Hi Ben, Thanks a lot! Do you still update conda-nightly? I tried today with: conda install -c salilab imp-nightly And this gives me an older version: >>> print(IMP.__version__) 20191004.develop.2c8cd9d Would it be possible for you to create an updated conda package? Best, Jan -- Group leader at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Joint appointment Structural and Computational Biology Unit EMBL Heidelberg Group leader at Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) c/o DESY, Building 15 (CSSB), Room 02.247 Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49(0)40 8998-87573 http://www.embl-hamburg.de/research/unit/kosinski/ http://www.cssb-hamburg.de/research/jan_kosinski/index_eng.html