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IMP.saxs examples

In this example, we read a protein from a PDB file and experimental profile file. Next we compute the theoretical profile from the PDB file and fit it to the experimental one.

This application is available as a web servicer at It is also available as C++ code in IMP/applications.

The experimental data for lysozyme is taken from crysol program (

import IMP
import IMP.atom
import IMP.core
import IMP.saxs
import os

m = IMP.Model()

#! read PDB
mp= IMP.atom.read_pdb(IMP.saxs.get_example_path('6lyz.pdb'), m,

#! read experimental profile
exp_profile = IMP.saxs.Profile(IMP.saxs.get_example_path('lyzexp.dat'))

print 'min_q = ' + str(exp_profile.get_min_q())
print 'max_q = ' + str(exp_profile.get_max_q())
print 'delta_q = ' + str(exp_profile.get_delta_q())

#! select particles from the model
particles = IMP.atom.get_by_type(mp, IMP.atom.ATOM_TYPE)

#! calculate SAXS profile
model_profile = IMP.saxs.Profile()

#! calculate chi score (should be ~0.5 for this example)
saxs_score = IMP.saxs.Score(exp_profile)
chi = saxs_score.compute_chi_score(model_profile)
print 'Chi = ' + str(chi)

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