259  mass_multiplier: multiply the weights of all the gaussians by this value
260  dirichlet: use the DGMM fitting (can reduce number of components, takes longer)
261  """
264  new_sklearn = False
265  try:
266  from sklearn.mixture import GMM
267  except ImportError:
268  from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
269  new_sklearn = True
271  print('creating GMM with n_components',n_components,'n_iter',num_iter,'covar type',covariance_type)
272  if new_sklearn:
273  # aic() calls size() on points, so it needs to a numpy array, not a list
274  points = np.array(points)
275  weights_init = precisions_init = None
276  if force_radii != -1.0:
277  print('warning: radii can no longer be forced, but setting '
278  'initial values to ', force_radii)
279  precisions_init = np.array([[1./force_radii]*3
280  for i in range(n_components)])
281  if force_weight != -1.0:
282  print('warning: weights can no longer be forced, but setting '
283  'initial values to ', force_weight)
284  weights_init = np.array([force_weight]*n_components)
286  gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_components,
287  max_iter=num_iter,
288  covariance_type=covariance_type,
289  weights_init=weights_init,
290  precisions_init=precisions_init,
291  means_init=None if init_centers==[]
292  else init_centers)
293  else:
294  params='m'
295  init_params='m'
296  if force_radii==-1.0:
297  params+='c'
298  init_params+='c'
299  else:
300  covariance_type='spherical'
301  print('forcing spherical with radii',force_radii)
303  if force_weight==-1.0:
304  params+='w'
305  init_params+='w'
306  else:
307  print('forcing weights to be',force_weight)
309  gmm = GMM(n_components=n_components, n_iter=num_iter,
310  covariance_type=covariance_type, min_covar=min_covar,
311  params=params, init_params=init_params)
312  if force_weight!=-1.0:
313  gmm.weights_=np.array([force_weight]*n_components)
314  if force_radii!=-1.0:
315  gmm.covars_=np.array([[force_radii]*3 for i in range(n_components)])
316  if init_centers!=[]:
317  gmm.means_=init_centers
318  print('fitting')
320  score=gmm.score(points)
321  akaikescore=model.aic(points)
322  #print('>>> GMM score',gmm.score(points))
324  ### convert format to core::Gaussian
325  if new_sklearn:
326  covars = gmm.covariances_
327  else:
328  covars = gmm.covars_
329  for ng in range(n_components):
330  covar=covars[ng]
331  if covar.size==3:
332  covar=np.diag(covar).tolist()
333  else:
334  covar=covar.tolist()
335  center=list(gmm.means_[ng])
336  weight=mass_multiplier*gmm.weights_[ng]
337  if ng>=len(ps):
338  ps.append(IMP.Particle(mdl))
340  g=IMP.core.Gaussian.setup_particle(ps[ng],shape)
341  IMP.atom.Mass.setup_particle(ps[ng],weight)
342  IMP.core.XYZR.setup_particle(ps[ng],sqrt(max(g.get_variances())))
344  return (score,akaikescore)
347  n_components,
348  mdl,
349  ps=[],
350  num_iter=100,
351  covariance_type='full',
352  mass_multiplier=1.0):
353  """fit a GMM to some points. Will return core::Gaussians.
