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Re: [IMP-users] Regarding IMP run

If you installed IMP in a location that python knows about (either via the default install or by adding the installed python location to your PYTHONPATH), then you can just run the example scripts like any other python script. If you just built IMP but didn't install it, then you can use the imppy.sh script in the tools directory to run things eg
imp/path/tools/imppy.sh python path/to/imp/script.py

On Apr 25, 2012, at 11:50 PM, subhomoi borkotoky wrote:

Dear all,

   I have the IMP to my Ubuntu 11.10 system. But I don't know how to use it even though I looked into IMP Documentation . Please let me know how can I run the example scripts. what command should I write in terminal. Please help me.

Thanks and Regards
Centre for Bioinformatics 
Pondicherry University

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