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IMP Reference Guide  2.12.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 ## \example pmi/
2 """This script demonstrates a few different ways you can perform selection in PMI.
3 In PMI we first set up molecules at various resolutions.
4 Then you call and this creates all requested representations.
5 """
7 import IMP
8 import IMP.atom
9 import IMP.rmf
10 import IMP.pmi
11 import IMP.pmi.topology
12 import IMP.pmi.dof
13 import IMP.pmi.macros
14 import IMP.pmi.restraints
16 import sys
18 IMP.setup_from_argv(sys.argv, "Selection in PMI")
20 ################ BEFORE BUILDING ###################
21 # Preliminaries: read sequences, create a system and a state
23 mdl = IMP.Model()
25 st = s.create_state()
27 # Create a molecule. This sets up "TempResidues" for all elements in the sequence.
28 mol = st.create_molecule("Rpb4",seqs["1WCM:D"],chain_id="D")
30 # No structure has been built yet - you have to call 'Molecule.add_representation'
31 # The first argument to that function is a set of "TempResidues"
32 # Here are some ways of getting them:
34 # Slice a molecule (uses python-style 0-ordering)
35 myres1 = mol[0:10]
37 # Use PDB numbering with residue_range (inclusive on both ends)
38 myres2 = mol.residue_range('1','10')
40 # If you add a PDB, this returns the set of TempResidues that were in the PDB file
41 atomic = mol.add_structure(IMP.pmi.get_example_path('data/1WCM_fitted.pdb'),
42  chain_id="D")
44 # You can also call these helper functions at any time
45 atomic = mol.get_atomic_residues()
46 non_atomic = mol.get_non_atomic_residues()
48 # All of the above objects are OrderedSets, so you can actually perform set operations
49 myres3 = mol[0:50] - atomic # non-atomic residues from 0 to 50
50 myres4 = mol[0:50] & atomic # atomic residues between 0 and 50
52 # Finally, pass your favorite handle to add_representation
53 mol.add_representation(myres3,
54  resolutions=[1]) #creates beads with size 1 (non-atomic can only have one beadsize)
55 mol.add_representation(myres4,
56  resolutions=[1,10]) #creates beads with size 1 and 10
58 # When you have decided all representations, call build()
59 # This returns an IMP hierarchy
60 hier =
62 # View your creation with this function
66 ################ AFTER BUILDING ###################
67 # After building, only what you requested with add_representation() can be selected
69 # PMI selection
70 # Most PMI functions will let you pass Molecules or TempResidues and it will automatically gather things.
72  resolution=1)
74 # Similarly for rigid body creation, we recommend passing PMI objects and it will gather all resolutions
76 dof.create_rigid_body(mol,
77  nonrigid_parts = non_atomic,
78  resolution='all')
80 # Advanced: IMP selection
81 # Note if you request a resolution this will find the NEAREST available resolution.
82 # E.g. if only resolution 1 is built, those particles will be returned below:
83 sel = IMP.atom.Selection(hier,resolution=10,molecule="Rpb4",residue_indexes=range(1,10))
84 particles = sel.get_selected_particles()
86 # Retrieving the molecule object
87 # The molecules are stored within the state, so you can do :
88 all_mol_copies = st.molecules["Rpb4"] # a list of all copies
89 mol = all_mol_copies[0]
Simplify creation of constraints and movers for an IMP Hierarchy.
Restraints for keeping correct stereochemistry.
void show_with_representations(Hierarchy h, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Traverse through the tree and show atom info, including representations.
Set of Python classes to create a multi-state, multi-resolution IMP hierarchy.
Strings setup_from_argv(const Strings &argv, std::string description, std::string positional_description, int num_positional)
std::string get_example_path(std::string file_name)
Return the full path to one of this module's example files.
Protocols for sampling structures and analyzing them.
This class initializes the root node of the global IMP.atom.Hierarchy.
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Definition: Model.h:72
Classes to handle different kinds of restraints.
This class creates a restraint between consecutive TempResidue objects OR an entire PMI MOlecule obje...
Create movers and set up constraints for PMI objects.
Python classes to represent, score, sample and analyze models.
A dictionary-like wrapper for reading and storing sequence data.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
Select hierarchy particles identified by the biological name.
Definition: Selection.h:66
Support for the RMF file format for storing hierarchical molecular data and markup.