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Re: [IMP-dev] More patches with a couple API changes

Daniel Russel wrote:
- The constructors for the nonbonded lists no longer take the radius key as an argument. They default to XYZRDecorator::get_radius_key and the value can be set using the set_radius_key method

What if I wanted a particle to have more than one radius? It seems like this would make such a thing impossible. I can certainly imagine spheres with a 'hard' inner radius and a 'soft' outer radius, to allow partial penetration. And all atoms in Modeller have two radii.

- More changes to the names of the hierarchy and molecular hierarchy decorator functions to make them more consistent. Those should be stable now

Is there a reason why these are not static methods? Seems like that would make more sense, and give a cleaner namespace, e.g. rather than IMP::hierarchy_get_by_attributes(), use instead IMP::HierarchyDecorator::get_by_attributes().

- I added a function in log.h to control whether exception messages are dumped to standard error in addition to being embedded in the exception. The current default is yes. The python lib init code should probably set it to false for python, but I don't know how to do that.

I can handle that - it's just a %init line in the SWIG wrapper. I'm not sure why it should ever be true, actually. Surely if I throw an exception and then catch it somewhere else in the code that exception is expected, and I shouldn't bother the user with it. Seems like only unhandled exceptions should be logged.

Other changes look fine to me, and will continue to work their way gradually into SVN when I have time to disentangle the patch.

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data."
	- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle