Dear all,after some time, I updated IMP. Now the way I set up ConnectivityRestraints fails. I combine several particles to a pseudo-particle and the connectivity restraint gets a list of this pseudo-particles. The problem occurs in the moment, I try to evaluate the restraint.ÂAttached is an example script, based on the connectivity example. That works still fine in an older IMP version, but now it gives me an error message "_IMP_base.InternalException: Not in input list. Violating object: "Model 0". Attribute x of particle "P3" with id 3" even though P3 has a x-value.ÂWhat is wrong in my approach? Or what did change in the implementation?Is it related to the issue, that in my case now only displays the name, but no attributes anymore?Furthermore, there is a "WARNING ÂYou should pass the model to the Restraint constructor. Constructing ConnectivityRestraint %1%", directly when I call IMP.core.ConnectivityRetraint. Is there a possibility to add the Model already at this point, which is not described in the documentation? I use set_model in the next line...Thanks in advance!PiaPia Unverdorben (Dipl. Math.)
Max-Planck Institut fÃr Biochemie
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried
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