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[IMP-dev] VectorD

As part of the discussed reorg of vector and matrix stuff, here is the patch to switch to a d-dimensional implementation for vectors.

In order to do nice error checking it adds a preprocessor macro to the _wrap compilation which is used to disable the compile time checks (since SWIG instantiates all methods, for obvious reasons) and replace them with runtime checks.

For some reason I need a typedef for Vector3D in each of the module .i files. I don't see why, but I can't get things to work without it.
Index: kernel/test/misc/test_vector3d.py
--- kernel/test/misc/test_vector3d.py	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/test/misc/test_vector3d.py	(working copy)
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@
         for i in range(3):
             self.assertEqual(prod[i], expected_prod[i])
             self.assertEqual(v1[i], expected_prod[i])
+    def test_generators(self):
+        """Check the Vector3D generators"""
+        # test calling since it is a bit non-trivial in SWIG
+        v= IMP.random_vector_in_unit_sphere()
+        v= IMP.random_vector_in_sphere(IMP.Vector3D(0,0,0), 1)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
Index: kernel/include/Vector3D.h
--- kernel/include/Vector3D.h	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/include/Vector3D.h	(working copy)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #ifndef IMP_VECTOR_3D_H
 #define IMP_VECTOR_3D_H
-#include "IMP_config.h"
+#include "VectorD.h"
 #include "base_types.h"
 #include "macros.h"
 #include "exception.h"
@@ -17,199 +17,8 @@
-//! Simple 3D vector class
-/** \ingroup helper
- */
-class IMPDLLEXPORT Vector3D
-  bool is_default() const {return false;}
-  // public for swig
-  typedef Vector3D This;
+typedef VectorD<3> Vector3D;
-  //! Initialize the vector from separate x,y,z values.
-  Vector3D(Float x, Float y, Float z) {
-    vec_[0] = x;
-    vec_[1] = y;
-    vec_[2] = z;
-  }
-  //! Default constructor
-  Vector3D() {}
-  IMP_COMPARISONS_3(vec_[0], vec_[1], vec_[2]);
-  //! \return A single component of this vector (0-2).
-  Float operator[](unsigned int i) const {
-    IMP_assert(i < 3, "Invalid component of vector requested");
-    return vec_[i];
-  }
-  //! \return A single component of this vector (0-2).
-  Float& operator[](unsigned int i) {
-    IMP_assert(i < 3, "Invalid component of vector requested");
-    return vec_[i];
-  }
-  //! \return the scalar product of two vectors.
-  /** \param[in] vec2 The other vector to use in the product.
-   */
-  Float scalar_product(const Vector3D &vec2) const {
-    return vec_[0] * vec2.vec_[0] + vec_[1] * vec2.vec_[1]
-           + vec_[2] * vec2.vec_[2];
-  }
-  //! scalar product
-  Float operator*(const Vector3D &o) const {
-    return scalar_product(o);
-  }
-  //! product with scalar
-  Vector3D operator*(Float s) const {
-    return Vector3D(operator[](0) * s,
-                    operator[](1) * s,
-                    operator[](2) * s);
-  }
-  //! divide by a scalar
-  Vector3D operator/(Float s) const {
-    return Vector3D(operator[](0) / s,
-                    operator[](1) / s,
-                    operator[](2) / s);
-  }
-  //! negation
-  Vector3D operator-() const {
-    return Vector3D(-operator[](0),
-                    -operator[](1),
-                    -operator[](2));
-  }
-  //! \return the vector product of two vectors.
-  /** \param[in] vec2 The other vector to use in the product.
-   */
-  Vector3D vector_product(const Vector3D &vec2) const {
-    return Vector3D(vec_[1] * vec2.vec_[2] - vec_[2] * vec2.vec_[1],
-                    vec_[2] * vec2.vec_[0] - vec_[0] * vec2.vec_[2],
-                    vec_[0] * vec2.vec_[1] - vec_[1] * vec2.vec_[0]);
-  }
-  //! \return The square of the magnitude of this vector.
-  Float get_squared_magnitude() const {
-    return vec_[0] * vec_[0] + vec_[1] * vec_[1] + vec_[2] * vec_[2];
-  }
-  //! \return The magnitude of this vector.
-  Float get_magnitude() const {
-    return std::sqrt(get_squared_magnitude());
-  }
-  //! \return This vector normalized to unit length.
-  Vector3D get_unit_vector() const {
-    Float mag = get_magnitude();
-    // avoid division by zero
-    mag = std::max(mag, static_cast<Float>(1e-12));
-    return Vector3D(vec_[0] / mag, vec_[1] / mag, vec_[2] / mag);
-  }
-  //! \return Difference between two vectors.
-  Vector3D operator-(const Vector3D &o) const {
-    return Vector3D(operator[](0)-o[0],
-                    operator[](1)-o[1],
-                    operator[](2)-o[2]);
-  }
-  //! \return Sum of two vectors.
-  Vector3D operator+(const Vector3D &o) const {
-    return Vector3D(operator[](0) + o[0],
-                    operator[](1) + o[1],
-                    operator[](2) + o[2]);
-  }
-  //! Accumulate the vector
-  Vector3D& operator+=(const Vector3D &o) {
-    vec_[0] += o[0];
-    vec_[1] += o[1];
-    vec_[2] += o[2];
-    return *this;
-  }
-  //! Rescale the vector
-  Vector3D& operator/=(Float f) {
-    vec_[0] /= f;
-    vec_[1] /= f;
-    vec_[2] /= f;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  //! Rescale the vector
-  Vector3D& operator*=(Float f) {
-    vec_[0] *= f;
-    vec_[1] *= f;
-    vec_[2] *= f;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  void show(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const {
-    out << "(" << operator[](0) << ", " << operator[](1) << ", "
-        << operator[](2) << ")";
-  }
-  Float vec_[3];
-//! product with scalar
-inline Vector3D operator*(Float s, const Vector3D &o) {
-  return Vector3D(o[0]*s,
-                  o[1]*s,
-                  o[2]*s);
-//! Generate a random vector in a box with uniform density
-random_vector_in_box(const Vector3D &lb=Vector3D(0,0,0),
-                     const Vector3D &ub=Vector3D(10,10,10));
-//! Generate a random vector in a sphere with uniform density
-random_vector_in_sphere(const Vector3D &center=Vector3D(0,0,0),
-                        Float radius=1);
-//! Generate a random vector on a sphere with uniform density
-random_vector_on_sphere(const Vector3D &center=Vector3D(0,0,0),
-                        Float radius=1);
-struct SpacesIO
-  const Vector3D &v_;
-  SpacesIO(const Vector3D &v): v_(v){}
-inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const SpacesIO &s)
-  out << s.v_[0] << " " << s.v_[1] << " " << s.v_[2];
-  return out;
-struct CommasIO
-  const Vector3D &v_;
-  CommasIO(const Vector3D &v): v_(v){}
-inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const CommasIO &s)
-  out << s.v_[0] << ", " << s.v_[1] << ", " << s.v_[2];
-  return out;
 #endif  /* IMP_VECTOR_3D_H */
Index: kernel/include/SConscript
--- kernel/include/SConscript	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/include/SConscript	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
          'Particle.h', 'ScoreState.h', 'OptimizerState.h', 'IMP_config.h',
          'log.h', 'DerivativeAccumulator.h',
          'Key.h', 'utility.h', 'Restraint.h', 'Optimizer.h',
-         'DecoratorBase.h', 'Vector3D.h',
+         'DecoratorBase.h', 'Vector3D.h', 'VectorD.h',
          'UnaryFunction.h', 'PairScore.h', 'SingletonScore.h', 'macros.h',
          'TripletScore.h', 'exception.h', 'VersionInfo.h',
          'Object.h', 'Pointer.h', 'RefCountedObject.h', 'ParticleRefiner.h']
Index: kernel/include/VectorD.h
--- kernel/include/VectorD.h	(revision 0)
+++ kernel/include/VectorD.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ *  \File VectorD.h   \brief Simple D vector class.
+ *
+ *  Copyright 2007-8 Sali Lab. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef IMP_VECTOR_D_H
+#define IMP_VECTOR_D_H
+#include "IMP_config.h"
+#include "base_types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#include "internal/constants.h"
+#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+//! Simple D vector class
+/** \ingroup helper
+ */
+template <unsigned int D>
+  bool is_default() const {return false;}
+  // public for swig
+  typedef VectorD<D> This;
+  //! Initialize the 3-vector from separate x,y,z values.
+  VectorD(Float x, Float y) {
+    IMP_check(D==2, "Need " << D << " to construct a "
+              << D << "-vector.", ValueException);
+    vec_[0] = x;
+    vec_[1] = y;
+  }
+  //! Initialize the 2-vector from separate x,y values.
+  VectorD(Float x, Float y, Float z) {
+    IMP_check(D==3, "Need " << D << " to construct a "
+              << D << "-vector.", ValueException);
+    vec_[0] = x;
+    vec_[1] = y;
+    vec_[2] = z;
+  }
+  //! Initialize the 2-vector from separate x,y values.
+  VectorD(Float w, Float x, Float y, Float z) {
+    IMP_check(D==4, "Need " << D << " to construct a "
+              << D << "-vector.", ValueException);
+    vec_[0] = w;
+    vec_[1] = x;
+    vec_[2] = y;
+    vec_[2] = z;
+  }
+  //! Default constructor
+  VectorD() {}
+  //! \return A single component of this vector (0-D).
+  Float operator[](unsigned int i) const {
+    IMP_assert(i < D, "Invalid component of vector requested");
+    return vec_[i];
+  }
+  //! \return A single component of this vector (0-D).
+  Float& operator[](unsigned int i) {
+    IMP_assert(i < D, "Invalid component of vector requested");
+    return vec_[i];
+  }
+  //! \return the scalar product of two vectors.
+  /** \param[in] vec2 The other vector to use in the product.
+   */
+  Float scalar_product(const This &o) const {
+    Float ret=0;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret += vec_[i]* o.vec_[i];
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! scalar product
+  Float operator*(const This &o) const {
+    return scalar_product(o);
+  }
+  //! product with scalar
+  VectorD operator*(Float s) const {
+    This ret;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret.vec_[i] = vec_[i] * s;
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! divide by a scalar
+  VectorD operator/(Float s) const {
+    This ret;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret.vec_[i] = vec_[i] / s;
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! negation
+  VectorD operator-() const {
+    This ret;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret.vec_[i] = -vec_[i];
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! \return the vector product of two vectors.
+  /** \param[in] vec2 The other vector to use in the product.
+   */
+  VectorD vector_product(const VectorD &vec2) const {
+    return VectorD(vec_[1] * vec2.vec_[2] - vec_[2] * vec2.vec_[1],
+                   vec_[2] * vec2.vec_[0] - vec_[0] * vec2.vec_[2],
+                   vec_[0] * vec2.vec_[1] - vec_[1] * vec2.vec_[0]);
+  }
+  //! \return The square of the magnitude of this vector.
+  Float get_squared_magnitude() const {
+    return scalar_product(*this);
+  }
+  //! \return The magnitude of this vector.
+  Float get_magnitude() const {
+    return std::sqrt(get_squared_magnitude());
+  }
+  //! \return This vector normalized to unit length.
+  VectorD get_unit_vector() const {
+    Float mag = get_magnitude();
+    // avoid division by zero
+    mag = std::max(mag, static_cast<Float>(1e-12));
+    return operator/(mag);
+  }
+  //! \return Difference between two vectors.
+  VectorD operator-(const VectorD &o) const {
+    This ret;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret.vec_[i] = vec_[i] - o.vec_[i];
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! \return Sum of two vectors.
