

RMF provides a number of useful executables in the bin directory.


rmf_show out the hierarchy in the file, optionally showing decorators and data.

Show an rmf file as text.
Usage: ./bin/rmf_show rmf
  -d [ --decorators ]   Show what decorators recognize each node.
  -f [ --frame ] arg    Frame to use
  -h [ --help ]         Get help on command line arguments.
  -v [ --verbose ]      Show attribute values for each node.


rmf_frames prints out the frame hierarchy in the passed file.

Print out information about frames
Usage: ./bin/rmf_frames rmf
  -h [ --help ]         Get help on command line arguments.


rmf_info displays information about the attributes found in the RMF file and how much they are used.

Print out information about categories and keys.
Usage: ./bin/rmf_info rmf
  -f [ --frame ] arg    Frame to use
  -h [ --help ]         Get help on command line arguments.


rmf_slice creates a new RMF file from frames selected from an existing one.

Grab frames from an rmf file
Usage: ./bin/rmf_slice input_rmf output_rmf
  -f [ --frame ] arg      First (or only) frame to use
  -s [ --frame_step ] arg The step size for frames. Must be > 0.
  -h [ --help ]           Get help on command line arguments.


rmf_cat creates a new RMF file by concatenating several. Each file must have the same hierarchical structure.

Combine two or more rmf files.
Usage: ./bin/rmf_cat input_1.rmf input_2.rmf ... output.rmf
  -f [ --force ]        Combine files even if they have different structure or static frame.
  -h [ --help ]         Get help on command line arguments.
  -v [ --verbose ]      Produce more output.
  --hdf5-errors         Show hdf5 errors.
  --log-level arg       What log level to use: Trace, Info, Warn, Error, Off


rmf_xml prints out the hierarchy and data to an XML file that can be opened in an XML viewer (eg Google Chrome or Firefox). These viewers support collapsing of subtrees, which makes it much easier to get around large hierarchies.


rmf_validate checks for errors in an RMF file. It currently isn't very powerful.


rmf3_dump shows a low level dump of a 3rd generation RMF file (these are the current, avro-based files). It is primarily there for debugging.