354  if no particles are provided, they will be created
356  points: list of coordinates (python)
357  n_components: number of gaussians to create
358  mdl: IMP Model
359  ps: list of particles to be decorated. if empty, will add
360  num_iter: number of EM iterations
361  covariance_type: covar type for the gaussians. options: 'full', 'diagonal', 'spherical'
362  init_centers: initial coordinates of the GMM
363  force_radii: fix the radii (spheres only)
364  force_weight: fix the weights
365  mass_multiplier: multiply the weights of all the gaussians by this value
366  """
369  import sklearn.mixture
371  ### create and fit GMM
372  print('using dirichlet prior')
373  gmm=sklearn.mixture.DPGMM(n_components=n_components,
374  n_iter=num_iter,
375  covariance_type=covariance_type)
379  #print('>>> GMM score',gmm.score(points))
381  #print gmm.covars_
382  #print gmm.weights_
383  #print gmm.means_
384  ### convert format to core::Gaussian
385  for ng in range(n_components):
386  invcovar=gmm.precs_[ng]
387  covar=np.linalg.inv(invcovar)
388  if covar.size==3:
389  covar=np.diag(covar).tolist()
390  else:
391  covar=covar.tolist()
392  center=list(gmm.means_[ng])
393  weight=mass_multiplier*gmm.weights_[ng]
394  if ng>=len(ps):
395  ps.append(IMP.Particle(mdl))
397  g=IMP.core.Gaussian.setup_particle(ps[ng],shape)
398  IMP.atom.Mass.setup_particle(ps[ng],weight)
399  IMP.core.XYZR.setup_particle(ps[ng],sqrt(max(g.get_variances())))
Add mass to a particle.
Definition: Mass.h:23
def draw_points
given some points (and optional transform), write them to chimera 'bild' format colors flag only appl...
static Gaussian setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi)
Definition: core/Gaussian.h:48
static FloatKey get_mass_key()
DenseGrid3D< double > get_rasterized(const Gaussian3Ds &gmm, const Floats &weights, double cell_width, const BoundingBox3D &bb)
Rasterize the Gaussians to a grid.
BoundingBoxD< 3 > get_bounding_box(const Geometry &)
Compute the bounding box of any geometric object.
static XYZR setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi)
Definition: XYZR.h:48
double get_mass(ResidueType c)
Get the mass from the residue type.
def fit_dirichlet_gmm_to_points
fit a GMM to some points.
Gaussian3D get_gaussian_from_covariance(const Eigen::Matrix3d &covariance, const Vector3D &center)
Return a Gaussian centered at the origin from a covariance matrix.
static bool get_is_setup(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi)
Definition: Mass.h:30
static bool get_is_setup(const IMP::ParticleAdaptor &p)
Definition: XYZR.h:47
Class for sampling a density map from particles.
def fit_gmm_to_points
fit a GMM to some points.
The standard decorator for manipulating molecular structures.
DensityMap * create_density_map(const IMP::algebra::GridD< 3, S, V, E > &arg)
Create a density map from an arbitrary IMP::algebra::GridD.
Definition: DensityMap.h:633
void transform(XYZ a, const algebra::Transformation3D &tr)
Apply a transformation to the particle.
static Mass setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi, Float mass)
Definition: Mass.h:44
Basic utilities for handling cryo-electron microscopy 3D density maps.
A decorator for a particle with x,y,z coordinates.
Definition: XYZ.h:30
def write_gmm_to_map
write density map from GMM.
algebra::BoundingBoxD< 3 > get_bounding_box(const DensityMap *m)
Definition: DensityMap.h:464
Basic functionality that is expected to be used by a wide variety of IMP users.
General purpose algebraic and geometric methods that are expected to be used by a wide variety of IMP...
Eigen::Matrix3d get_covariance(const Gaussian3D &g)
VectorD< 3 > Vector3D
Definition: VectorD.h:395
Class to handle individual particles of a Model object.
Definition: Particle.h:41
Sphere3D get_enclosing_sphere(const Vector3Ds &ss)
Return a sphere containing the listed vectors.
DenseGrid3D< double > get_rasterized_fast(const Gaussian3Ds &gmm, const Floats &weights, double cell_width, const BoundingBox3D &bb, double factor=2.5)
Rasterize the Gaussians to a grid.
A decorator for helping deal with a generalized hierarchy.
def write_sklearn_gmm_to_map
write density map directly from sklearn GMM (kinda slow)
A decorator for a rigid body.
Definition: rigid_bodies.h:82
static bool get_is_setup(const IMP::ParticleAdaptor &p)
Definition: core/Gaussian.h:47
def write_gmm_to_text
write a list of gaussians to text.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
def decorate_gmm_from_text
read the output from write_gmm_to_text, decorate as Gaussian and Mass
A decorator for a particle with x,y,z coordinates and a radius.
Definition: XYZR.h:27