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IMP Reference Guide  2.12.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 ## \example display/
2 # The script shows a couple experiments with trying to visualize an
3 # ensemble of structures. The ensemble is fairly tight on the assembly
4 # scale, but there is significant variation between the location and
5 # orientation of the individual proteins (which were modeled as rigid
6 # bodies). To save space, the models have had their sidechain atoms
7 # removed.
9 from __future__ import print_function
10 import IMP.display
11 import IMP.atom
12 import sys
14 IMP.setup_from_argv(sys.argv,
15  "Experiments with trying to visualize an ensemble of structures")
17 Segment = IMP.algebra.Segment3D
18 Cylinder = IMP.algebra.Cylinder3D
20 # turn off internal checks to speed things up
21 IMP.set_check_level(IMP.USAGE)
24 def read(m, beyond_file):
25  print("reading")
26  hs = []
27  for i in range(0, beyond_file):
28  # create a simplified version for each chain to speed up computations
30  "ensemble/aligned-" + str(i) + ".pdb")
33  hs.append(hr)
34  for c in IMP.atom.get_by_type(h, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
36  IMP.atom.Chain(c), 4)
37  hr.add_child(simp)
38  IMP.atom.destroy(h)
39  if i == 0:
40  base = IMP.atom.get_leaves(hr)
41  print(" ", i)
42  return hs
45 def add_markers(h, c, w):
46  """Add markers to a the passed conformation. The marker locations are chosen
47  pretty thoughtlessly and don't really illustrate the technique well."""
48  def add_marker(s, name):
49  g = IMP.core.XYZRGeometry(s.get_selected_particles()[0])
50  g.set_name(name)
51  g.set_color(c)
52  w.add_geometry(g)
53  s = IMP.atom.Selection(h, chain='B', residue_index=317)
54  add_marker(s, "m0")
55  s = IMP.atom.Selection(h, chain='G', residue_index=212)
56  add_marker(s, "m1")
57  s = IMP.atom.Selection(h, chain='I', residue_index=237)
58  add_marker(s, "m2")
59  s = IMP.atom.Selection(h, chain='F', residue_index=101)
60  add_marker(s, "m3")
63 def get_nice_name(h):
64  nm = h.get_name()
65  return nm[nm.find('-') + 1:nm.rfind('.')]
68 def add_axis(h, c, w, chain_colors):
69  """Add a coordinate axis to show the relative orientation of the protein"""
70  for hc in IMP.atom.get_by_type(h, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
71  rb = IMP.core.RigidMember(hc).get_rigid_body()
72  g = IMP.display.ReferenceFrameGeometry(rb.get_reference_frame())
73  g.set_name(get_nice_name(h) + "_orient")
74  if c:
75  g.set_color(c)
76  else:
77  g.set_color(chain_colors[IMP.atom.Chain(hc).get_id()])
78  w.add_geometry(g)
81 def add_skeleton(h, c, r, w, chain_colors):
82  """Show the connectivity skeleton of the conformation to give an idea of
83  how things are laid out"""
84  for hc0 in IMP.atom.get_by_type(h, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
85  for hc1 in IMP.atom.get_by_type(h, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
86  if hc1 <= hc0:
87  continue
88  d = ps.evaluate_index(h.get_model(),
89  (hc0.get_particle_index(),
90  hc1.get_particle_index()), None)
91  if d < 1:
92  d0 = IMP.core.XYZ(hc0)
93  d1 = IMP.core.XYZ(hc1)
94  mp = .5 * (d0.get_coordinates() + d1.get_coordinates())
96  Cylinder(Segment(d0.get_coordinates(), mp), r))
97  if c:
98  g.set_color(c)
99  else:
100  g.set_color(chain_colors[IMP.atom.Chain(d0).get_id()])
101  g.set_name(get_nice_name(h) + "_skel")
102  w.add_geometry(g)
104  Cylinder(Segment(d1.get_coordinates(), mp), r))
105  if c:
106  g.set_color(c)
107  else:
108  g.set_color(chain_colors[IMP.atom.Chain(d1).get_id()])
109  g.set_name(get_nice_name(h) + "_skel")
110  w.add_geometry(g)
112 IMP.set_log_level(IMP.TERSE)
113 m = IMP.Model()
115 # change to 46 to display all of them
116 hs = read(m, 3)
118 # used to test of two molecules are touching one another
122 ps.set_log_level(IMP.SILENT)
125 print("creating rigid bodies")
126 base_chains = {}
127 for hc in IMP.atom.get_by_type(hs[0], IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
128  c = IMP.atom.Chain(hc)
129  base_chains[c.get_id()] = c
131 for i, h in enumerate(hs):
132  for hc in IMP.atom.get_by_type(h, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE):
