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Re: [IMP-dev] Minor breaking change and a proposal for some other changes

that they make
any more sense than coordinates for any other level of the

On this I agree with you - if atoms have coordinates, then so should
residues, chains, domains, proteins. It certainly seems reasonable
therefore that *none* of these things should have coordinates "by
construction" and that we just use an XYZDecorator (or an XYZRDecorator)
if we want to additionally treat them as points or spheres.
That was my thought. Having unused coordinated is bad and all levels should be equivalent.

Well, that is true, but it seems reasonable to allow multiple
inheritance in decorators - or at least, it seems unreasonable to
preclude it.
The problem is just a practical one: either we use virtual inheritence or we have two particle pointers. Neither is very nice.