IMP  2.2.1
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NIMPAll IMP::kernel code is brought into the IMP namespace
 oNalgebraSee IMP.algebra for more information
 oNatomSee IMP.atom for more information
 oNbaseSee IMP.base for more information
 oNbenchmarkSee IMP.benchmark for more information
 oNcgalSee IMP.cgal for more information
 oNcnmultifitSee IMP.cnmultifit for more information
 oNcontainerSee IMP.container for more information
 oNcoreSee IMP.core for more information
 oNdisplaySee IMP.display for more information
 oNdominoSee IMP.domino for more information
 oNemSee IMP.em for more information
 oNem2dSee IMP.em2d for more information
 |oNargminmaxUtility functions to extract min/max from the inputs
 |oNbuildxlinksUtility functions to handle cross links
 |oNcsv_relatedUtility functions to handle CSV files
 |oNDatabaseUtility functions to manage SQL databases with sqlite3
 |oNrestraintsUtility functions to handle restraints
 |\Nsolutions_ioUtility functions to store and retrieve solution information
 oNexampleSee IMP.example for more information
 oNgslSee IMP.gsl for more information
 oNisdSee IMP.isd for more information
 |oNEntryClasses to handle ISD statistics files
 |oNHistoryClasses to store output from replicas
 |oNTALOSReaderClasses to handle TALOS files or folders
 |oNTBLReaderClasses to handle TBL files
 |\NutilsMiscellaneous utilities
 oNkernelSee IMP.kernel for more information
 oNkinematicsSee IMP.kinematics for more information
 oNkmeansSee IMP.kmeans for more information
 oNmiscSee IMP.misc for more information
 oNmodellerSee IMP.modeller for more information
 oNmodule_templateSee IMP.module_template for more information
 oNmpiSee IMP.mpi for more information
 oNmultifitSee IMP.multifit for more information
 oNparallelSee IMP.parallel for more information
 |oNmaster_communicatorClasses for communicating from the master to slaves
 |oNsubprocSubprocess handling
 |\NutilUtilities for the IMP.parallel module
 oNpepdockSee IMP.pepdock for more information
 oNrmfSee IMP.rmf for more information
 oNrotamerSee IMP.rotamer for more information
 oNsaxsSee IMP.saxs for more information
 oNscore_functorSee IMP.score_functor for more information
 oNscratchSee IMP.scratch for more information
 oNstatisticsSee IMP.statistics for more information
 oNsymmetrySee IMP.symmetry for more information
 \NtestSee IMP.test for more information