133  c = IMP.atom.Chain(hc)
134  if h == hs[0]:
136  else:
137  # make sure the rigid bodies have equivalent defining reference frames
138  # if we just used IMP.atom.create_rigid_body, globular proteins are likely
139  # to have different axis computed when starting in different
140  # orientations
142  hc, base_chains[c.get_id()])
143  print(" ", i)
145 chains = IMP.atom.get_by_type(hs[0], IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
146 chains.sort(key = lambda x: IMP.core.XYZ(x).get_x() + IMP.core.XYZ(x).get_y())
147 chain_colors = {}
148 for i, c in enumerate(chains):
149  id = IMP.atom.Chain(c).get_id()
150  #f= i/float(len(chains))
152  # IMP.display.get_jet_color(f)
153  chain_colors[id] = color
155 w = IMP.display.PymolWriter("markers.pym")
156 add_markers(hs[0], IMP.display.Color(1, 1, 1), w)
157 hso = hs[1:]
160 # sort them spatially so the colors are nicely arranged and allow one to visually connect
161 # the position of one end with that of the other
162 hso.sort(key=lambda h: IMP.core.XYZ(IMP.atom.Selection(h, chain='I',
163  residue_index=237).get_selected_particles()[0]).get_z())
164 print("adding markers", end=' ')
165 for i, h in enumerate(hso):
167  IMP.display.Color(1, 0, 0), IMP.display.Color(0, 0, 1), i / 50.)
168  add_markers(h, c, w)
169  print(" ", i)
170 w = IMP.display.PymolWriter("axis.pym")
171 print("adding axis", end=' ')
172 add_axis(hs[0], IMP.display.Color(1, 1, 1), w, chain_colors)
173 for i, h in enumerate(hs[1:]):
174  add_axis(h, None, w, chain_colors)
175  print(i, end=' ')
177 w = IMP.display.PymolWriter("skeletons.pym")
178 add_skeleton(hs[0], IMP.display.Color(1, 1, 1), 5, w, chain_colors)
179 print("adding skeleton", end=' ')
180 for i, h in enumerate(hs[1:]):
181  add_skeleton(h, None, 1, w, chain_colors)
182  print(" ", i)
Represent an RGB color.
Definition: Color.h:24
Apply a score to a fixed number of close pairs from the two sets.
Return the hierarchy leaves under a particle.
Definition: LeavesRefiner.h:25
Strings setup_from_argv(const Strings &argv, std::string description, std::string positional_description, int num_positional)
Upper bound harmonic function (non-zero when feature > mean)
IMP::core::RigidBody create_compatible_rigid_body(Hierarchy h, Hierarchy reference)
Rigidify a molecule or collection of molecules.
Represent a cylinder in 3D.
Definition: Cylinder3D.h:26
A score on the distance between the surfaces of two spheres.
Color get_interpolated_rgb(const Color &a, const Color &b, double f)
Return a color interpolated between a and b in RGB space.
Definition: Color.h:143
void read_pdb(TextInput input, int model, Hierarchy h)
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Definition: Model.h:72
static Hierarchy setup_particle(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi, ParticleIndexesAdaptor children=ParticleIndexesAdaptor())
Create a Hierarchy of level t by adding the needed attributes.
std::string get_example_path(std::string file_name)
Return the full path to one of this module's example files.
Color get_display_color(unsigned int i)
A decorator for a particle with x,y,z coordinates.
Definition: XYZ.h:30
static const IMP::core::HierarchyTraits & get_traits()
Get the molecular hierarchy HierarchyTraits.
void set_log_level(LogLevel l)
Set the current global log level.
Simple implementation of segments in 3D.
Definition: Segment3D.h:24
Hierarchy create_simplified_along_backbone(Chain input, const IntRanges &residue_segments, bool keep_detailed=false)
IMP::core::RigidBody create_rigid_body(Hierarchy h)
Class to handle individual particles of a Model object.
Definition: Particle.h:41
Write a CGO file with the geometry.
Definition: PymolWriter.h:34
Store info for a chain of a protein.
Definition: Chain.h:61
Select all CA ATOM records.
Definition: pdb.h:77
Output IMP model data in various file formats.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
Hierarchies get_leaves(const Selection &h)
Select hierarchy particles identified by the biological name.
Definition: Selection.h:66
void set_check_level(CheckLevel tf)
Control runtime checks in the code.
Definition: exception.h:73
Display an IMP::core::XYZR particle as a ball.
Definition: XYZR.h:151