IMP  2.2.1
The Integrative Modeling Platform
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * \file IMP/isd/GaussianProcessInterpolation.h
3  * \brief Normal distribution of Function
4  *
5  * Copyright 2007-2014 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved.
6  */
11 #include <IMP/isd/isd_config.h>
12 #include <IMP/macros.h>
13 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
16 #include <IMP/isd/Scale.h>
17 #include <IMP/algebra/eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
18 #include <IMP/algebra/eigen3/Eigen/Cholesky>
22 class GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraint;
23 class GaussianProcessInterpolationScoreState;
25 //! GaussianProcessInterpolation
26 /** This class provides methods to perform bayesian interpolation/smoothing of
27  * data using a gaussian process prior on the function to be interpolated.
28  * It takes a dataset as input (via its sufficient statistics) along with prior
29  * mean and covariance functions. It outputs the value of the posterior mean and
30  * covariance functions at points requested by the user.
31  */
32 class IMPISDEXPORT GaussianProcessInterpolation : public base::Object {
33  public:
34  /** Constructor for the gaussian process
35  * \param [in] x : a list of coordinates in N-dimensional space
36  * corresponding to the abscissa of each observation
37  * \param [in] sample_mean \f$I\f$ : vector of mean observations at each of
38  * the previously defined coordinates
39  * \param [in] sample_std \f$s\f$ : vector of sample standard deviations
40  * \param [in] n_obs \f$N\f$ : sample size for mean and std
41  * \param [in] mean_function \f$m\f$ : a pointer to the prior mean function
42  * to use. Should be compatible with
43  * the size of x(i).
44  * \param [in] covariance_function \f$w\f$: prior covariance function.
45  * \param [in] sigma : ISD Scale (proportionality factor to S)
46  * \param [in] sparse_cutoff : when to consider that a matrix entry is zero
47  *
48  * Computes the necessary matrices and inverses when called.
49  */
51  Floats sample_std, unsigned n_obs,
52  UnivariateFunction *mean_function,
53  BivariateFunction *covariance_function,
54  kernel::Particle *sigma,
55  double sparse_cutoff = 1e-7);
57  /** Get posterior mean and covariance functions, at the points requested
58  * Posterior mean is defined as
59  * \f[\hat{I}(x) = m(x)
60  * + {}^t\mathbf{w}(q)
61  * (\mathbf{W}+\mathbf{S})^{-1}
62  * (\mathbf{I}-\mathbf{m}) \f]
63  * Posterior covariance
64  * \f[\hat{\sigma}^2(x,x') =
65  * w(x,x') - {}^t\mathbf{w}(x)
66  * (\mathbf{W} + \mathbf{S})^{-1}
67  * \mathbf{w}(x') \f]
68  * where \f$\mathbf{m}\f$ is the vector built by evaluating the prior mean
69  * function at the observation points; \f$\mathbf{w}(x)\f$ is the vector of
70  * covariances between each observation point and the current point;
71  * \f$\mathbf{W}\f$ is the prior covariance matrix built by evaluating the
72  * covariance function at each of the observations; \f$\mathbf{S}\f$ is the
73  * diagonal covariance matrix built from sample_std and n_obs.
74  *
75  * Both functions will check if the mean or covariance functions have
76  *changed
77  * since the last call, and will recompute
78  * \f$(\mathbf{W} + \mathbf{S})^{-1}\f$ if necessary.
79  */
80  double get_posterior_mean(Floats x) const;
81  double get_posterior_covariance(Floats x1, Floats x2) const;
82 #ifndef SWIG
83  // c++ only
84  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_posterior_covariance_matrix(FloatsList x) const;
85 #endif
86  // for python
87  FloatsList get_posterior_covariance_matrix(FloatsList x, bool) const;
89 #ifndef SWIG
90 // derivative: d(mean(q))/(dparticle_i)
91 // IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_posterior_mean_derivative(Floats x) const;
92 #endif
94 #ifndef SWIG
95  // derivative: d(cov(q,q))/(dparticle_i)
96  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_posterior_covariance_derivative(Floats x) const;
97 #endif
98  // for python
99  Floats get_posterior_covariance_derivative(Floats x, bool) const;
101 #ifndef SWIG
102 // hessian: d(mean(q))/(dparticle_i dparticle_j)
103 // IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_posterior_mean_hessian(Floats x) const;
104 #endif
106 #ifndef SWIG
107  // hessian: d(cov(q,q))/(dparticle_i dparticle_j)
108  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_posterior_covariance_hessian(Floats x) const;
109 #endif
110  // for python
111  FloatsList get_posterior_covariance_hessian(Floats x, bool) const;
113  // needed for restraints using gpi
117  // call these if you called update() on the mean or covariance function.
118  // it will force update any internal variables dependent on these functions.
119  void force_mean_update();
120  void force_covariance_update();
122  // returns the number of particles that control m's values.
123  // public for testing purposes
124  unsigned get_number_of_m_particles() const;
126  // returns true if a particle is optimized
127  // public for testing purposes
128  bool get_m_particle_is_optimized(unsigned i) const;
130  // returns the number of particles that control Omega's values.
