IMP Reference Guide
The Integrative Modeling Platform
This is the complete list of members for IMP::atom::Selection, including all inherited members.
C enum value (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
create_clone() | IMP::atom::Selection | |
get_hierarchies() const | IMP::atom::Selection | |
get_selected_particle_indexes(bool with_representation=true) const | IMP::atom::Selection | |
get_selected_particles(bool with_representation=true) const | IMP::atom::Selection | |
InputAdaptor() (defined in IMP::InputAdaptor) | IMP::InputAdaptor | protected |
N enum value (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
NONE enum value (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
operator ParticleIndexes() const (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
operator ParticlesTemp() const (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(Hierarchy hierarchy=None, Hierarchies hierarchies=[], Strings molecules=[], Ints residue_indexes=[], Strings chain_ids=[], AtomTypes atom_types=[], ResidueTypes residue_types=[], Strings domains=[], double resolution=0, RepresentationType representation_type=IMP.atom.BALLS, std::string molecule=None, int residue_index=None, std::string chain_id=None, AtomType atom_type=None, ResidueType residue_type=None, Ints hierarchy_types=None, Element element=None, Terminus terminus=None, std::string domain=None, core::ParticleType particle_type=None, core::ParticleTypes particle_types=[], int copy_index=-1, Ints copy_indexes=[], int state_index=-1, Ints state_indexes=[]) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection() (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(Hierarchy h) (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(Particle *h) (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(Model *m, const ParticleIndexes &pis) (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(const Hierarchies &h) (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Selection(const ParticlesTemp &h) (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_atom_type(AtomType types) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_atom_types(AtomTypes types) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_chain_id(std::string c) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_chain_ids(Strings chains) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_copy_index(unsigned int copy) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_copy_indexes(Ints copies) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_difference(const Selection &s) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_domain(std::string name) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_domains(Strings names) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_element(Element e) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_hierarchy_types(Ints types) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_intersection(const Selection &s) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_molecule(std::string mol) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_molecules(Strings mols) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_particle_type(core::ParticleType t) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_particle_types(core::ParticleTypes t) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_representation_type(RepresentationType t) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_residue_index(int i) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_residue_indexes(Ints indexes) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_residue_type(ResidueType type) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_residue_types(ResidueTypes types) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_resolution(double r) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_state_index(int state) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_state_indexes(Ints states) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_symmetric_difference(const Selection &s) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_terminus(Terminus t) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
set_union(const Selection &s) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
show(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection | |
Terminus enum name (defined in IMP::atom::Selection) | IMP::atom::Selection |