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IMP Reference Guide  2.12.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 ## \example pmi/
2 """This script shows how to create a system with multiple copies of the same molecule.
3 We also create some crosslinks which take into account the ambiguity.
4 The key to ambiguity is using the same molecule name for ambiguous copies.
5 That way when you perform Selection it automatically finds all relevant molecules.
6 """
8 import IMP
9 import IMP.atom
10 import IMP.algebra
11 import IMP.rmf
12 import IMP.pmi
13 import IMP.pmi.topology
14 import IMP.pmi.dof
15 import IMP.pmi.macros
18 import tempfile
19 import os
20 import sys
22 IMP.setup_from_argv(sys.argv, "ambiguity example")
24 ###################### SYSTEM SETUP #####################
26 ### Setup multistate system
27 mdl = IMP.Model()
29 st1 = s.create_state()
30 st2 = s.create_state()
32 ### For each state add some molecules - we'll make some bead only structures
33 # State 1: ProtA (chainA), ProtA (chainB), ProtC (chainC)
34 sequence = 'A'*10
35 m1A = st1.create_molecule('ProtA',sequence,chain_id='A')
36 m1A.add_representation(m1A,resolutions=[1])
37 m1B = m1A.create_clone(chain_id='B') # create_clone() will copy name/structure/representation
38  # You cannot edit it!
39  # There is also a function create_copy() which
40  # only copies the name, then you can change reps
41 m1C = st1.create_molecule('ProtC',sequence,chain_id='C')
42 m1C.add_representation(m1C,resolutions=[1])
44 # State 2: ProtA (chainA), ProtC (chainC)
45 m2A = st2.create_molecule('ProtA',sequence,chain_id='A')
46 m2A.add_representation(m2A,resolutions=[1])
47 m2C = st2.create_molecule('ProtC',sequence,chain_id='C')
48 m2C.add_representation(m2C,resolutions=[1])
49 root_hier =
51 ### Display all the states, molecules, representations
54 ### Setup all molecules to move as flexible beads and super rigid bodies
55 # "Super rigid bodies" aren't really rigid, it's just a mover that moves the whole body together
57 for mol in (m1A,m1B,m1C,m2A,m2C):
58  dof.create_flexible_beads(mol,
59  max_trans=0.1)
60  dof.create_super_rigid_body(mol)
63 ###################### RESTRAINTS #####################
64 output_objects = [] # keep a list of functions that need to be reported
65 rmf_restraints = [] # display these restraints as springs in the RMF
67 ### Crosslinks setup
68 # 1) Create file. This one XL has 3 ambiguity options: State1 has 2, State2 has 1
69 lines = '''id,mol1,res1,mol2,res2,score
70 1,ProtA,3,ProtC,9,1.0
71 '''
72 tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='w')
73 tf.write(lines)
74 tf.close()
76 # 2) Define the columns
78 kw.set_unique_id_key("id")
79 kw.set_protein1_key("mol1")
80 kw.set_protein2_key("mol2")
81 kw.set_residue1_key("res1")
82 kw.set_residue2_key("res2")
83 kw.set_id_score_key("score")
85 xldb.create_set_from_file(
86 os.remove(
88 # 3) Add the restraint
90  root_hier=root_hier,
91  CrossLinkDataBase=xldb,
92  length=21,
93  label="XL",
94  resolution=1,
95  slope=0.01)
96 xlr.add_to_model()
97 output_objects.append(xlr)
98 rmf_restraints.append(xlr)
99 dof.get_nuisances_from_restraint(xlr) # needed to sample the nuisance particles (noise params)
101 ### Connectivity keeps things connected along the backbone
102 crs = []
103 for mol in (m1A,m1B,m1C,m2A,m2C):
105  cr.add_to_model()
106  output_objects.append(cr)
107  rmf_restraints.append(cr)
109 ### Excluded volume - one for each state (they don't interact)
110 evr1 = IMP.pmi.restraints.stereochemistry.ExcludedVolumeSphere(included_objects = (m1A,m1B,m1C))
111 evr1.add_to_model()
112 output_objects.append(evr1)
113 evr2 = IMP.pmi.restraints.stereochemistry.ExcludedVolumeSphere(included_objects = (m2A,m2C))
114 evr2.add_to_model()
115 output_objects.append(evr2)
117 ###################### SAMPLING #####################
118 # randomize particles a bit
120  max_translation=20)
122 # Shift state 2
123 # Even though the two states don't interact,
124 # it'll be easier to look at the RMF if we separate them
125 trans = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D([50,0,0])
126 for fb in IMP.core.get_leaves(m2A.get_hierarchy())+IMP.core.get_leaves(m2C.get_hierarchy()):
129 # Run replica exchange Monte Carlo sampling
131  root_hier=root_hier, # pass the root hierarchy
132  crosslink_restraints=rmf_restraints, # will display as springs
133  monte_carlo_sample_objects=dof.get_movers(), # pass MC movers
134  global_output_directory='ambiguity_output/',
135  output_objects=output_objects,
136  monte_carlo_steps=10,
137  number_of_frames=1) # increase number of frames to get better results!
138 rex.execute_macro()
Simplify creation of constraints and movers for an IMP Hierarchy.
Setup cross-link distance restraints from mass spectrometry data.
Restraints for keeping correct stereochemistry.
Simple 3D transformation class.
void show_with_representations(Hierarchy h, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Traverse through the tree and show atom info, including representations.
def shuffle_configuration
Shuffle particles.
Set of Python classes to create a multi-state, multi-resolution IMP hierarchy.
Strings setup_from_argv(const Strings &argv, std::string description, std::string positional_description, int num_positional)
GenericHierarchies get_leaves(Hierarchy mhd)
Get all the leaves of the bit of hierarchy.
Protocols for sampling structures and analyzing them.
This class initializes the root node of the global IMP.atom.Hierarchy.
Class for storing model, its restraints, constraints, and particles.
Definition: Model.h:72
void transform(XYZ a, const algebra::Transformation3D &tr)
Apply a transformation to the particle.
A decorator for a particle with x,y,z coordinates.
Definition: XYZ.h:30
General purpose algebraic and geometric methods that are expected to be used by a wide variety of IMP...
This class creates a restraint between consecutive TempResidue objects OR an entire PMI MOlecule obje...
Create movers and set up constraints for PMI objects.
A class to create an excluded volume restraint for a set of particles at a given resolution.
Restraints for handling crosslinking data.
Python classes to represent, score, sample and analyze models.
A macro to help setup and run replica exchange.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
Support for the RMF file format for storing hierarchical molecular data and markup.