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Re: [IMP-users] ExcludedVolumeRestraint : meaning of the score

Sorry, it looks like I had gotten confused about your code. The code below looks correct.

BTW, lists of decorators and particles are automatically inter-converted, so you can just to

On Aug 9, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Benjamin SCHWARZ wrote:

Hi Daniel,

   I am sorry, but your answer remains a bit cryptic to me.

first, I don't understand this statement :
Your sample code below won't do much of interest since there are only internal pairs.
I have 4 rigid bodies, one for each chain in my pdb structure, thus I should have all atom pairs between distinct chains, should I not ?

second :
Add all the rigid bodies to one container and set up a ExcludedVolumeRestraint on that will do better.
I thought I was doing exactly this with
for rb in rigidChains.values() :

Does not seem to work, since rigidChains contains RigidBody Decorators (which are not particles), and ListSingletonContainer can only be initialized with Particles...  

rigidChains     = {}
for chain in IMP.atom.Chains(IMP.atom.get_by_type(mh, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE)) :
    rigidChains[chain.get_id()] = IMP.atom.setup_as_rigid_body(chain)
lsc = IMP.container.ListSingletonContainer()
for rb in rigidChains.values() :

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