IMP  2.4.0
The Integrative Modeling Platform
1 from __future__ import print_function
2 import IMP
3 import RMF
4 import IMP.atom
5 import IMP.rmf
6 import IMP.pmi
7 import IMP.pmi.analysis
8 import IMP.pmi.output
9 from collections import defaultdict
10 import numpy as np
11 from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
13 class TopologyPlot(object):
14  """A class to read RMF files and make a network contact map"""
15  def __init__(self,model,selections,cutoff,frequency_cutoff,
16  colors=None,fixed=None,pos=None,proteomic_edges=None,quantitative_proteomic_data=None):
17  """Set up a new graphXL object
18  @param model The IMP model
19  @param selection_dict A dictionary containing component names.
20  Keys are labels
21  values are either moleculename or start,stop,moleculename
22  @param cutoff The distance cutoff
23  @param frequency_cutoff The frequency cutoff
24  @param colors A dictionary of colors (HEX code,values) for subunits (keywords)
25  @param fixed A list of subunits that are kept fixed
26  @param pos A dictionary with positions (tuple, values) of subunits (keywords)
27  @param proteomic_edges A list edges to represent proteomic data
28  @param quantitative_proteomic_data A dictionary of edges to represent
29  quantitative proteomic data such as PE Scores, or genetic interactions
30  """
31  import itertools\
33  self.mdl = model
34  self.selections = selections
35  self.contact_counts={}
36  self.edges=defaultdict(int)
37  for (name1,name2) in itertools.combinations(self.selections.keys(),2):
38  self.edges[tuple(sorted((name1,name2)))]=0
39  self.cutoff = cutoff
40  self.frequency_cutoff=frequency_cutoff
41  self.gcpf = IMP.core.GridClosePairsFinder()
42  self.gcpf.set_distance(self.cutoff)
43  self.names = list(self.selections.keys())
44  self.colors=colors
45  self.fixed=fixed
46  self.pos=pos
47  self.proteomic_edges=proteomic_edges
48  self.quantitative_proteomic_data=quantitative_proteomic_data
49  self.num_rmf=0
51  def add_rmf(self,rmf_fn,nframe):
52  """Add selections from an RMF file"""
53  print('reading from RMF file',rmf_fn)
54  rh = RMF.open_rmf_file_read_only(rmf_fn)
55  prots = IMP.rmf.create_hierarchies(rh, self.mdl)
56  hier = prots[0]
57  IMP.rmf.load_frame(rh,0)
58  ps_per_component=defaultdict(list)
59  if self.num_rmf==0:
60  self.size_per_component=defaultdict(int)
61  self.mdl.update()
63  #gathers particles for all components
65  all_particles_by_resolution = []
66  for name in part_dict:
67  all_particles_by_resolution += part_dict[name]
69  for component_name in self.selections:
70  for seg in self.selections[component_name]:
71  if type(seg) == str:
72  s = IMP.atom.Selection(hier,molecule=seg)
73  elif type(seg) == tuple:
74  s = IMP.atom.Selection(hier,molecule=seg[2],
75  residue_indexes=range(seg[0], seg[1] + 1))
76  else:
77  raise Exception('could not understand selection tuple '+str(seg))
78  parts = list(set(s.get_selected_particles()) & set(all_particles_by_resolution))
79  ps_per_component[component_name] += IMP.get_indexes(parts)
80  if self.num_rmf==0:
81  self.size_per_component[component_name] += sum(len( for p in parts)
83  for n1,name1 in enumerate(self.names):
84  for name2 in self.names[n1+1:]:
85  ncontacts = len(self.gcpf.get_close_pairs(self.mdl,
86  ps_per_component[name1],
87  ps_per_component[name2]))
88  if ncontacts>0:
89  self.edges[tuple(sorted((name1,name2)))]+=1.0
91  self.num_rmf+=1
93  def make_plot(self,groups,out_fn,quantitative_proteomic_data=False):
94  '''
95  plot the interaction matrix
96  @param groups is the list of groups of domains, eg,
97  [["protA_1-10","prot1A_11-100"],["protB"]....]