+  VectorD operator+(const VectorD &o) const {
+    This ret;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      ret.vec_[i] = vec_[i] + o.vec_[i];
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  //! Accumulate the vector
+  VectorD& operator+=(const VectorD &o) {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      vec_[i] += o[i];
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  //! Rescale the vector
+  VectorD& operator/=(Float f) {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      vec_[i] /= f;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  //! Rescale the vector
+  VectorD& operator*=(Float f) {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      vec_[i] *= f;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void show(std::ostream &out=std::cout, std::string delim=", ") const {
+    out << "(";
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      out << vec_[i];
+      if (i != D-1) {
+        out << delim;
+      }
+    }
+    out << ")";
+  }
+  int compare(const This &o) const {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+      if (vec_[i] < o.vec_[i]) return -1;
+      else if (vec_[i] > o.vec_[i]) return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  Float vec_[D];
+template <unsigned int D>
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const VectorD<D> &v) {
+  v.show(out);
+  return out;
+//! product with scalar
+template <unsigned int D>
+inline VectorD<D> operator*(Float s, const VectorD<D> &o) {
+  return o*s;
+//! create a constant vector
+/** This is not the right name.
+ */
+template <unsigned int D>
+VectorD<D> constant_vector(Float s) {
+  VectorD<D> ret;
+  for (unsigned int i= 0; i < D; ++i) {
+    ret[i]=s;
+  }
+  return ret;
+//! Generate a random vector in a box with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+random_vector_in_box(const VectorD<D> &lb,
+                     const VectorD<D> &ub) {
+  VectorD<D> ret;
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i< D; ++i) {
+    IMP_check(lb[i] < ub[i], "Box for randomize must be non-empty",
+              ValueException);
+    ::boost::uniform_real<> rand(lb[i], ub[i]);
+    ret[i]=rand(random_number_generator);
+  }
+  return ret;
+//! Generate a random vector in a box with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+random_vector_in_unit_box() {
+  return random_vector_in_box(VectorD<D>(0,0,0),
+                              VectorD<D>(1,1,1));
+//! Generate a random vector in a sphere with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+random_vector_in_sphere(const VectorD<D> &center,
+                        Float radius){
+  IMP_check(radius > 0, "Radius in randomize must be postive",
+            ValueException);
+  VectorD<D> rad= constant_vector<D>(radius);
+  VectorD<D> min= center - rad;
+  VectorD<D> max= center + rad;
+  Float norm;
+  VectorD<D> ret;
+  // \todo This algorithm could be more efficient.
+  do {
+    ret=random_vector_in_box(min, max);
+    norm= (center- ret).get_magnitude();
+  } while (norm > radius);
+  return ret;
+//! Generate a random vector in a unit sphere with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+  return random_vector_in_sphere(VectorD<D>(0,0,0), 1);
+//! Generate a random vector on a sphere with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+random_vector_on_sphere(const VectorD<D> &center,
+                        Float radius) {
+  // could be made general
+  IMP_check(radius > 0, "Radius in randomize must be postive",
+            ValueException);
+  ::boost::uniform_real<> rand(-1,1);
+  VectorD<D> up;
+  up[2]= rand(random_number_generator);
+  ::boost::uniform_real<> trand(0, 2*IMP::internal::PI);
+  Float theta= trand(random_number_generator);
+  // radius of circle
+  Float r= std::sqrt(1-square(up[2]));
+  up[0]= std::sin(theta)*r;
+  up[1]= std::cos(theta)*r;
+  IMP_assert(std::abs(up.get_magnitude() -1) < .1,
+             "Error generating unit vector on sphere");
+  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Random vector on sphere is " << up << std::endl);
+  return center+ up*radius;
+//! Generate a random vector on a sphere with uniform density
+template <unsigned int D>
+random_vector_on_unit_sphere() {
+  return random_vector_on_sphere(VectorD<D>(0,0,0), 1);
+template <unsigned int D>
+struct SpacesIO
+  const VectorD<D> &v_;
+  SpacesIO(const VectorD<D> &v): v_(v){}
+template <unsigned int D>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const SpacesIO<D> &s)
+  s.v_.show(out, " ");
+  return out;
+template <unsigned int D>
+struct CommasIO
+  const VectorD<D> &v_;
+  CommasIO(const VectorD<D> &v): v_(v){}
+template <unsigned int D>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const CommasIO<D> &s)
+  s.v_.show(out, ", ");
+  return out;
+#endif  /* IMP_VECTOR_D_H */
Index: kernel/include/macros.h
--- kernel/include/macros.h	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/include/macros.h	(working copy)
@@ -8,6 +8,39 @@
 #ifndef IMP_MACROS_H
 #define IMP_MACROS_H
+//! Implement comparison in a class using a compare function
+/** The macro requires that This be defined as the type of the current class.