131  // public for testing purposes
132  unsigned get_number_of_Omega_particles() const;
134  // returns true if a particle is optimized
135  // public for testing purposes
136  bool get_Omega_particle_is_optimized(unsigned i) const;
138  // returns data
139  FloatsList get_data_abscissa() const;
140  Floats get_data_mean() const;
141  FloatsList get_data_variance() const;
144  friend class GaussianProcessInterpolationScoreState;
148  protected:
149  // returns updated data vector
150  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_I() const { return I_; }
151  // returns updated prior mean vector
152  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_m() const;
153  // returns dm/dparticle
154  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_m_derivative(unsigned particle) const;
155  // returns d2m/(dparticle_1 dparticle_2)
156  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_m_second_derivative(unsigned particle1,
157  unsigned particle2) const;
158  // returns updated prior covariance vector
159  void add_to_m_particle_derivative(unsigned particle, double value,
160  DerivativeAccumulator &accum);
161  // returns updated prior covariance vector
162  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_wx_vector(Floats xval) const;
163  // returns updated data covariance matrix
164  IMP_Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, IMP_Eigen::Dynamic> get_S() const {
165  return S_;
166  }
167  // returns updated prior covariance matrix
168  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_W() const;
169  // returns Omega=(W+S/N)
170  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_Omega() const;
171  // returns dOmega/dparticle
172  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_Omega_derivative(unsigned particle) const;
173  // returns d2Omega/(dparticle_1 dparticle_2)
174  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_Omega_second_derivative(unsigned particle1,
175  unsigned particle2) const;
176  // returns updated prior covariance vector
177  void add_to_Omega_particle_derivative(unsigned particle, double value,
178  DerivativeAccumulator &accum);
179  // returns LDLT decomp of omega
180  IMP_Eigen::LDLT<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd, IMP_Eigen::Upper> get_ldlt() const;
181  // returns updated Omega^{-1}
182  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_Omi() const;
183  // returns updated Omega^{-1}(I-m)
184  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_OmiIm() const;
186  private:
187  // ensures the mean/covariance function has updated parameters. Signals an
188  // update by changing the state flags. Returns true if the function has
189  // changed. This is used by GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraint.
190  void update_flags_mean();
191  void update_flags_covariance();
193  // compute prior covariance matrix
194  void compute_W();
195  // compute \f$(\mathbf{W} + \frac{\sigma}{N}\mathbf{S})^{-1}\f$.
196  void compute_Omega();
197  // compute LDLT decomposition of Omega
198  void compute_ldlt();
199  // compute \f$(\mathbf{W} + \frac{\sigma}{N}\mathbf{S})^{-1}\f$.
200  void compute_Omi();
201  // compute (W+sigma*S/N)^{-1} (I-m)
202  void compute_OmiIm();
204  // compute dw(q)/dparticle_i
205  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_wx_vector_derivative(Floats q, unsigned i) const;
206  // compute dw(q)/(dparticle_i * dparticle_j)
207  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_wx_vector_second_derivative(Floats q, unsigned i,
208  unsigned j) const;
210  // compute dcov(q,q)/dw(q)
211  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd get_dcov_dwq(Floats q) const;
212  // compute dcov(q,q)/dOmega
213  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_dcov_dOm(Floats q) const;
214  // compute d2cov(q,q)/(dw(q) dw(q)) (independent of q !)
215  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_d2cov_dwq_dwq() const;
216  // compute d2cov(q,q)/(dw(q)_m dOmega)
217  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_d2cov_dwq_dOm(Floats q, unsigned m) const;
218  // compute d2cov(q,q)/(dOmega dOmega_mn)
219  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd get_d2cov_dOm_dOm(Floats q, unsigned m, unsigned n) const;
221  // compute mean observations
222  void compute_I(Floats mean);
223  // compute diagonal covariance matrix of observations
224  void compute_S(Floats std);
225  // compute prior mean vector
226  void compute_m();
228  private:
229  unsigned N_; // number of dimensions of the abscissa
230  unsigned M_; // number of observations to learn from
231  FloatsList x_; // abscissa
232  unsigned n_obs_; // number of observations
233  // pointer to the prior mean function
235  // pointer to the prior covariance function
236  IMP::base::PointerMember<BivariateFunction> covariance_function_;
237  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd I_, m_;
238  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd W_, Omega_, Omi_; // Omi = Omega^{-1}
239  IMP_Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, IMP_Eigen::Dynamic> S_;
240  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd OmiIm_; // Omi * (I - m)
241  bool flag_m_, flag_m_gpir_, flag_Omi_, flag_OmiIm_, flag_W_, flag_Omega_,
242  flag_Omega_gpir_, flag_ldlt_;
244  double cutoff_;
245  double sigma_val_; // to know if an update is needed
246  IMP_Eigen::LDLT<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd, IMP_Eigen::Upper> ldlt_;
247 };
Base class for functions of one variable.
Class for adding derivatives from restraints to the model.
A smart pointer to a ref-counted Object that is a class memeber.
Definition: base/Pointer.h:147
A decorator for scale parameters particles.
ParticlesTemp get_input_particles(const ModelObjectsTemp &mos)
Classes for general functions.
Import IMP/kernel/macros.h in the namespace.
ContainersTemp get_input_containers(const ModelObjectsTemp &mos)
IMP::base::Vector< IMP::base::WeakPointer< Container > > ContainersTemp
Base class for functions of two variables.
Define the basic things needed by any Object.
Class to handle individual model particles.
Common base class for heavy weight IMP objects.
Definition: base/Object.h:106
Classes for general functions.