98  it will plot a space between different groups
99  @param quantitative_proteomic_data plot the quantitative proteomic data
100  '''
101  import numpy as np
102  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
103  from matplotlib import cm
105  ax=plt.gca()
106  ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
107  ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator())
108  ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator())
110  largespace=0.6
111  smallspace=0.5
112  squaredistance=1.0
113  squaresize=0.99
114  domain_xlocations={}
115  domain_ylocations={}
117  xoffset=squaredistance
118  yoffset=squaredistance
119  xlabels=[]
120  ylabels=[]
121  for group in groups:
122  xoffset+=largespace
123  yoffset+=largespace
124  for subgroup in group:
125  xoffset+=smallspace
126  yoffset+=smallspace
127  for domain in subgroup:
128  domain_xlocations[domain]=xoffset
129  domain_ylocations[domain]=yoffset
130  #rect = plt.Rectangle([xoffset- squaresize / 2, yoffset - squaresize / 2], squaresize, squaresize,
131  # facecolor=(1,1,1), edgecolor=(0.1,0.1,0.1))
133  #ax.add_patch(rect)
134  #ax.text(xoffset , yoffset ,domain,horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation=-45.0)
135  xoffset+=squaredistance
136  yoffset+=squaredistance
138  for edge,count in self.edges.items():
140  if quantitative_proteomic_data:
141  #normalize
142  maxqpd=max(self.quantitative_proteomic_data.values())
143  minqpd=min(self.quantitative_proteomic_data.values())
144  if edge in self.quantitative_proteomic_data:
145  value=self.quantitative_proteomic_data[edge]
146  elif (edge[1],edge[0]) in self.quantitative_proteomic_data:
147  value=self.quantitative_proteomic_data[(edge[1],edge[0])]
148  else:
149  value=0.0
150  print(minqpd,maxqpd)
151  density=(1.0-(value-minqpd)/(maxqpd-minqpd))
152  else:
153  density=(1.0-float(count)/self.num_rmf)
154  color=(density,density,1.0)
155  x=domain_xlocations[edge[0]]
156  y=domain_ylocations[edge[1]]
157  if x>y: xtmp=y; ytmp=x; x=xtmp; y=ytmp
158  rect = plt.Rectangle([x - squaresize / 2, y - squaresize / 2], squaresize, squaresize,
159  facecolor=color, edgecolor='Gray', linewidth=0.1)
160  ax.add_patch(rect)
161  rect = plt.Rectangle([y - squaresize / 2, x - squaresize / 2], squaresize, squaresize,
162  facecolor=color, edgecolor='Gray', linewidth=0.1)
163  ax.add_patch(rect)
165  ax.autoscale_view()
166  plt.savefig(out_fn)
168  exit()
170  def make_graph(self,out_fn):
171  edges=[]
172  weights=[]
173  print('num edges',len(self.edges))
174  for edge,count in self.edges.items():
175  # filter if frequency of contacts is greater than frequency_cutoff
176  if float(count)/self.num_rmf>self.frequency_cutoff:
177  print(count,edge)
178  edges.append(edge)
179  weights.append(count)
180  for nw,w in enumerate(weights):
181  weights[nw]=float(weights[nw])/max(weights)
182  IMP.pmi.output.draw_graph(edges,#node_size=1000,
183  node_size=dict(self.size_per_component),
184  node_color=self.colors,
185  fixed=self.fixed,
186  pos=self.pos,
187  edge_thickness=1, #weights,
188  edge_alpha=0.3,
189  edge_color='gray',
190  out_filename=out_fn,
191  validation_edges=self.proteomic_edges)
A class to read RMF files and make a network contact map.
atom::Hierarchies create_hierarchies(RMF::FileConstHandle fh, kernel::Model *m)
def make_plot
plot the interaction matrix
void load_frame(RMF::FileConstHandle file, unsigned int frame)
Definition: frames.h:27
def add_rmf
Add selections from an RMF file.
def __init__
Set up a new graphXL object.
def get_particles_at_resolution_one
Get particles at res 1, or any beads, based on the name.
Tools for clustering and cluster analysis.
Definition: pmi/
Find all nearby pairs by testing all pairs.
Classes for writing output files and processing them.
Python classes to represent, score, sample and analyze models.
Functionality for loading, creating, manipulating and scoring atomic structures.
Select hierarchy particles identified by the biological name.
Definition: Selection.h:62
Support for the RMF file format for storing hierarchical molecular data and markup.
def get_residue_indexes
Retrieve the residue indexes for the given particle.