+    The compare function should take a const This & and return -1, 0, 1 as
+    appropriate.
+ */
+#define IMP_COMPARISONS                                                 \
+  /** */ bool operator==(const This &o) const {                         \
+    return (compare(o) == 0);                                           \
+  }                                                                     \
+  /** */ bool operator!=(const This &o) const {                         \
+    return (compare(o) != 0);                                           \
+  }                                                                     \
+  /** */ bool operator<(const This &o) const {                          \
+    IMP_assert(!is_default() && !o.is_default(),                        \
+               "Ordering with uninitialized index is undefined");       \
+    return (compare(o) <0);                                             \
+  }                                                                     \
+  /** */ bool operator>(const This &o) const {                          \
+    IMP_assert(!is_default() && !o.is_default(),                        \
+               "Ordering with uninitialized index is undefined");       \
+    return (compare(o) > 0);                                            \
+  }                                                                     \
+  /** */ bool operator>=(const This &o) const {                         \
+    IMP_assert(!is_default() && !o.is_default(),                        \
+               "Ordering with uninitialized index is undefined");       \
+    return !(compare(o) < 0);                                           \
+  }                                                                     \
+  /** */ bool operator<=(const This &o) const {                         \
+    IMP_assert(!is_default() && !o.is_default(),                        \
+               "Ordering with uninitialized index is undefined");       \
+    return !(compare(o) > 0);                                           \
+  }
 //! Implement comparison in a class using field as the variable to compare
 /** The macro requires that This be defined as the type of the current class.
Index: kernel/include/internal/SConscript
--- kernel/include/internal/SConscript	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/include/internal/SConscript	(working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
-files = ['AttributeTable.h', 'Vector.h',
-         'ref_counting.h', 'ObjectContainer.h',
-         'kernel_version_info.h', 'constants.h', 'units.h',
-         'utility.h', 'Unit.h', 'ExponentialNumber.h']
+files = [
+         'AttributeTable.h',
+         'ExponentialNumber.h',
+         'ObjectContainer.h',
+         'Unit.h',
+         'Vector.h',
+         'constants.h',
+         'kernel_version_info.h',
+         'ref_counting.h',
+         'units.h',
+         'utility.h',
+        ]
-files = [File(f) for f in files]
+files = [File(x) for x in files]
Index: kernel/src/SConscript
--- kernel/src/SConscript	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/src/SConscript	(working copy)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
          'Particle.cpp', 'ScoreState.cpp', 'Object.cpp',
          'OptimizerState.cpp', 'Log.cpp', 'Restraint.cpp', 'Optimizer.cpp',
          'random.cpp', 'Key.cpp', 'exception.cpp', 'ParticleRefiner.cpp',
-         'Vector3D.cpp', 'UnaryFunction.cpp', 'PairScore.cpp',
+         'UnaryFunction.cpp', 'PairScore.cpp',
          'SingletonScore.cpp', 'TripletScore.cpp'
         ] + internal_files
Index: kernel/src/Vector3D.cpp
--- kernel/src/Vector3D.cpp	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/src/Vector3D.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- *  \file Vector3D.cpp   \brief Simple 3D vector class.
- *
- *  Copyright 2007-8 Sali Lab. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include "IMP/Vector3D.h"
-#include "IMP/random.h"
-#include "IMP/internal/constants.h"
-#include "IMP/utility.h"
-#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
-Vector3D random_vector_in_box(const Vector3D &min, const Vector3D &max)
-  Vector3D ret;
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i< 3; ++i) {
-    IMP_check(min[i] < max[i], "Box for randomize must be non-empty",
-              ValueException);
-    ::boost::uniform_real<> rand(min[i], max[i]);
-    ret[i]=rand(random_number_generator);
-  }
-  return ret;
-Vector3D random_vector_in_sphere(const Vector3D &center, Float radius)
-  IMP_check(radius > 0, "Radius in randomize must be postive",
-            ValueException);
-  Vector3D min(center[0]-radius, center[1]-radius, center[2]-radius);
-  Vector3D max(center[0]+radius, center[1]+radius, center[2]+radius);
-  float norm;
-  Vector3D ret;
-  // \todo This algorithm could be more efficient.
