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[IMP-dev] git commit model addition

Hi there

I've added something graphical to make things clearer to what Daniel has been writing in the wiki. For now, it's in a separate page

but I think it needs to be merged with these two pages

attached, you will find the graph, which I didn't know how to include in github.

comments welcome!


Attachment: imp-flow.svg
Description: image/svg

digraph {
start [shape=diamond, label="Size of the change"];

start -> mini [label="Minimal"];
start -> feature [label="Larger and/or shared"];

mini [shape=box, label="make changes\ngit commit change.cpp -m 'message'"];
mini -> push;

push [shape=box, label="Push changes to main repository\n git push origin develop"];

push -> has_success;
has_success [shape=diamond, label="push succeeded?"];
has_success -> success [label="Yes"];
has_success -> fail [label="No"];

success [shape=box, label="Done."];

fail [shape=box, label="Need to update develop\ngit pull origin develop"];
fail -> has_success;

feature [shape=diamond, label="Has a feature already\n been created remotely?"]

feature -> feature_yes [label="Yes"];
feature -> feature_no [label="No"];

feature_no [shape=box, label="Create a new feature branch\n git flow feature start feature/myfeaturename\n create README.md file\n git add README.md\n git commit README.md -m 'add README.md'\n git flow publish feature/myfeaturename"];

feature_yes [shape=box, label="Get the feature\n git flow feature track feature/myfeaturename"]

feature_yes -> develop;
feature_no -> develop;

develop [shape=box, label="Develop your stuff, then commit locally\n git add mychange.py\n git add mychange2.cpp\n git commit -m 'some message'"];
develop -> update;
update -> develop;
update [shape=box, label="Keep local and remote features in sync\n git flow feature pull origin\n git flow feature push origin feature/myfeatureneame"];

update -> mymodule;

mymodule [shape=diamond, label="Is this your module\n you're working on?"];

mymodule -> finish_feature [label="Yes"];
mymodule -> notmymodule [label="No"];

notmymodule [shape=box, label="Send mail to imp-dev asking for\n comments on feature/myfeature"];

notmymodule -> bdok;

bdok [shape=diamond, label="Are Ben and/or Daniel OK with it?"];

bdok -> develop [label="No"];
bdok -> finish_feature [label="Yes"];

finish_feature [shape=box, label="Merge feature branch back in develop\n git flow feature finish feature/myfeaturename"];

finish_feature -> push;

{ rank=same; has_success; fail }
