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Re: [IMP-users] problems with a sample script (basic IMP optimization)

Following Daniel's suggestion I added a set of Movers to my MC optimizer (see code attached). Now the optimizer actually does something, though the results are very strange. It is much probable I poorly chose my parameters, and 1000 steps are not so much for a MC optimization. 

It also appears I have a problem with the cost function : it evaluates to 18.36 for the native configuration and to 1371 for an initial "noisy" configuration not so far from the initial configuration. It then evaluates to 1.03 for an "optimized" configuration where all four chains are placed far outside the sampled density. I did not discover yet if and how it is possible to set parameters for the global cost function, maybe my problem has something to do with it.

Anyhow, I would be very grateful if someone would glance at my script, just to check I did use IMP in a proper manner.


Created on 22 juil. 2010

@author: schwarz

A first serious attempt to use IMP to model a complex
  - a complex is forst loaded (1RDT : 2 domains and 2 peptides)
  - a map of the complex is sampled at 10A with apix 2.5 A
  - the chains are extracted and rigidified
  - the chains are randomely moved
  - two restraits are added to the model :
      - fit sampled map with all atomic particles
      - rigid bodies don't clash
  - optimize m

import IMP
import IMP.atom
import IMP.em
import IMP.core
import IMP.container
import IMP.algebra
import math,random

import os

#pdbFilePrefix       = "1E1Q"
pdbFilePrefix       = "1RDT"
inputDataDirPath   = "/Users/schwarz/Dev/IMPstuff/src/tests/fit_with_restraints_test/input"
outputDataDirPath  = "/Users/schwarz/Dev/IMPstuff/src/tests/fit_with_restraints_test/output"
pdbFilePath         = os.path.join(inputDataDirPath,pdbFilePrefix+".pdb")

config = (10,2.5)
maxStep = 500
MCmaxTranslation, MCmaxRotation = (5,10)

print "*** START"
print " working on " + pdbFilePrefix

m           = IMP.Model()

print "** read pdb file twice (work and reference copies)"+pdbFilePath
sel         = IMP.atom.ATOMPDBSelector()
mh          = IMP.atom.read_pdb(pdbFilePath,m,sel)

mhref       = IMP.atom.read_pdb(pdbFilePath,m,sel)
refChains   = {}
for chain in IMP.atom.Chains(IMP.atom.get_by_type(mhref, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE)):

print "** create complex map"
resolution,voxelSize = config
print " - map for config resolution:"+str(resolution)+" apix:"+str(voxelSize)
dmap            = IMP.em.SampledDensityMap(mh.get_leaves(),resolution,voxelSize)
mapName         = pdbFilePrefix+"-r"+str(resolution)+"-a"+str(voxelSize)+".mrc"
mapFilePath     = os.path.join(outputDataDirPath,mapName)
print " - writing map to "+mapFilePath

print "** extract and rigidify protein chains from structure"
#chains          = IMP.atom.Chains(IMP.atom.get_by_type(mh, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE))
rigidChains = {}
chains      = {}
for chain in IMP.atom.Chains(IMP.atom.get_by_type(mh, IMP.atom.CHAIN_TYPE)) :
    rigidChains[chain.get_id()] = IMP.atom.setup_as_rigid_body(chain)
    chains[chain.get_id()]  = chain
print "   (",str(len(chains))," chains)"

print "** add restraints"
print " - FitRestraint between map and all particles"
m.add_restraint( IMP.em.FitRestraint(IMP.Particles(IMP.core.get_leaves(mh)),dmap) )
print " - Volume exclusion restraint"
print "   - build singleton container"
lsc = IMP.container.ListSingletonContainer()
for rb in rigidChains.values() :
print "   - add restraint"
m.add_restraint( IMP.core.ExcludedVolumeRestraint(lsc, IMP.core.LeavesRefiner(chains.values()[0].get_traits())) )
print "  - initial model evaluation : "+str(m.evaluate(False))

print " - move chains randomly"
for chain in rigidChains.values():
    translation     = IMP.algebra.get_random_vector_in(IMP.algebra.get_unit_bounding_box_3d())
    translation     = translation * random.uniform( 1.0 , 5.0 )
    axis            = IMP.algebra.get_random_vector_on(IMP.algebra.get_unit_sphere_3d())
    rand_angle      = random.uniform(-50./180*math.pi,50./180*math.pi)
    rotation        = IMP.algebra.get_rotation_in_radians_about_axis(axis, rand_angle);
    transformation  = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(rotation,translation)
    IMP.core.transform( chain , transformation )

print " - save noisy structure" 
noisyModelFilePath = os.path.join(outputDataDirPath,pdbFilePrefix+"-noisy.pdb")
print " - noisy model evaluation : "+str(m.evaluate(False))

print "** Optimization"
print " - create an optimizer"
#opti = IMP.core.SteepestDescent(m)
#opti = IMP.core.ConjugateGradients(m)

opti = IMP.core.MonteCarlo(m)
print " - add movers to optimizer for all distinct chains"
for chain in rigidChains.values():
    rb_mover = IMP.core.RigidBodyMover(chain, MCmaxTranslation, MCmaxRotation )

print " - optimize"

print "** Analysis"
print " - optimized model evaluation : "+str(m.evaluate(False))
print " - save optimized model"
optimizedModelFilePath = os.path.join(outputDataDirPath,pdbFilePrefix+"-optimized.pdb")
print "-- measure discrepency between native and optimized chains"
for chainID in chains.keys() :
                           IMP.core.XYZs( chains[chainID].get_leaves() ) ,
                           IMP.core.XYZs( refChains[chainID].get_leaves() )
    print "  "+chainID+" : "+str(rmsd)
resolution,voxelSize = config

dmap            = IMP.em.SampledDensityMap(mh.get_leaves(),resolution,voxelSize)
mapName         = pdbFilePrefix+"-optimized-r"+str(resolution)+"-a"+str(voxelSize)+".mrc"
mapFilePath     = os.path.join(outputDataDirPath,mapName)
print " -- save optimized complex map for config resolution:"+str(resolution)+" apix:"+str(voxelSize)+" to "+mapFilePath

Le 23 juil. 2010 à 19:44, Daniel Russel a écrit :

The bug sounds like something Elina found and patched after the 1.0 release. I'll test your script with the current SVN. 

As general comments:
- with monte-carlo, you have to provide the move set. We really should put up an error if there is no move set :-) I'll fix that.
- Conjugate gradients can get stuck very easily (which is why we are working on a better optimizer). This is especially true with rigid bodies composed of my particles as the atom balls can get mixed in together and CG can never separate them.

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