-  do {
-    ret=random_vector_in_box(min, max);
-    norm= (center- ret).get_magnitude();
-  } while (norm > radius);
-  return ret;
-Vector3D random_vector_on_sphere(const Vector3D &center, Float radius)
-  IMP_check(radius > 0, "Radius in randomize must be postive",
-            ValueException);
-  ::boost::uniform_real<> rand(-1,1);
-  Vector3D up;
-  up[2]= rand(random_number_generator);
-  ::boost::uniform_real<> trand(0, 2*internal::PI);
-  Float theta= trand(random_number_generator);
-  // radius of circle
-  Float r= std::sqrt(1-square(up[2]));
-  up[0]= std::sin(theta)*r;
-  up[1]= std::cos(theta)*r;
-  IMP_assert(std::abs(up.get_magnitude() -1) < .1,
-             "Error generating unit vector on sphere");
-  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Random vector on sphere is " << up << std::endl);
-  return center+ up*radius;
Index: kernel/src/internal/SConscript
--- kernel/src/internal/SConscript	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/src/internal/SConscript	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+files = [
+         'constants.cpp',
+         'kernel_version_info.cpp',
+        ]
-files = ['kernel_version_info.cpp', 'constants.cpp']
 files = [File(x) for x in files]
Index: kernel/pyext/Vector3D.i
--- kernel/pyext/Vector3D.i	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/pyext/Vector3D.i	(working copy)
@@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
 /* Provide our own implementations for some operators */
-%ignore IMP::Vector3D::operator[];
-%ignore IMP::Vector3D::operator+=;
-%ignore IMP::Vector3D::operator*=;
-%ignore IMP::Vector3D::operator/=;
+%ignore IMP::VectorD::operator[];
+%ignore IMP::VectorD::operator+=;
+%ignore IMP::VectorD::operator*=;
+%ignore IMP::VectorD::operator/=;
 /* Make sure that we return the original Python object from C++ inplace
    operators (not a new Python proxy around the same C++ object) */
 namespace IMP {
-  %feature("shadow") Vector3D::__iadd__(const Vector3D &) %{
+  %feature("shadow") VectorD::__iadd__(const VectorD &) %{
     def __iadd__(self, *args):
         $action(self, *args)
         return self
-  %feature("shadow") Vector3D::__imul__(Float) %{
+  %feature("shadow") VectorD::__imul__(Float) %{
     def __imul__(self, *args):
         $action(self, *args)
         return self
-  %feature("shadow") Vector3D::__idiv__(Float) %{
+  %feature("shadow") VectorD::__idiv__(Float) %{
     def __idiv__(self, *args):
         $action(self, *args)
         return self
-%extend IMP::Vector3D {
+%extend IMP::VectorD {
   Float __getitem__(unsigned int index) const {
     return self->operator[](index);
@@ -33,9 +34,19 @@
   /* Ignore C++ return value from inplace operators, so that SWIG does not
      generate a new SWIG wrapper for the return value (see above). */
-  void __iadd__(const Vector3D &o) { self->operator+=(o); }
+  void __iadd__(const VectorD &o) { self->operator+=(o); }
   void __imul__(Float f) { self->operator*=(f); }
   void __idiv__(Float f) { self->operator/=(f); }
-%include "IMP/Vector3D.h"
+%include "IMP/VectorD.h"
+namespace IMP {
+   %template(Vector3D) VectorD<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_on_sphere) random_vector_on_sphere<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_in_sphere) random_vector_in_sphere<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_in_box) random_vector_in_box<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_on_unit_sphere) random_vector_on_unit_sphere<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_in_unit_sphere) random_vector_in_unit_sphere<3>;
+   %template(random_vector_in_unit_box) random_vector_in_unit_box<3>;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: kernel/pyext/SConscript
--- kernel/pyext/SConscript	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/pyext/SConscript	(working copy)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 # Get a modified build environment suitable for building Python extensions:
 e = get_pyext_environment(env, 'IMP', cplusplus=True)
 e.Append(CPPPATH=['#/build/include', e['BOOST_CPPPATH']])
 e.Append(LIBPATH=['#/build/lib'], LIBS='imp')
 # Build the Python extension from SWIG interface file:
Index: kernel/pyext/IMP.i
--- kernel/pyext/IMP.i	(revision 855)
+++ kernel/pyext/IMP.i	(working copy)
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
 %feature("director") IMP::ParticleRefiner;
 %include "IMP/base_types.h"
+%include "Vector3D.i"
 %include "IMP/Object.h"
 %include "IMP/RefCountedObject.h"
 %include "IMP/Index.h"
@@ -113,7 +114,6 @@
 %include "IMP/SingletonScore.h"
 %include "IMP/TripletScore.h"
 %include "Particle.i"
-%include "Vector3D.i"
 %include "IMP/DecoratorBase.h"
 %include "IMP/Optimizer.h"
@@ -137,4 +137,8 @@
   %template(Floats) ::std::vector<Float>;
   %template(Strings) ::std::vector<String>;
   %template(Ints) ::std::vector<Int>;
+  /*%template(Vector3D) VectorD<3>;
+  %template(random_vector_on_sphere) random_vector_on_sphere<3>;
+  %template(random_vector_in_sphere) random_vector_in_sphere<3>;
+  %template(random_vector_in_box) random_vector_in_box<3>;*/
Index: modules/core/test/states/test_close_pairs_score_state.py
--- modules/core/test/states/test_close_pairs_score_state.py	(revision 855)
+++ modules/core/test/states/test_close_pairs_score_state.py	(working copy)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
         for p in ps:
             d= IMP.core.XYZRDecorator.cast(p)
-            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_box())
+            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_unit_box())
         self._compare_lists(m, cpss)
         print "changing radius"
Index: modules/core/test/states/test_close_bipartite_pairs_score_state.py
--- modules/core/test/states/test_close_bipartite_pairs_score_state.py	(revision 855)
+++ modules/core/test/states/test_close_bipartite_pairs_score_state.py	(working copy)
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
         for p in ps0:
             d= IMP.core.XYZRDecorator.cast(p)
-            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_box())
+            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_unit_box())
         self._compare_lists(m, cpss)
         for p in ps1:
             d= IMP.core.XYZRDecorator.cast(p)
-            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_box())
+            d.set_coordinates(IMP.random_vector_in_unit_box())
         self._compare_lists(m, cpss)
         print "changing radius"
Index: modules/core/test/states/test_maximum_change.py
--- modules/core/test/states/test_maximum_change.py	(revision 855)
+++ modules/core/test/states/test_maximum_change.py	(working copy)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
         print "perturbing"
         for i in range(0,len(ps)):
             d= IMP.core.XYZDecorator(ps[i])
-            v= IMP.random_vector_in_sphere()
+            v= IMP.random_vector_in_unit_sphere()
             print v[0]
             mmax=max(mmax, float(v[0]), float(v[1]), float(v[2]))
Index: modules/core/pyext/core.i
--- modules/core/pyext/core.i	(revision 855)
+++ modules/core/pyext/core.i	(working copy)
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@
 %import "kernel/pyext/IMP_keys.i"
 namespace IMP {
+  typedef VectorD<3> Vector3D;
+namespace IMP {
   namespace core {
     %template(AtomTypeBase) ::IMP::KeyBase<IMP_ATOM_TYPE_INDEX>;
     %template(ResidueTypeBase) ::IMP::KeyBase<IMP_RESIDUE_TYPE_INDEX>;
Index: modules/misc/pyext/misc.i
--- modules/misc/pyext/misc.i	(revision 857)
+++ modules/misc/pyext/misc.i	(working copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
 /* Get definitions of kernel base classes (but do not wrap) */
 %import "kernel/pyext/IMP.i"
+namespace IMP {
+  typedef VectorD<3> Vector3D;
 namespace IMP::misc {